Hearing Tang Yunchen's voice, MEIHUIZI comes back to her mind. Did MEIHUIZI think that she was just staring at Tang Yunchen?

"Ah No it 's nothing. Today is my first time to make coffee. I don't know I'm not satisfied with you. Would you like to have a drink first? " MEIHUIZI said.

Hearing MEIHUIZI's words, Tang Yunchen looks at the steaming coffee on the table and reaches out to take a sip.

"How about it?" MEIHUIZI asked nervously. Although she used to make coffee for her boss when she was a secretary, it was the first time that she used this freshly ground coffee to make coffee in a coffee machine.

Tang Yunchen smiles and nods: "you bubble very good to drink."

"Well Then I'll give it to you. If the president has anything to do, please call me again. " MEIHUIZI is about to leave when Tang Yunchen's mobile phone rings suddenly.

Tang Yunchen looked at the mobile phone and saw the name of Jiang Ziyu on the caller ID: "Hello, what's wrong with Ziyu?"

"Chen, are you going to the party today?"

If Jiang Ziyu hadn't reminded himself, Tang Yunchen almost forgot that there was a banquet to attend today.

"I know. I'll go."

"But you're not going to come alone again? You haven't found a partner yet? You can't even find a girl's companion, can you? " Jiang Ziyu deliberately stimulated Tang Yunchen. After all, as Tang Yunchen's brother, Jiang Ziyu certainly hoped that Tang Yunchen could find his other half.

Hearing Jiang Ziyu say this, I feel like I'm not normal if I don't even have a female partner.

Now Tang Xiaorui and Jiang Ziyu are urging themselves to find a partner, as if he could not find a partner.

Don't know why, Tang Yunchen suddenly thought of something, opened his mouth and said: "don't worry, I won't go alone today. I'll see you in the evening Tang Yunchen said hang up the phone, looking at the closed door of the office.

He didn't know why he should have answered Jiang Ziyu like that. He must have been stimulated by Jiang Ziyu. If he didn't bring a female companion, he would have been ridiculed by Jiang Ziyu.

Invite her to She wouldn't refuse, would she?

It's time to have lunch. Chen took himself to the staff canteen before, and MEIHUIZI knew how to get there. Just as she was getting up to go to the canteen, she saw that the office people were opened and Tang Yunchen came out.

See Tang Yunchen MEIHUIZI gently nodded to him: "the president wants to eat?" MEIHUIZI thinks that as the president of such a large company, Tang Yunchen should go to a high-end restaurant for lunch.

"Well, are you going to lunch, too?" Tang Yunchen asked in a faint voice.

MEIHUIZI nodded gently.

"Let's go together."

"Ah?" MEIHUIZI slightly Leng Leng, for a moment did not respond to what Tang Yunchen said.

"Don't you want to go to the canteen together?" Tang Yunchen continued.

MEIHUIZI quickly shook her head: "of course not."

"Let's go down together." Tang Yunchen said that he went to the elevator and pressed the button to go downstairs. This is his exclusive elevator. Most people don't take this elevator.

Seeing that Tang Yunchen all walked into the elevator, MEIHUIZI was relieved and walked in together.

Two people stay together in a closed space, MEIHUIZI do not know why inexplicably feel a sense of repression, feel that her heart beat inexplicably fast, as if to jump out of the heart in general.

The elevator stopped on the seventh floor, because there are many employees in the down group, so the whole floor of the seventh floor is a canteen.

MEIHUIZI originally thought that there might be a special place for Tang Yunchen to eat, but he didn't expect that Tang Yunchen, like other employees, carried some food on a plate.

"What's the matter?" Found MEIHUIZI has been lenglenglengleng in their own behind, Tang Yunchen can not help but ask.

"Ah it 's nothing. I just didn't think of You will also come to the staff canteen to eat... " MEIHUIZI thinks that rich people like Tang Yunchen are sure to enjoy every meal. However, she did not expect Tang Yunchen to solve lunch at will in the staff canteen. There is a kind of It's very grounded.

Hearing MEIHUIZI's words, Tang Yunchen just smiles. "I usually come here to have a meal, just a lunch. There's no need to be so complicated."

MEIHUIZI nodded with approval.

MEIHUIZI also took the food. After all, it was strange to sit separately. They naturally sat at the same table for dinner.

During the meal, both of them didn't speak. Maybe it was because they didn't know what to say. MEIHUIZI wanted to talk to Tang Yunchen. But when she thought that Tang Yunchen was her boss and she had just come to work, she had better not talk. After all, she said many mistakes, and she still didn't know what character Tang Yunchen was. Don't be careful to annoy her and lose her job.

Thinking of MEIHUIZI, I began to eat lunch. I didn't expect that the food in the staff canteen was delicious. MEIHUIZI was so absorbed in eating that she didn't notice whether she was sitting on the opposite side and peeping at her Tang Yunchen.Tang Yunchen is tangled in his heart about how to say, let MEIHUIZI accompany him to the party at night?

Although the former secretary was also a woman, Tang Yunchen never asked her to accompany him to a party, and he always went there alone.

I really don't know how to open my mouth more naturally. Tang Yunchen even wants to go alone tonight.

However, thinking of what he said to Jiang Ziyu just now, if he went alone, Jiang Ziyu would surely laugh himself to death. He would feel that he could not even make an appointment with a companion.

After struggling for a long time in his heart, Tang Yunchen still decided to open his mouth.

"Cough..." Tang Yunchen did not know why he coughed.

MEIHUIZI raised her head and looked at Tang Yunchen: "what's the matter?"

Tang Yunchen's hand is unnatural to cover his mouth, eyes drooping, embarrassed to go to see MEIHUIZI: "although you are a little embarrassed to ask you to work overtime on the first day of work, but I am going to attend a party today, and I need to bring a female partner. So I hope you can accompany me. Before that, my last Secretary accompanied me." Tang Yunchen told MEIHUIZI his intention.

When MEIHUIZI heard Tang Yunchen's words, she said with a smile: "OK, it doesn't matter. It's OK to take such a high salary. It's nothing to add extra classes."

Looking at MEIHUIZI's smiling face, Tang Yunchen couldn't help but feel a little stunned. He knew that MEIHUIZI had agreed so easily. He was still entangled in his heart for so long

However, MEIHUIZI only thought that she was invited for purely work reasons, so she would not refuse.

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