Although she thought so in her heart and had some expectations, MEIHUIZI felt that It should be impossible, right?

After all, isn't Tang Yunchen not fond of women? When I attended the banquet yesterday, the daughter of general manager Xu was really beautiful. She was a lady from a rich family. If she was a general man, she would not be able to move her eyes. However, Tang Yunchen didn't seem to look at that girl. What's more, MEIHUIZI really feels that Tang Yunchen's gaze at Chi yeche is unusual

MEIHUIZI awkwardly smile: "Xiaorui, you still think more about it, your brother may be to see that I am the cousin of the yarn, your friend's face, so just treat me better?" After all, Tang Xiaorui introduced himself to work, Tang Yunchen should think he and Tang Xiaorui are very familiar with it? That's why I'm so preferential to myself. After all, it's my sister who introduced me. I'm sure I can't treat her badly. MEIHUIZI explained to herself in her heart.

"It can't be said that I think too much. After all, my brother's performance is very strange. At least my sister, who has lived with him for so many years, thinks he is very strange. And even if my brother doesn't necessarily like you now, MEIHUIZI Don't you want to develop with my brother? I think my brother is very good. He is tall, handsome and rich. He is an ideal marriage partner for girls. Now he has to start looking for a mate. To be honest, although the conditions of those women whom he married are very good, I don't like them. I don't want those people to be my sister-in-law, but I like you very much! Besides, you are still the cousin of the gauze. If you marry my brother, we will not be married to each other! "

Tang Xiaorui said more excited, that pair of good-looking eyes seems to be countless stars in the twinkle ah.

Tang Xiaorui has constructed a harmonious picture in her mind. MEIHUIZI and her brother stand together, holding a lovely child

That picture How wonderful!

Tang Xiaorui thinks that MEIHUIZI is the best choice for her sister-in-law, compared with her brother-in-law. The age difference between my brother and I is not very big, and it is also quite matched in all aspects.

Listening to Tang Xiaorui's words, MEIHUIZI can't help thinking Tang Yunchen to tell the truth is really good, accurate to the club is very good, is every girl in the mind of prince charming. And Tang Yunchen now seems to be really anxious to find a marriage partner, if Tang Xiaorui in the side of the words, maybe he and Tang Yunchen can really become.


MEIHUIZI thinks of Tang Yunchen's eyes, which seem to have a trace of sadness. Tang Yunchen should still like the pool night Che? If Tang Yunchen is only with himself because he wants to get married when he is old MEIHUIZI doesn't want this

Seeing Tang Xiaorui's appearance, her elder sister seemed to be thinking. She didn't know how to answer Tang Xiaorui. Li Sha shook her head helplessly. When MEIHUIZI said, "Xiaorui, you can do it. How do you like being a matchmaker so much? If my sister and your brother are predestined, they will develop themselves and can be together without your help. You'd better leave their business alone and let it be

Hearing Li Sha say so, Tang Xiaorui can only sigh for a while, and then temporarily cut off the year when MEIHUIZI and Tang Yunchen were to be matched. He waved his hand and said, "OK, let them develop freely. I won't talk about it."

So everyone continued to eat. At this time, the mobile phone for yarn trimming suddenly rang. When she took out her mobile phone, she saw that the caller ID showed a number without any remarks, which was an international call from Japan.

Is it because my family changed the number and called me?

"What's wrong with the yarn? Why don't you answer the phone? " MEIHUIZI can't help but ask for a strange way.

"It's a strange number. It's from Japan. I don't know if it's from my family. I'd better take it."

Li Sha said and connected the phone.

"Moses, Moses." Li Sha said hello in Japanese. Just listen to the other end of the phone, a low magnetic male voice came: "is it you to manage the yarn? I'm your brother Zhijiu

When she heard the voice on the other end of the phone, although she was not familiar with it, she was shocked to hear him say her name. Of course, she did not know the name. Everyone played together from childhood to adulthood, but it has been 4 or 5 years since we met at all.

How could he Call yourself all of a sudden?

But in fact, Li Sha can probably guess why he called himself.

What's wrong with you Found that Li Sha received the phone Leng og expression, MEIHUIZI worried about whether there was something wrong with the Japanese home, so she asked.

Li Sha quickly made a "hush" action to MEIHUIZI, then got up and left to continue talking on the phone.

"Is that MEIHUIZI's voice just now? MEIHUIZI went to see you, didn't she? Can you get Miyoko to answer my call The voice of the man on the phone changed from Japanese to Chinese.

Like MEIHUIZI, he is a Chinese Japanese hybrid. Their father is a college classmate. He went to Japan to study, then got married and settled in Japan. Because of the good relationship, they even bought two houses adjacent to the same community. So MEIHUIZI and he grew up together. It can be said that Lisha came to play with MEIHUIZI, so they are very familiar with each other, It can be said that from childhood to big friends."No, it's just a friend of mine. She didn't come to me. What can I do for you to call me?" Li Sha's tone became very cold, it seemed that she didn't want to continue talking to the person on the other end of the phone.

The man on the other end of the phone naturally felt the tone of yarn trimming and knew why it was like this. "Li Sha, I know it was I who made a mistake before. I'm sorry for your sister, but now I know it's wrong. I really want to save her. So please, if you know where she is, can you tell me her landlord. I want to go to her in person, make it clear to her face to face, apologize to her, and let her forgive me..." There was a prayer in the voice of the man on the other end of the phone.

"Sorry, even if I know where my sister is now, I will never tell you, and you do not want to look for my sister, she will never forgive you, I answered instead of her, I hung up, please don't call me again." After finishing the treatment, she immediately hung up the phone mercilessly, adjusted her mood and expression, and then walked back to the dining table and sat down.

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