MEIHUIZI looked down at Tang Yunchen.

"Now that your injury has been dealt with, I'll go first." MEIHUIZI said she was ready to leave, but Tang Yunchen caught her wrist.

Although the glass slag on his hand has been treated well, it still hurts when he exerts his strength. Tang Yunchen grabs MEIHUIZI's wrist with such force, and he can't help but hiss in pain.

Unexpectedly, Tang Yunchen would suddenly seize himself. MEIHUIZI quickly pulled Tang Yunchen's hand: "what's the matter? The wound didn't open, did it? Why are you so careless! Didn't the nurse tell you not to do anything in the near future? " MEIHUIZI said, looking at Tang Yunchen's hand in a hurry and anger.

Tang Yunchen's eyes fell on MEIHUIZI's nervous face because of herself: "are you worried about me?"

"Of course MEIHUIZI subconsciously answers aloud.

But after answering, MEIHUIZI noticed something was wrong. She quickly released the hand holding Tang Yunchen. "You saved me. You hurt me. Of course I have to worry about you."

"Is it just because of this? Didn't you worry about me for any other reason? " Tang Yunchen's eyes gaze at MEIHUIZI and continue to ask.

MEIHUIZI's heart jumped violently when she was asked by Tang Yunchen's question. Her eyes wandered from side to side, but she did not dare to fall on Tang Yunchen. "I..."

MEIHUIZI doesn't know how to answer Tang Yunchen. It's not just because Tang Yunchen saved himself that she worries about him, but because She likes him!

However, MEIHUIZI didn't dare to tell Tang Yunchen that she didn't want to bring him psychological burden. She didn't want to say that she was responsible for herself because she felt sorry.

She doesn't need him to be responsible. She just wants to He will really like himself.

MEIHUIZI's words have not finished, only listen to Tang Yunchen suddenly said: "do you know why I will come back to you?"

Tang Yunchen's words make MEIHUIZI slightly stunned. MEIHUIZI raises her head and looks at Tang Yunchen with some incomprehension. In fact, MEIHUIZI also felt strange, why did Tang Yunchen come back suddenly

"That's because after I went to the company, I found that I couldn't calm down to work because I was thinking about you. I can't concentrate on anything else. Later, Xiao Rui just called me. Because I was depressed, I didn't know what to do, so I told Xiao Rui what we had to do. Xiao Rui's words let me open my mouth and let me know what to do. So I came back to look for you. I heard your scream outside the door. I was really worried about what happened to you, so I didn't think about it from the balcony next door Skip to save you. To tell you the truth, I have never done such a thing since I was young, but because of you But because I'm worried about you, Michiko, because I like you

Tang Yunchen's words made MEIHUIZI's brain seem to be "buzzing" for a moment. MEIHUIZI just looked up at Tang Yunchen's sincere eyes, and for a time was stiff in place.

Did she hear me wrong? What did Tang Yunchen say? Does he like her?

Tang Yunchen knows that he suddenly said this may make MEIHUIZI some can't believe it, but Tang Yunchen thinks he still wants to say it all at once.

"Although in fact, I don't know when I fell in love with you, perhaps when I first met you. In short, I only know that I really like you now, because this morning when I heard you say that I should forget all the things yesterday and that I don't need to be responsible for it, I just feel that my brain is in a mess and my heart is in pain, because I hope I can Hope to be responsible for you! I hope you can marry me! Because I like you and I want to be with you Tang Yunchen is full of sincerity to say all he wants to say. Because Tang Yunchen is worried that after this time, perhaps he will not have the courage now.

Tang Yunchen's words, which are full of sincere words, let MEIHUIZI's tears burst out in an instant. MEIHUIZI feels that Tang Yunchen is not lying. He must be sincere.

Thinking that the person he likes originally also likes himself, this big fool almost pushes him away. MEIHUIZI jumps into Tang Yunchen's arms and hugs Tang Yunchen.

MEIHUIZI leans on Tang Yunchen's solid chest: "in fact, I also like you..."

MEIHUIZI's words made Tang Yunchen stare with surprise. He couldn't believe what he heard: "is what you said true? Do you really like me, too? " Tang Yunchen couldn't believe it. After all, it was too dramatic. Originally, he was ready to pursue MEIHUIZI slowly, but MEIHUIZI told herself that she also liked him!

MEIHUIZI nodded gently: "yes, I like you too. In fact, when I met for the first time Maybe I like you... "

Tang Yunchen also heavily hugged MEIHUIZI and whispered in a low voice: "great."

People who like themselves also like themselves. I'm afraid this is the most happy thing in the world?

Two people so stand in the hospital entrance, holding for a long time, it seems that no one is willing to separate from each other.

Also do not know how long, two people reluctantly left each other's arms."Now, can you accompany me to a place?" MEIHUIZI said softly.

Although I don't know where MEIHUIZI is going, Tang Yunchen will accompany her wherever MEIHUIZI goes. "Of course."

MEIHUIZI stopped a taxi, and they came to the largest Christian Church in Q city.

Tang Yunchen did not expect MEIHUIZI to bring himself to the church, but Tang Yunchen can also think of the reason why MEIHUIZI came here.

Walking into the solemn and sacred church, MEIHUIZI goes to the front of the cross and begins to pray devoutly.

Tang Yunchen just silently stood by MEIHUIZI and watched her.

Tang Yunchen knows that MEIHUIZI, as a Christian, should keep her virginity before marriage. Tang Yunchen knows that MEIHUIZI must be a devout believer. Otherwise, he would not have been with her ex boyfriend for so many years and had no relationship.

Only in this way, Tang Yunchen strengthened his determination to treat MEIHUIZI well.

MEIHUIZI is the first woman he fell in love with. Tang Yunchen thinks that MEIHUIZI will be the last.

He also silently promised in his heart that he would be happy with MEIHUIZI all his life.

I don't know how long after that, MEIHUIZI opened her eyes and stopped praying. She looked at Tang Yunchen and said, "let's go."

Tang Yunchen nodded gently, and they left the church holding hands.

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