Tang Yunchen's voice dropped, let alone other people, even MEIHUIZI looked at Tang Yunchen with an incredible face.

Although Tang Yunchen also said that he would be responsible for himself and would marry himself, MEIHUIZI did not expect that Tang Yunchen would be so soon planning to take action.

Seeing MEIHUIZI looking at herself in surprise, Tang Yunchen reached out and touched MEIHUIZI's hair: "Why are you so surprised? Do you say you don't want to?"

Hearing Tang Yunchen's words, MEIHUIZI quickly shook her head: "of course, I'm not unwilling to..." It's just that Michiko thinks it's a little too fast, right? After all, I really haven't known Tang Yunchen for a few days. Although I decided to have a relationship with him soon because of the phone call, if I get married Is that too flashy?

"Since it's not unwillingness, it's decided in this way. How about we start to prepare for the wedding in a few days?" After all, Tang Yunchen has been single for so many years, and all the people around him are married. MEIHUIZI is the first woman he fell in love with, and Tang Yunchen believes that he will always love him, so Tang Yunchen is a little anxious now, and he would like to marry MEIHUIZI and become a real couple in the next second.

Although MEIHUIZI thought it was too fast, she actually Not so reluctant, or And a little bit happy, Tang Yunchen so want to marry himself, spend life together.

In fact, MEIHUIZI and her ex boyfriend grew up together, and they have been in love for seven or eight years. Because their parents are also friends, they have a very clear understanding of each other's family background and what kind of people they are. The man has more than once tentatively said whether they should get married, but MEIHUIZI doesn't know why. She always uses work or one Some reasons have been dismissed.

Now Michiko wants to Maybe it's because you don't love him so much. If you really like a person, you will want to marry him very much?

But when she was with her former boyfriend, MEIHUIZI didn't have a strong desire to marry him. Thinking of this, MEIHUIZI also felt that she was really sorry for her ex boyfriend.

"Wow, brother, you're a little too anxious. You're really going to make a quick decision!" Tang Xiaorui was really surprised to hear that Tang Yunchen wanted to prepare for marriage in the near future, because she knew that Tang Yunchen was not the kind of person who would decide such a big event so soon. Even if it was a matter of marriage with a suitable person, Tang Yunchen would consider marriage after careful consideration. It seems that Tang Yunchen is really confused by love now ~

Tang Yunchen is speechless, and Tang Xiaorui takes a look: "didn't you always urge me to find a sister-in-law for you quickly? Now that I find it, why don't you do it again? "

Tang Xiaorui awkwardly coughed: "of course I'm not quitting. I'm happy if you want to get married, right! Otherwise, let Zhiyao and Xiaoxin be your flower children then Tang Xiaorui suddenly thought of this excited proposal and looked at Josh foam: "foam. What do you think? "

"If Yunchen doesn't mind, of course they can," he said with a smile

"Of course I don't mind. It's my honor to let Zhiyao and Xiaoxin be our flower boys." Tang Yunchen said with a smile.

Seeing that they have already started to plan their marriage, MEIHUIZI can't help but blush and sit quietly by.

After having dinner happily, because tomorrow is a working day, everyone has something to go back to.

After leaving Tang Xiaorui's home, MEIHUIZI now has a feeling that she doesn't know where to go. After all, she doesn't dare to go back to the place she lived before. What if her ex boyfriend comes again? This time, Tang Yunchen may not be able to arrive in time.

"Go back to my house." Tang Yunchen suddenly said.

Tang Yunchen's words made MEIHUIZI look at him in amazement, and backed away a little. He looked up and down at Tang Yunchen. His eyes seemed to show a look of "you're scheming against the law.".

Seeing MEIHUIZI like this, Tang Yunchen shook his head helplessly: "you don't think I want to do something to you? My home is so big that you and I don't have to have a room. You don't want to sleep in a room with me, do you? "

Hearing Tang Yunchen's words, MEIHUIZI was relieved and coughed awkwardly: "I don't think so."

"Then let's go." Tang Yunchen said that without waiting for MEIHUIZI's consent, he took MEIHUIZI's hand to the side of the road and stopped a car to return to the Tang family.

As soon as he entered the door, the servant met him and said, "young master, you are back." Although master Tang has already tried, Tang Yunchen is now the master of the family, but the servant still calls young master Tang Yunchen all the time. There is a feeling that master Tang still exists

Tang Yunchen is surprised to see a servant in Tang's home. You should know that Tang Yunchen brought a woman back for the first time after so many years!

"Is this lady?..." The servant asked curiously.

Tang Yunchen coughed awkwardly. After all, it was the first time for him to introduce MEIHUIZI to other people besides his friends. Moreover, he brought her home directly at night: "she is my girlfriend. Go and prepare a clean room for her. She will stay here."Hearing Tang Yunchen's orders, knowing that MEIHUIZI is Tang Yunchen's girlfriend, the servant quickly and happily answered, and then went to clean up the room for MEIHUIZI.

"What about the luggage where I live?" MEIHUIZI asked Tang Yunchen that she didn't dare to go back to take it again, for fear of meeting her ex boyfriend again. MEIHUIZI is afraid of what happened today. If Tang Yunchen didn't arrive in time I'm afraid I'm really

"Don't worry, I'll have someone move in tomorrow."

Hearing Tang Yunchen's words, MEIHUIZI nodded gently.

After cleaning up the room, the servant prepared clean clothes for MEIHUIZI, which Tang Xiaorui didn't wear at home before. After taking a bath in the bathroom and lying on the big soft bed, MEIHUIZI tossed and turned, but she couldn't sleep.

As soon as she closed her eyes, what happened today came out of her mind, making her afraid to close her eyes.

MEIHUIZI feels so scared that her ex boyfriend will appear in her room as soon as she closes her eyes. Even if the light is on, it's no use. She's still scared.

There is absolutely no way to fall asleep like this. MEIHUIZI hesitated for a long time, or she was holding her pillow to go to Tang Yunchen.

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