It seems that after a few days of marriage, it seems that Tang Yunzhen wants to marry Huichen.

MEIHUIZI's parents came to China ahead of time after receiving the news.

Because Fang Zhiyao and Chi Yuxin are going to be flower girls at the wedding, Tang Xiaorui and Qiao Ximo are going to take them to buy clothes for tomorrow after school.

"Mom, aunt Rui!" A kindergarten at the door to see Qiao Xi Mo and Tang Xiaorui, Chi Yuxin then happily trotted over to Qiao Xi Mo's arms.

"Mom, why did you pick me up today?" Chi Yuxin can't help but tilt her head and ask curiously, because it's usually the driver who comes to pick her up from school.

At this time, Fang Zhiyao came over.

"Because today, mom and aunt Xiaorui are going to take you and Zhiyao to sell clothes. Tomorrow is your uncle Tang's wedding day. We agreed to let you and Zhiyao be their flower boy."

Hearing Qiao Ximo's words, Chi Yuxin couldn't help asking curiously: "Mom, what is a flower boy?"

"When Uncle Tang and his wife get married, you have to walk in front and scatter petals. This is the flower boy. It's very simple."

"Oh So it is. " Chi Yuxin looks as if she understands.

Hearing Qiao Ximo say that he and Chi Yuxin should be flower children, Fang Zhiyao can't help but frown a little impatiently: "can't you find someone else?" Fang Zhiyao hates others to do something troublesome for himself.

Fang Zhiyao's voice fell, Tang Xiaorui heavily knocked on Fang Zhiyao's head: "Hello! You have no conscience. It's not someone else. It's your uncle. You don't like it! What can you do if you let the flower boy sprinkle the petals? Can you die? " Tang Xiaorui speechless White Fang Zhiyao, I really don't know how she can give birth to a son so heartless.

Well, maybe it's the legend that things go against the extreme?

Fang Zhiyao shriveled his mouth and said, "can't I promise you?" Fang Zhiyao agreed not because he was willing, but because he thought that if he didn't agree, Tang Xiaorui would keep reading in his ears, which would be very annoying. He had better agree as soon as possible.

After getting on the bus, four people came to the wedding dress shop in the department store, where there are special clothes for flower girls.

Tang Xiaorui chose a black suit for Fang Zhiyao. There was a bow at the collar of his shirt. He looked very gentlemanly and cute.

"Zhiyao, tomorrow you will wear this suit!" Tang Xiaorui showed Fang Zhiyao what he had chosen.

Fang Zhiyao saw a bow on the collar. He could not help frowning: "why should I have a bow? My mother is dead."

“……” Fang Zhiyao's words made Tang Xiaorui speechless. "What are you dissatisfied with your mother's choice? It's not to ask you to pay. Where can you go at your age and change my clothes?" Tang Xiaorui said and put the clothes to Fang Zhiyao.

And Qiao Xi Mo also chose a white fluffy skirt for Chi Yuxin. There are light blue flowers on the skirt, which looks very cute.

"Xiaoxin, do you think this skirt that mom chose is not good-looking?" Qiao Ximo shows Chi Yuxin her skirt of her choice.

Chi Yuxin heavily nodded, very lovely said: "as long as it is good-looking mother selected, I like all."

Seeing Chi Yuxin like this, and thinking of his own home that goods, Tang Xiaorui can't help but sigh heavily, what evil has happened to him! Why can't she give birth to such a lovely daughter as Chi Yuxin!

After changing clothes, Fang Zhiyao came out of the dressing room.

"Wow, Zhiyao, you look really cute in this suit, just like a little gentleman." Seeing the appearance of Fang Zhiyao wearing such a formal small suit, Josh Mo could not help praising the way.

Hearing that Qiao Ximo praises himself as cute, although he knows that he is absolutely harmless, Fang Zhiyao frowns because he doesn't like the word "cute". He is a boy. How can a boy describe him? Cute is to describe a girl.

Qiao Xi Mo's praise let Tang Xiaorui lift his chin triumphantly: "that of course, also don't see who chooses."

At this time, Chi Yuxin changed her clothes and came out.

Although Chi Yuxin usually wears many skirts, it is the first time to wear such a white fluffy gauze skirt. When Chi Yuxin comes out of the dressing room, she seems to see a little angel appear in front of her eyes.

Tang Xiaorui could not help squatting down and hugging Chi Yuxin on her tender face: "ah, Xiaoxin, you are so cute, just like a little angel! Sobbing, why can't I give birth to Xiaoxin, a lovely daughter like you? "

Being praised by Tang Xiaorui, Chi Yuxin blushes with shame. "Thank you, aunt Rui."

The first time I saw Chi Yuxin dressed like this, Fang Zhiyao didn't know why he was attracted by Chi Yuxin for several seconds.

I have to say that she is really beautiful in this dress, very white, there is a sense of holiness, it is really like an angel.

Well It's just an angel with a stupid head.

The next day is the wedding day of Tang Yunchen and MEIHUIZI.Although the wedding preparation time is very hasty, Tang Yunchen has prepared a grand wedding for MEIHUIZI. Even MEIHUIZI's wedding dress is heavily paid for by famous wedding designers day and night.

The only wedding in his life, Tang Yunchen naturally hopes to do a little grand, and naturally hopes to give his beloved woman the best things.

Tang Yunchen and MEIHUIZI stood at the entrance of the auditorium to greet the guests.

Naturally, Jiang Ziyu also received an invitation and brought Han Zhenzhen to attend.

After seeing Tang Yunchen and MEIHUIZI at the entrance of the auditorium, Jiang Ziyu naturally made fun of him: "Oh, brother Tang, you are really fast. Before that, I was worried that you would not find a girlfriend. I didn't expect that you would get married so soon. Is it because you have done something bad and cooked rice?" Jiang Ziyu asked with a bad smile.

Although he did do something wrong and cooked the raw rice into cooked rice, Tang Yunchen would not admit it in front of Jiang Ziyu. Otherwise, Jiang Ziyu would always laugh at himself about it.

"Go in quickly. They are all here." Tang Yunchen changed the topic.

"Well, brother Tang, congratulations. Finally, you've found your other half and finally keep pace with us all." If you want to know that you and Han Zhenzhen are married, Chi yeche and Qiao Ximo are married, Tang Xiaorui and fangye are married, Jun HaoChen and Jiang Yuefei's children have also been born. Although Li Sha and Chi Yexi are not married yet, their relationship is also stable. It is sooner or later that Tang Yunchen has always been single. Now Tang Yunchen has finally found his own happiness, which is very good.

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