Chapter 12

    After New Year's Day, the Spring Festival is at the end of the month, and the whole month of January is very busy.

    Gu Yingjie never saw Qin Yufei again, nor heard any news from her. Because of the busyness, there were fewer gatherings among the buddies, and no one was gossiping with him about Qin Yufei, her name was lying quietly in his phone, that's all.

    In February, the Spring Festival holiday ended, Gu Yingjie finally heard Qin Yufei's words from Yin Shi's mouth. Of course, he didn't ask for it on purpose. He happened to go there for a drink, and just when he was talking about holiday activities, Yin Shi mentioned that his sister Yin Ting went to Paris to play with Qin Yufei and other sisters Tao during the Spring Festival.

    That's all, Qin Yufei's name only appeared once.

    Gu Yingjie was in a good mood that night.

    In late February, at a Huade new business meeting hosted by Gu Yinghui, Gu Yingjie heard Yongkai's name. Last year, Huade acquired two raw material companies. Now the integration has just been completed. A new company called Mingde has been established and the product line has been adjusted. Mingde has received insider news that this year Yongkai intends to launch a new tender for raw material suppliers, that is to say, it has the opportunity to replace the Octavia they have been cooperating with. This is an opportunity for Mingde.

    Mingde's general manager Wang Cheng is the former general manager of one of the two acquired companies. He is an old man in the industry. He also received an internal message from Yongkai, saying that Qin Wenyi put forward a request for bidding, but because the cooperation with Octavia has been stable, and Octavia's product quality and price to Yongkai have always been very good, it has never been sold. What's wrong, it's a big deal to replace Octavia, so Yongkai is still in internal discussions.

    Wang Cheng reported to Gu Yinghui that he had met with Yongkai's middle management and had a preliminary understanding of their needs. He carefully calculated the production capacity and product quality of Mingde, and felt that as long as he worked overtime and worked hard, he could meet the needs of Yongkai. It's just that they do not have an advantage in price, and the profit will be very small. But Wang Cheng also said that the two newly integrated companies are not industry-leading companies. At first, they were unable to operate due to serious losses due to the purchase of large-scale high-end production lines in order to transform and take risks. Now it is very difficult to open the market for the restructured products, and it also requires a lot of financial support. Instead, it is better to concentrate on grabbing Yongkai's orders, so that the company can run smoothly, and then develop slowly.

    Wang Cheng made a diagram of all the details, demonstrated it carefully at the meeting, and tried to persuade Gu Yinghui to decide to attack Yongkai.

    After the meeting, Gu Yinghui called Gu Yingjie to the office for a chat. As soon as the two brothers sat down, Gu Yinghui laughed at Gu Yingjie: "Look, you don't have to be a hero, a father will naturally stand up for his daughter."

    Gu Yingjie's injury last time alarmed the elders in the family. He just said that he was arguing with people in a bar, but he didn't say why. But there were quite a lot of people fighting at that time. Gu Yinghui finally heard the news. He called his younger brother to ask. Gu Yingjie didn't get involved with Qin Yufei. He just said that he didn't like Zhao Honghui. | Things are a little more impulsive. Gu Yinghui felt sorry for his younger brother. He didn't say anything at the time, but kept the matter in his heart.

    To listen to Wang Cheng's report today, Gu Yinghui is not interested in anything else, but he is happy to dig a sharp corner. When the two companies were acquired and restructured, in fact, Huade was not interested in their business. Manufacturing was not Huade's strength, and it was not what Huade wanted to do by blindly investing in them to revitalize the company. The industry is hot and the development momentum is very good. Although the two companies have suffered serious losses, their value is still there. Huade took the lead in acquiring them, just to make money by selling them after integration. Wang Cheng has feelings for the company, and naturally hopes to have a good business development and let the company run smoothly. But in Gu Yinghui's heart, he had other considerations for this company.

    Now he has come out to grab Octavia's business and taught Zhao Honghui a lesson. He has to discuss it with his younger brother.

    "What do you think?"

    "If you really fight for strength, Mingde will certainly not be able to compete with Mingrui. The other party has been the industry leader for many years and is much stronger than Mingde in all aspects. Wang Cheng thinks that Huade has strong financial strength and wants to It's not impossible to make orders by increasing investment and driving performance, but it's not good for us. If the same money is invested in other businesses, we will earn more." Gu Yingjie looked at his brother's expression, He said with a smile: "Besides, if Yongkai's list is so easy to grab, other families have already taken it away, and Mingde will not be able to get it. We can't tell Qin Wenyi that I beat Zhao Honghui that time, and it can be regarded as an outrage for your family. Just give it to us."

    Gu Yinghui laughed, "It's okay to say that, you can go there tomorrow." He joked with his brother.

    Gu Yingjie waved his hand: "Don't make trouble."

    Gu Yinghui laughed again, laughing enough, and asked, "Then what do you think?" Mr. Gu Yinghui somewhat forgot that it was his younger brother who moved first.

    "Well, I think..." Gu Yingjie was seriously thinking about it, "To kick Mingrui, it is impossible to rely on Mingde, but relying on Yongkai, there is a chance."

    "How do you say?" Gu Yinghui raised her eyebrows.

    "Mingde is a commodity for us that is being repackaged for sale. This commodity has technology and productivity, but the scale is limited. To be honest, even if we can take Yongkai's list, we will try our best. All efforts can only be done on Yongkai's list. Once Yongkai no longer cooperates, Mingde has to start over. Yongkai has been supported by suppliers for a long time. They need long-term stable and controllable good sources of goods. In the hands of large enterprises, they can only rely on buying. We sold Mingde to Yongkai and formed a joint stock with them. We provided people and machines to produce products, and they paid. Raw materials are only supplied to Yongkai, so that Yongkai has a good understanding of the source of goods. Absolute control and cost reduction are beneficial to them. And we sold Mingde to take profits and reduce risks, which is not contrary to the original intention.”

    Gu Yingjie paused for a while, and then said: "If we talk about it in this way, we have a better chance of winning than digging a sharp corner. Yongkai and our Huade have long-term interests."

    Gu Yinghui laughed again after hearing this: "Ajie, it seems that your previous work was too easy, I should entrust you with more important tasks."

    Gu Yingjie waved again: "Don't make trouble. What do you think?" In fact, he also really wanted to kick Octavia out and give Zhao Honghui some color to see, not to make money for his own business, They had enough money, and he just wanted to make this air for Qin Yufei. He doesn't take the initiative to recruit, but now that the opportunity is delivered, there is no reason to give up.

    "I think it's very good, very good. It's something to talk about. Jay, then you're in charge of this project."

    Gu Yingjie's face flashed across Qin Yufei's mind, and replied, "Okay."

    This matter was quickly pushed forward. After a week of preparation, Gu Yingjie and Gu Yinghui went to Yongkai to visit Qin Wenyi. As Gu Yingjie expected, Qin Wenyi was very interested in such a cooperation model, and Xu Wenzheng asked a lot of questions. He is in charge of the product business, and he is very familiar with the supply of raw materials and semi-finished products. Fortunately, Gu Yingjie has done enough homework this week and can barely cope with the past. Finally, Qin Wenyi spoke and asked for an appointment. Xu Wenzheng took someone to Mingde to see. If the production conditions are suitable, then talk about other things.

    In the end, when the Gu Yingjie brothers said goodbye and left, Qin Wenyi suddenly said, "Ajie is coming to our Yongkai for the first time, right?"

    "Yeah." Gu Yingjie dealt with it carefully, and didn't know why, he was really nervous this time.

    "Ajie and Yufei are friends?"

    "Uh, yes." Gu Yingjie became even more nervous. He had promised Qin Yufei that he would say that they were not familiar with them, but now that Qin Wenyi was asking the question, he said that it was inappropriate for them to be unfamiliar.

    "Yu Fei's office is downstairs, do you want to say hello?"

    Gu Yingjie is sweating on his forehead, is it impolite not to go? Will Qin Yufei get angry if he goes?

    "Also, let's go another day." Gu Yingjie answered with difficulty.

    Qin Wenyi smiled and personally sent the Gu brothers to the door of the office.

    Xu Wenzheng took the Gu brothers to the elevator. He briefly introduced the office function distribution of the several floors of Yongkai, and also invited the Gu brothers to visit their factory. Gu Yinghui and Gu Yingjie agreed. The elevator stopped when it passed the floor of Qin Yufei's office. The elevator door opened. Gu Yingjie's heart beat faster. Unfortunately, a middle-aged man entered. There was a glass cubicle from the elevator door, and he couldn't see anything.

    The elevator door closed and the elevator continued to go down. Gu Yingjie didn't know whether he was relieved or disappointed. The elevator took him down, further and further away from Qin Yufei.

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