Chapter 44

    Mrs. Gu didn't recover after a while, and it took a long time to think about it and ask, "Son, do you have anything else to tell me?" The best thing to do is to say it all at once, she is so old that she can't stand it.

    "No more."

    "Are you sure?" Mrs. Gu cautiously.

    "Sure." Gu Yingjie was inexplicable, "Mom, what else do you think should be there?"

    Mrs. Gu thought about it for a while, and considered the choice of words and sentences, "That is, where have you all gone?"

    "I said just now, I want to see my parents. We are now developing very stable, and we have confidence in each other.

    Mrs. Gu didn't want to inquire about this, she thought about it, "I mean, the relationship between the two of you, um, is quite close?"

    Gu Yingjie understood after a while. The mother is really euphemistic. Although he had a lot of girlfriends and had a lot of fun, it was the first time he had talked to his mother about this kind of thing. He couldn't help but blush a little embarrassed, but he also had to admit: "Well, we are very close." In fact, he just wanted to Ask if you have ever been to bed. actually asked this.

    Gu Yingjie reacted for a while, suddenly understood again, and quickly said: "She is not pregnant, don't worry. It wasn't because of this that we planned to inform the parents, we just went there naturally. This step is now, it's time to tell the family. It's not like a son or something. "

    "I see." Mrs. Gu didn't know what to say next. This is so unexpected, so unexpected. She and Qin Yufei's mother would get together from time to time to play cards, and they were friends in the social circle, and she never thought about matching her youngest son with Qin Yufei, just because she felt that this girl was not suitable. Moreover, the two families have met several times, even once again yesterday, and they didn't see anything different at all.

    By the way, when we met yesterday, she was arranging a blind date for Ajie. And Qin Yufei saw it.

    Mrs. Gu felt very uncomfortable. Why is this so frustrating.

    "Mom, what do you think?" Gu Yingjie asked, wanting to strike while the iron was hot.

    Mrs. Gu was silent for a while, what else could she think, she felt inappropriate, but her son loved her very much, the relationship was stable, she wanted to see her parents, and she wanted to get married in the future. The attitude is still so firm. She couldn't say that she was happy, but if she objected right now, wouldn't it make her son ugly? If it makes him unhappy, it will be bad if the relationship between mother and son is stiffened. She still handled it carefully.

    "I will digest it better." Mrs. Gu said.

    Although Gu Yingjie was mentally prepared, he was also a little disappointed. He had to say, "Okay, I'll have a chance when I look back. Let's have a meal together and go out for a walk. If you get to know her more, you'll like her." This is also a scene. If Mrs. Gu wants to see Qin Yufei, she won't. Gu Yingjie understood the words "digest and digest well".

    Sure enough, Mrs. Gu only nodded to her son's proposal, but didn't say "Okay".

    Gu Yingjie held back his temper and stopped talking about it. Mrs. Gu concentrated on watching TV and didn't mention it again. Gu Yingjie had no intention of being on TV and didn't know what was on it. He just encouraged himself to be patient and don't worry. Now the situation is not bad, at least the mother didn't speak out against it. Grind slowly. Even Qin Yufei, who was so awkward and difficult to deal with, was able to catch up and get it done. Mom would definitely be fine.

    Thinking of Qin Yufei's awkwardness, he played a childish trick to delete his phone number, didn't answer the phone, gave him a look and avoided him, but he would look at him secretly again, and he was caught several times by him Second-rate. Looking back now, her expression was really cute. How is it so cute? The corners of Gu Yingjie's mouth rose, and she couldn't help but smile.

    Mrs. Gu watched her son secretly, and suddenly saw him laugh, it was the kind of happy and intoxicated laugh, for no reason, she laughed by herself for no reason, Mrs. Gu put her head aside, she really didn't see it he.

    After Gu Yingjie returned to the room, she wanted to call Qin Yufei again, but she was worried that if she told her what she had confessed to her mother, she would be frightened. After all, there was no follow-up. Mother He didn't make a statement, this should be bad news for Qin Yufei.

    Forget it, this woman is timid and likes to think a lot. In case she doesn't sleep well tonight, let's not talk about it. After waiting to see Qin Wenyi summon him, he will report to her together.

    The next day, Qin Yufei waited another day, but Qin Wenyi still didn't tell her about it. At noon, she was asked to have dinner with her, and she was very nervous, so she went away obediently. In the end, Qin Wenyi told her which distant relatives and elders in the family were going to have a birthday, and then the family would have to go over and ask Qin Yufei to help buy some gifts. Because I hadn't seen each other for a long time, in addition to the birthday gift, the family had to prepare a gift for the young and old.

    Then, it's gone.

    Qin Yufei wait, wait, there is nothing else to explain later? No other problems? Qin Yufei asked carefully, is there anything else? Qin Wenyi gave her a blank look: "You've been having a good time, haven't you? Would you like your father to arrange something for you?" Qin Yufei shook his head. But the doubt in my mind. Is Dad's psychological tactics so well used now? Could it be that you want to hang them too much and break down the psychological defense line before starting?

    Qin Yufei waited for another long time. When he was about to get off work, he finally didn't hold back and went directly to Qiu Zhengqing to ask. Ask him if he told her father about her falling in love with Gu Yingjie.

    Qiu Zhengqing looked a little surprised: "Boss Qin knows? That's not what I said."

    Qin Yufei was stunned again and again, "You mean, you held a meeting with my dad for a long time, didn't you mention me and Gu Yingjie at all?"

    "Yes." Qiu Zhengqing said with a serious face, "That is your private matter, if you need to let President Qin know, it should be the two of you who tell him, I am an outsider, what are you doing? Want to bring this up? I don't know how you deal with your family affairs, what are you doing with these gossips?"

    He looked at Qin Yufei's expression, and suddenly came to his senses: "You can't be, tell me this on purpose, and you want me to tell your dad?"

    "Of course not!" Qin Yufei turned away in a huff.

    This is really useless! ! Count on him? How could she have such an idea, she is really a pig, stupid!

    She was angry when the phone rang, she picked it up, it was Qiu Zhengqing. "Manager Qin, if you need me to help you convey this to President Qin, I can also help."

    "No need." Qin Yufei hung up the phone. This Qiu Zhengqing is really **** off. It made her feel anxious for two days, but it was all his fault.

    She called Gu Yingjie and complained angrily about Qiu Zhengqing's "crime". Gu Yingjie coaxed her: "Okay, don't be angry. Think for the best, Qiu is always a serious and unbreakable person, trustworthy, isn't he? Your father hired such a capable and trustworthy professional manager, you It's a good thing to have friends like that."

    "So annoying." She just wanted to lose her temper. "What do I do now? Then I'll go home and tell Dad at night?"

    "You're fine."

    Qin Yufei sighed, "Gu Yingjie, if my dad asks you, don't be frightened."


    "Don't be intimidated if he doesn't happily agree to something else."


    "Then I'll find a chance to tell him at night."

    "Okay." Gu Yingjie could hear Qin Yufei's nervousness, so he didn't mention his mother. After hanging up the phone, he thought about it, packed his things, got off work early, and left early.

    Gu Yingjie went to the shopping mall, and while shopping, he called home and said that he would not go back for dinner today, but would go back to stay at night. At such a time, it is necessary to stabilize the mother and make her feel at ease. He understands the truth. After last night, Mrs. Gu became very sensitive. As soon as she heard that her son would not go home for dinner, she asked him, "Are you going to date Qin Yufei?"

    "No. I'm outside and I don't have time. I'll visit President Qin later. Didn't I tell you yesterday? We've reached the stage of meeting the parents. "

    Mrs. Gu opened her mouth, but did not speak. Wouldn't the son's meaning by saying this be to imply that the wife's family asked him to meet him, but her husband's parent didn't mention that he wanted to see Qin Yufei, which was inappropriate? Mrs. Gu hung up the phone and pondered.

    Gu Yingjie walked around and bought a box of cigars. He saw Qin Wenyi smoke and knew that he liked it. I saw this brand in his office again. Today is a little tight, and I can't prepare anything else, so I will buy this first. After buying the cigar, he bought Mrs. Qin a brand-name silk scarf. The gift was all set, and he felt at ease, so he called Qin Yufei.

     Qin Yufei had just returned home and was restless, having a headache about confessing his relationship. In the end, she decided to talk to her mother first at night, and let her talk to her father later. While rehearsing the topic, the phone rang. Seeing that it was Gu Yingjie, she quickly picked it up and said, "Don't worry, I'm going to talk about it after dinner. Let's start with my mother."

    "You don't have to break them down individually, let's go together. You wait for me after dinner, and I'll visit your house."

    Qin Yufei was stunned: "What are you doing here?"

    "Come and see my girlfriend's parents." Gu Yingjie is not angry, she is an idiot, so how can I let her handle such a big thing with confidence.

    Qin Yufei finally reacted, "Ah, ah, do you want to come?"

    "Yes. I'm in the mall. I just finished shopping for gifts. I'll go there when you guys finish eating."

    "What do you eat?"

    "Just find a restaurant and solve it."

    Qin Yufei felt distressed. He worked hard to buy gifts and had to eat alone. She was heartbroken: "you come to my house to eat."

    "I didn't make an appointment in advance, it was rude to eat in the past." He had already imagined it.

     , which made Gu Yingjie laugh.

    "Okay then," he said, "don't bother, just add a pair of tableware. Then I'll go over now."

    Qin Yufei hung up the phone and rushed down. How is it possible to add a pair of tableware. It was the first time for Gu Yingjie to come to her house, so he must treat him well. She nearly fell as she ran down the last steps, but she couldn't help laughing. He knew she would be nervous, so he had to come in person, she felt so happy, he was really nice and nice.

    When she ran to the kitchen, her eyes were hot and her nose was sore. How could he be so good, so good that she wanted to cry. "I want to add two dishes." She said loudly, her voice still choked. The chef of the Qin family was startled, what's the matter, the eldest lady cried and wanted to add more dishes, no matter what! The chef quickly opened the refrigerator to list the ingredients and asked Qin Yufei what he wanted to eat. Qin Yufei didn't know that she scared the chef. She thought of Gu Yingjie and picked two of his favorites.

    It was almost dinner time. Mrs. Qin was watching TV in the living room. Qin Wenyi just came downstairs and saw her daughter walking around the kitchen and the hall. It was very strange. Ask her, "What are you doing?"

    Qin Yufei blushed: "A friend is coming." Just after the call, Gu Yingjie was already parked.

    Qin Wenyi didn't care. When a friend came, it was a matter of adding a pair of chopsticks. He only said to his daughter: "It's frizzy."

    The doorbell rang.

    When Qin Yufei heard this voice, he raised his head excitedly and said loudly, "Boyfriend is coming! Boyfriend!!"

    Qin Wenyi was surprised. Qin Yufei opened his face with a smile, ran to the gate, and happily pulled it open.

    Dangdangdangdang! !

    A courier stood outside the door.

    Qin Yufei was dumbfounded.

    The courier asked her to sign for the package and she did not respond. The steward on the side stepped forward in time and dealt with the matter. Qin Yufei turned back, looked at his father's shocked face, and his mother's surprised expression when he heard the news, and said embarrassingly, "It's not him. He's not my boyfriend."

    The courier didn't know what this family was doing, so he left after delivering the goods. The housekeeper was about to close the door when he saw a young man passing by the courier and standing at the door.

    Gu Yingjie stopped the car and stood for a while, because she was too nervous. He needed to calm down, relieve himself, and after mental preparation, he took a breath and walked towards the gate of Qin's house. Seeing the courier delivering the courier from a distance, he didn't stop under his feet and walked over, just in time for the housekeeper to close the door. Then Gu Yingjie was surprised to see the Qin family standing at the door. From near to far, they were Qin Yufei, Qin Wenyi, and Mrs. Qin.

    What is this battle?

    Qin Yufei's face flushed red, and when he saw his real boyfriend, he couldn't say anything. The big oolong just now made her start without any momentum. She stared at Gu Yingjie sadly, Gu Yingjie looked blank.

    Qin Wenyi didn't say anything. He just recovered from the shock of his daughter having a courier boyfriend when he saw Gu Yingjie. This is not a shock, but a surprise. Only Mrs. Qin responded the fastest. "Young Master Gu, come in." After she greeted her, she gave her husband a sneaking glance, no matter who she was, what she looked like at the door. All go into the house.

    Qin Wenyi also returned to normal, nodded and greeted: "Ajie."

    Gu Yingjie politely said, "I'm sorry, I didn't say hello in advance, this is a courtesy for President Qin and Auntie."

    Qin Wenyi and Mrs. Qin responded politely, and the housekeeper stepped forward to collect the things. Several people walked towards the dining room together. Gu Yingjie felt relieved that the first step had been completed. Taking advantage of them falling behind, he asked Qin Yufei in a low voice, "What happened just now?"

    "Humph." Qin Yufei played a small temper: "It's all your fault."

    Qin Wenyi heard it in front of his ears, his face twitched, his daughter made trouble unreasonably, he didn't care. Then he heard Gu Yingjie's answer.

    "Oh, it's fine."

    Qin Wenyi is speechless, this young man is quite capable of acting stupid.

    On the other side, Gu Family.

    Mrs. Gu called the eldest son back for dinner, and after the meal grabbed him to watch TV with her, and then, while no one was around, she revealed to the eldest son that Gu Yingjie claimed to be in a relationship with Qin Yufei. "It's not easy for me to talk to him about some things, otherwise I'll look like I'm a motherfucker. You are brothers, you should find a chance to ask him about the specific situation and see what his plans are. Advise him not to be impulsive first, When it comes to love, everything is good when you are in love, wait for a while, see clearly, and then make long-term plans." In fact, the key point she wanted to say was the last sentence.

    "Okay." Gu Yinghui agreed. "However, Mom, Applejack is so old and has his own plans. Don't worry too much. It's not appropriate for me to ask too many things, so don't worry, I'll talk to him again when I have a chance, you can Don't rush me." The key point to be said as a son is also the last sentence.

    Mrs. Gu thought for a while, and finally realized what was wrong. "Ahui, aren't you surprised at all?"

    "Surprised what?"

    "Ajie and Qin Yufei. There is no sign at all, and suddenly they say they are in love, and the object is still her."

    "Oh. I bumped into them."

    "When?" Mrs. Gu raised her voice an octave.

    "When Ajie was in the hospital, when you twisted your waist, I went to bring him soup. Miss Qin is in the ward."

    "So she went to see him?" Mrs. Gu murmured. In fact, what she was most worried about was Qin Yufei's temper, and he didn't seem to be hurt. Moreover, what she complained about before was all from her heart. Ajie was hospitalized and his girlfriend didn't see him. His house was a mess and no one took care of him. What do you want a girlfriend like this to do? I can't rest assured when I marry her and go home in the future. The servant is a servant, and the wife is not considerate, and ten servants can't make up for it.

    Gu Yinghui couldn't help laughing when he thought of the situation at that time. He really hid in the corner and laughed for a long time after he excused himself to go out.

    Mrs. Gu is not happy anymore, what kind of aura is she now, why is her son laughing like a madman when he sits next to her.

    Gu Yinghui was stared at by her mother, touched her nose, and had to explain. "When I went over, I saw Miss Qin holding Ajie's feet and cutting his toenails."

    Mrs. Gu was stunned. She couldn't imagine what it would be like.

    The author has something to say:

    Small Theater:

    Author: Dangdangdangdang, come and see, so I say readers are the cutest. Even the small theater helped me write it.

    Gu Yingjie: I don't care what is going on with you at all?

    Qin Yufei: Then ignore it.

    Author: Don't you want to see it?

    No one cares.

    Author: Great. If you don't want to read it, I'll let you read it. Dangdangdangdang... Look, it was written by the reader "Gu Meng_Fidel".

    Crap Little Theater: I suddenly want to go back to my room after eating (inspired by the third marriage)

    【Girls and Heroes】

    One day the strong man and his little Pei girl were eating at their restaurant...

    Cheng Jiangyi: girl.

    Su Xiaopei: What?

    Cheng Jiangyi: I'm a little anxious now...

    Su Xiaopei: …Ok, then let’s go back to the bedroom?

    Cheng Jiangyi: No no no, I just thought we hadn't done anything on the balcony...

    Su Xiaopei: What? !

    【Uncle Eagle Lolita】

    One day Chen Ershao and his family Mi Xi were eating at their restaurant...

    Chen Ying: Mi Xi.

    Mixi: Hey.

    Chen Ying: Shall we go to the bedroom?

    Mixi: What?

    Chen Ying: There is ice cream in the bedroom…

    Mixi: Good!

    Chen Ying: Hehehe...

    【Vulgar Couple】

    One day Ajie and his family, Bai Fumei, were eating at their restaurant...

    Gu Yingjie: Qin Yufei…

    Qin Yufei: Go, go to the bedroom.

    Gu Yingjie:…

    Long Er: Oh, the inspiration came from the third marriage, which part of Mu Er and I?

    Author: Actually I don't remember. wait, who are you? Did you go to the wrong set?

    Mi Xi: Oops, so shy.

    Author: Don't run around the studio, guard your positions, and follow the announcement.

    Yan Luo: Why are you listening?


    Yin Ze: Oh, there is no me here. Kind of sad. (covers his heart) Let them come to my restaurant for dinner.

    Nie Chengyan: Come to my Yunwu Mountain to see a doctor.

    Author: Try a little more! …! Forget it, forget it, don't try, I won't mind.

    Qin Yufei: Wait a minute, why am I being vulgar! ! I should write a white and rich article! !

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