Chapter 47

    Qin Yufei felt that this period was the happiest day in her life. Thinking back to the time when she avoided Gu Yingjie and struggled and hesitated every day, she just wanted to give herself a slap in the face and scolded: "Crazy!"

    She is also fortunate that that person is Gu Yingjie, only he is so patient and tolerant of her, she feels very lucky.

    In short, after Gu Yingjie visited her home, Qin Yufei felt that a certain switch in his heart was turned on, and courage and energy suddenly poured in, filling her atrium, every cell in her body .

    She can't even understand herself in the past, why is she afraid? Why can't you admit that you like him? Why don't you want love?

    How beautiful is love, how wonderful is the feeling of happiness.

    Although Qin Wenyi didn't ask too much about the development of his daughter and Gu Yingjie after that, he didn't say to invite Gu Yingjie to talk, it seems that there are still trump cards. Although Mrs. Gu never said she wanted to see Qin Yufei, even though she knew that the Qin family had met her son and confirmed the relationship between the two, she was very calm.

    Although it is like this, Qin Yufei is no longer worried, no longer afraid. No matter what happened next, she felt that she could handle it completely.

    She was in a very good mood, so good that she forgot to ask Gu Yingjie what the phone was talking about that night and why the phone didn't work for so long. She went to work happily, and the phone call to Gu Yingjie was to ask what he was doing, report what she was doing, what she had for lunch, who she met at work, and so on.

    Gu Yingjie is also very cooperative with her, and the two of them can chat for a while on boring things.

    The weekend after meeting the Qin family's parents, Gu Yingjie moved out of the mansion and returned to his own house.

    He thinks that the mother can accept this fact in her heart now, but she still needs some time to think about it. As for what to think about, Gu Yingjie thinks that it is more a matter of face.

    However, Mrs. Gu suddenly said on Thursday night that she was going to go shopping in a certain shopping mall on Sunday, and let her son move back in, instead of bothering her here all day. He also complained that when he came home so late every day, he knew about work and appointments, and only regarded this place as a sleeping place.

    Gu Yingjie knew what he knew, this is because the mother felt sorry for his hard work, let him go back to have a good relationship, and hinted him and her whereabouts, so he also said: "It's such a coincidence, I follow Yufei also wants to go shopping on weekends."

    Mrs. Gu did not speak. Gu Yingjie felt that this was acquiescence. Allow the two of them to have a chance encounter with her in the mall.

    Gu Yingjie hurried back to his home after work on Friday, just opened the door, a figure rushed over and hugged him, kissing his lips forcefully.

    Gu Yingjie kissed back honestly and rudely, until the man patted him begging for mercy.

    "You left early again." He let go of her and pinched her nose. Her company is far away, and her off-duty hours are the same, so she can't arrive earlier than him.

    Qin Yufei laughed, hugged him and kissed him again. "I want to surprise you."

    "When your father dislikes me for kidnapping you for not seriously going to work, you must speak for me." Gu Yingjie pretended to sigh, and then said, "Forget it, you speak for me. It is estimated that the crime will increase by one level.”

    "I hate it." Qin Yufei pouted. "You should hold me in a circle and say wow, why are you here." She gestured with her arms around her, and taught him how to speak in an exaggerated tone.

    Gu Yingjie couldn't help laughing. Qin Yufei pushed him: "Hurry up."

    Gu Yingjie laughed, but did not move. Qin Yufei pouted, just about to play a little temper, but he suddenly picked him up and turned around for several times, she screamed in fright, and heard Gu Yingjie laughing and saying: "Are you a child? Do you have to play like this? "

    Qin Yufei also laughed and shouted: "The lines are wrong, the lines are wrong, we have to start over."

    Gu Yingjie stopped and looked up at her, her cheeks were pink and her eyes were bright, she was really beautiful. "To say the line I just said." She was critical.

    He held her up high and suddenly let go to catch her, she was startled again and yelled, he carried her to the living room and threw her on the sofa. "Wow, you're actually here." He said, but his tone was not her guide at all, but it was deep magnetic, gentle and charming.

    Qin Yufei lay on the sofa, looked into his eyes, then stretched out his arms to wrap his head and kissed him again. "You are wrong. It should be, why are you here."

    "Okay, why are you here?" He changed his words obediently.

    "This is my boyfriend's house!" she exclaimed, "I'll come when I want."

    "Yes." Gu Yingjie nodded, "Really. Your boyfriend must be very happy. If you can live in, he will be even happier."

    "Then is he afraid that my dad will break his leg?"

    Gu Yingjie blinked: "It's pretty scary."

    Qin Yufei slapped him hard: "You should say not afraid, not afraid of anything."

    "It's not good to lie?" He laughed and teased her.

    "It's not called lying." She said confidently, "It's called strategic sweet talk. Women love to hear that."

    "Okay. I'm not afraid of anything for you." Gu Yingjie finished speaking fluently, and added, "It's your turn."

    "What's my turn?"

    "You said it. Strategic sweet talk, quick, men love to hear this."

    Qin Yufei giggled, turned his head and pretended not to speak. Gu Yingjie scratched her itch, "Hurry up, or I will suffer more."

    "It is right for men to suffer." Qin Yufei was not at all embarrassed.

    "Sounds quite reasonable." Gu Yingjie pretended to be fierce.

    Qin Yufei smiled sweetly, "So hurry up|Thank me for letting you suffer."

    "Okay. In order to express my gratitude to you, I want to solemnly announce to you that we will go shopping on Sunday and meet my mother casually."

    Qin Yufei's smile froze.

    "Fixed my mother, my father is not a problem."

    Qin Yufei became serious: "Sunday?"


    "The day after tomorrow?"

    "That's right."

    "Ahhh." Qin Yufei pushed Gu Yingjie away and sat up, "Then I'm going to have my hair and nails done tomorrow, and I have to buy new clothes."

    "Don't be so nervous. My mother can't eat people. She just wants to save face, this time is not a formal appointment, probably because everyone is too cautious, she will be embarrassed So she said that she went shopping on Sunday, and specifically told me where she would go, and we went shopping when we got there, and then ran into her, let’s be natural, just have a meal together.”

    Qin Yufei was stunned, "You|mom actually likes this kind of theater-style meeting."

    "In fact, I think her personality is a bit like you. She is hard-hearted and soft-hearted, wants face, and then finds good reasons for herself to go down a good level."

    "How can I!" Qin Yufei was not convinced.

    "Anyway, she wants to meet like this, so let's fulfill her."

    "Okay." Qin Yufei asked which shopping mall was, and decided to go to the shop tomorrow Saturday. "You have to look ahead to see what is suitable for gifts there, and buy them first. When I saw you | Mom, I said that I just bought it by coincidence, so I will give it to you." Qin Yufei calculated, so that it would not appear If it is too deliberate, it will not be too flattering, and everyone will not feel embarrassed.

    "Still stepping? Are you rehearsing ahead of time?" Gu Yingjie couldn't help laughing: "Just say you look alike."

    "No!" Qin Yufei gave him a white look. Oops, I was thinking of having a sweet weekend this weekend, but now it looks like the plans have changed. Turned into a weekend fight.

    Tomorrow she will go shopping, buy new clothes, do hair and nails, ah, and buy a new pair of shoes. Tomorrow is really busy, really busy.

    And nervous.

    Qin Yufei sighed and suddenly said to Gu Yingjie, "Give me your cell phone."


    "I want to give myself a little more confidence in fighting."

    "Don't you want to delete the number again?"

    "I'm sick, delete the number, hurry up."

    Gu Yingjie gave her the cell phone, and wrapped her in his arms, resting his head on her shoulder to see what she was going to do.

    Qin Yufei called himself out in the address book, and then changed the word "Qin Yufei" to "girlfriend".

    Gu Yingjie smiled, "Give me your phone."

    Qin Yufei handed him the phone. Gu Yingjie also changed her name on her phone to "boyfriend".

    "Your Majesty." He said while changing, "Have I ever told you that you look familiar|female, but a lot of things you do are very childish."

    "You didn't have a good time, too." She asked him again. I can only say that she is not naive to death.

    "Okay. After I changed my name, I suddenly felt so handsome." Gu Yingjie returned the phone to her, then dialed her number, and saw that "boyfriend" popped up on her phone. A word, laughing like stealing honey. "Your Majesty, after a while, we can change the name again."

    "Change to what?"

    "Change to future husband, future wife. Then after a while, you can change to husband, wife." He put his arms around her and kissed her lips, "A victory in one stage, Not too fast and not too impetuous, very good, right?"

    Qin Yufei bit his lip, yearning for this future. Not too fast or too impetuous, he really understands her, he knows how to make her feel at ease. She hopes that this future will actually come true. "Yes!" she said forcefully, decisively.

    The next day, Qin Yufei woke up early. She has a full schedule today, so she must hurry up. When Ke was about to go out, Gu Yingjie received a call from the company. There was a problem with the batches at Mingde. It was the human error of the middle management, and it was a big mess. Although Wang Cheng said that he dealt with it there, Gu Yingjie was not at ease. He still wanted to go look at it.

    Qin Yufei generously let him go. "I'm so sensible and generous, I won't hold you back in business. Go if you want. You want to treat me to something delicious tonight."

    Gu Yingjie agreed.

    So the two split up.

    Qin Yufei went to the mall first, and planned to shop around to find gifts to buy clothes and shoes in the morning, hair and beauty treatments in the afternoon, and Gu Yingjie’s date in the evening to rest early. She must ensure that her face will be radiant and beautiful tomorrow. At least the image can add points.

    She was wandering around, and she was undecided on what gift to buy, so she secretly photographed it with her mobile phone, and planned to go back and discuss with Gu Yingjie. Then I went to a fashion store. It was a brand she liked, and many of her clothes and bags were from this brand. She went in to see if there was anything new. While looking at it, I suddenly heard a very familiar voice.

    "Aci, you mean she likes this brand?"

    Qin Yufei paused for two seconds to remember who the voice was. She was shocked and looked back subconsciously, ah ah ah, it really is Gu Yingjie's mother!

    Mrs. Gu was talking on the phone when she turned her head and saw Qin Yufei.

    Both of them were dumbfounded.

    Qin Yufei quickly put on a smile: "Mrs. Gu, it's good. Ah, I mean, auntie is good."

    Mrs. Gu hung up the phone, apparently caught off guard, and replied, "What a coincidence."

    Yes, are you here too?

    Qin Yufei laughed desperately, nervously not knowing what to say.

    The author has something to say:

    Small Theater:

    Author: Oops, I saw my mother-in-law, and you are fighting alone, Yufei, you have to behave well.

    Qin Yufei: Help, how should I behave? Let others teach me some experience! ! !

    Shui Ruoyun: Well, let me think about it. I haven't seen my mother-in-law. Can't help you.

    Han Xiao: I don't seem to have a mother-in-law either. can not help you.

    Zhu Xiaoxiao: Well, I don't have a mother-in-law either.

    Ju Muer: I don't have one.

    Feng Wu: Yes, I can prove that I am the same mother-in-law as her.

    Gao Yulan: So what happened here, I don't have a mother-in-law.

    Qin Yufei:…


    Qin Yufei: Author, how perverted are you?

    Author: Yes, why don't they have a mother-in-law?

    Qin Yufei: I ask you! ! !

    Author: Wait a minute, there are also mothers-in-law. Look for Chen Ruoyu, Mi Xi, and Mei Gui, they have mother-in-law! ! !

    Qin Yufei: What about them?

    Author: It doesn't seem to come.

    Qin Yufei:…

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