Chapter 50

    After lunch, Mrs. Gu and Qin Yufei saw that there was still a lot of time. She was too tired from shopping in the morning. She really didn’t want to leave. She and Qin Yufei went to her son’s place so early. Not much to talk about. So he simply asked Qin Yufei to get his hair done together. Qin Yufei was very happy.

    Mrs. Gu closed her eyes while she was getting her hair done, Qin Yufei was sitting a little farther on the other side and desperately using her mobile phone to live broadcast her wonderful performance and major achievements to Gu Yingjie today. Gu Yingjie's response speed was good at the beginning, but he may not respond much after he was busy. Qin Yufei felt that he was a little naive, so he didn't say any more. She only asked Gu Yingjie to say that her energy was almost exhausted today, and making dinner was the last resort. She was impulsive. Now that she thinks about it, she has only learned from the chef three times. Although she did a good job each time, after all, this time She did it herself. She was afraid that she would not be able to handle it, so she was really unconfident. Gu Yingjie's cooking skills are better than hers. If she has nothing to do with Gu Yingjie, she must come back early to help. Gu Yingjie agreed, saying that he must go back early.

    For the next time, Qin Yufei used his mobile phone to browse the recipes, trying to recall the steps the chef taught her to cook. She encouraged herself that there must be no problem, the **** of luck is on her side today, and everything will go smoothly.

    After getting her hair done, Mrs. Gu took Qin Yufei's car to look back at Yingjie's house. After sitting for a while, she asked Qin Yufei what dishes she planned to make, and she made a list and asked the driver to buy them, so the two of them would not make this trip. Qin Yufei thought this idea was very good. Because she has never bought vegetables, she uses ready-made ingredients when she learns to cook. I'm really afraid of making a joke when I go grocery shopping. So she made a list and planned to make steamed fish, stir-fried pork, stir-fried vegetables and boiled pork bone and seaweed soup.

    Mrs. Gu went to the kitchen to have a look, then turned over the refrigerator, then added some seasonings such as onion and **** to the list, and wrote some seasonings, and then called The driver, let the driver buy according to the list she said.

    Qin Yufei really felt nervous now, she forgot that Mrs. Gu is the kind of mother who makes soup for her son, and she must be good at cooking. Oops, she's so stupid, what does it mean to get carried away, she is such a fool. If she doesn't perform well and doesn't cook well, she won't be deducted points, right?

    Qin Yufei felt uneasy, and Mrs. Gu felt tired after finishing all these things, so she said to go to the guest room for a while. Qin Yufei hurriedly took her there and settled down for Mrs. Gu's nap. Qin Yufei hid in the bedroom to call Gu Yingjie and wanted to ask when he would be back. She really needed his encouragement and help to cook.

    The phone is busy. Qin Yufei didn't care, he brushed the recipe again, and read the steps of the cooking process. Calling Gu Yingjie's phone again, the line is still busy. She continued to memorize the recipe, this time back and forth three times, to confirm that she had really memorized the steps backwards, and she felt a little more at ease. Then I called Gu Yingjie again, but the line was still busy.

    Qin Yufei's heart began to chaotic, and he had a very bad intuition. She began to examine herself, why did it happen again, isn't it better? Don't be too suspicious, and don't think bad things at every turn. Things are thought to be bad. She is only under a lot of pressure and is too nervous. She has to be steady, don't lose your temper, don't take anger, Gu Yingjie is also very hard, and he has to go to work on the big weekend, his business must be very difficult, he is busy while listening to her. When it comes to shopping and talking to Mrs. Gu, he must have worked hard.

    Qin Yufei took a few deep breaths and told himself not to worry, don't lose your temper, Gu Yingjie will be back in a while. He has promised to leave him alone for now.

    Although he thought so, Qin Yu couldn't help but make another call after flying for a while. This time it is still busy.

    Qin Yufei deliberately ignored the unhappiness in his heart. She reviewed the recipe again and went to the kitchen to prepare it. Take out the pot, put the shovel aside, and put the chopping board in place, as if this will increase her confidence in cooking.

    After a while, the driver of the Gu family came up and delivered the shopping. Qin Yufei thanked him and told him that Mrs. Gu was resting. So the driver put down his things and left, just asking Mrs. Gu to call him again if she had any orders.

    After the driver left, Qin Yufei changed into home clothes, wrapped an apron, and started cooking. She first laid out the things one by one, and placed them in the order of operations, and the pile of vegetable cooking tables almost couldn't be put down. Then she spent a few minutes thinking about how to prioritize this mess. So many, it is really difficult for a novice.

    At this time, Mrs. Gu yawned and walked to the door of the kitchen. Seeing that the dishes were delivered, she asked a few questions. Then he asked Qin Yufei, "Do you need help?"

    "No, no. Auntie, if you take a rest, I'll be fine." Just kidding, it's a shame that her clumsy craftsmanship is seen by Mrs. Gu. Anyway, it's finally made, and you can eat it. Mrs. Gu should not know about this process.

    Mrs. Gu looked at the shelf in the kitchen and understood Qin Yufei's concerns. She was indeed still very sleepy. It was out of courtesy to get up to see. Now that Qin Yufei said that, she simply said, "Then I'll go to sleep for a while, and Ajie will wake me up when she comes back."

    Qin Yufei agreed quickly.

    Qin Yufei was busy working in the kitchen alone. She decided to do the easiest first, washing the greens and frying them first. It turned out to be a bit over-frying, but it looked okay. She tasted it, and it didn't taste too bad. She was very happy and felt barely successful. She put the green vegetables aside, and suddenly thought that when the other vegetables were ready, wouldn't the green vegetables be cold? But after all the frying, she was heartbroken. Forget it, let's reheat it at the end. They don't know anyway.

    Then she started cutting the meat. The meat slices were big and small, some thin and some thick, but they were cut smoothly. She was heartbroken again, anyway, it's hard to tell when it's cooked, it's all eaten in her mouth, it doesn't matter how big or small. Different volumes also appear to be rich in content.

    The meat was cut and marinated, and then she thought about it seriously, she had to learn the lesson of fried vegetables, not to fry and let it cool. Or steam the fish first and then fry the meat. Wait a minute, the bone broth hasn't boiled yet. Make soup now.

    Qin Yufei was sweating with anxiety. After washing the bones and putting it in the pot, she remembered that she had to skim off the foam, so she didn't dare to walk away, and just stared at it as it boiled and the foam came out. She carefully cleaned it up, covered the pot, and her face was already heated by the steam. . Qin Yufei took another look at the recipe on the phone, and checked the time. Why didn't Gu Yingjie come back? If only he could help her.

    But now Qin Yufei is also blaming Gu Yingjie, she must hurry up to fish. Vendors in the market have killed the fish, but have not cut a few cuts on the fish. Qin Yufei followed the chef's instructions, but the fish was very slippery, so she struggled to hold it, and she was not used to using the knife. The last knife cut off a fingernail and finger skin. Bloodshot came out. Qin Yufei was so frightened that she immediately put her fingers in her mouth, and the stench of raw fish dissipated in her mouth. She spit in disgust and rinsed her mouth with water.

    The last time I looked at my finger, fortunately, I only cut off a little skin, and the blood sucked and it was gone. Just missing a fingernail, it's hard. Qin Yufei really hoped that Gu Yingjie would come back soon.

    Qin Yufei steamed the fish. She cut the peppers and prepared to fry the meat, but the peppers were so hot that the wounds on her hands hurt. She endured it, and the corners of her eyes were itchy. She raised her hand and scratched, and the spicy taste rushed into her eyes. She quickly washed her hands and wiped her eyes with water. The eyes were sore and weeping. She stood silently facing the pool for a long time, waiting for the discomfort in her eyes to pass. After waiting for a while, her eyes were still uncomfortable, but she endured it and continued to cut the peppers and other side dishes. Although she was so irritable that she wanted to throw the pot, she still held back her temper, and she felt that she had really improved a lot.

    The door opened and Gu Yingjie walked in. Qin Yufei was overjoyed. Just as he was about to greet him, his cell phone rang. He came over and kissed her face, "I'm sorry, I'll answer the phone first." Then he walked back to the bedroom.

    Qin Yufei doesn't mind, in fact she is very happy now, Gu Yingjie will come out to help her after answering the phone. This meal will be ready in no time, what a smooth day.

    Qin Yufei checked the side dishes again, and waited, but did not see Gu Yingjie coming, but heard Mrs. Gu get up and go to the kitchen. Qin Yufei was so frightened that he hurriedly turned on the fire and poured the oil, poured the side dishes into the pot, and waved the spatula to make a kitchen stand. Mrs. Gu really came to the kitchen. She glanced at the door and did not comment on Qin Yufei's cooking, but asked a question. : "Is Jay back?"

    Qin Yufei hurriedly replied: "Come back, he is answering the phone in the bedroom." Qin Yufei carefully observed from the corner of his eyes. Mrs. Gu turned around and left, Qin Yufei breathed a sigh of relief.

    It was only then that she realized that her oil was not hot at all, so she poured the side dishes in, and now the color of the heat is really bad. No matter what, the meat can't be seen when you put it in. She thought so and poured the meat into it.

    The meat is cooked. Qin Yufei found that the fish was over steamed. Forget it, she thought frustratedly, she can eat it anyway. She secretly tasted it, and it was tasteless and very fishy. Only then did she remember that she hadn't rubbed the fish with salt, and forgot to put shredded ginger. Forget it, she thought desperately, as long as it doesn't hurt her stomach. She poured a lot of soy sauce on the fish, hoping to cover up those shortcomings.

    Gu Yingjie still did not come out at this time. Qin Yufei really didn't have the energy to urge him, and since Mrs. Gu was also awake, Qin Yufei didn't dare to call her son in front of his mother. She looked at the soup, the heat was not enough, and the soup was not strong. You can drink it with salt anyway. She threw the kelp in while thinking about whether Mrs. Gu would think her dishes were not delicious. After throwing it in, she remembered that the kelp had not been washed.

    Qin Yufei felt very, very sad. In the end, I can only pin my hopes on the small fried pork. But after taking a bite, she almost cried. The meat was too tough and too salty.

     Mrs. Gu and Gu Yingjie walked over while talking. Gu Yingjie smiled at Qin Yufei, hugged her and kissed her: "Is the meal ready? Really capable."

    Qin Yufei forced a smile, glanced at Mrs. Gu secretly, and whispered, "It's not very tasty."

    "It's okay." Gu Yingjie encouraged her. But Qin Yufei felt that his eyes were a little erratic and seemed a little absent-minded. She once again blamed herself for thinking too much, doubting too much, and committing neurosis again.

    Gu Yingjie went into the kitchen to bring out the dishes and put them on the dining table, inviting Mrs. Gu to sit first. Qin Yufei went to get the bowls and chopsticks, and she froze after placing the bowls and chopsticks on the table. I was so nervous about cooking before that she forgot to cook rice.

    Qin Yufei lowered his head, wishing there was a hole in the ground to bury himself. She felt humiliated, very, very humiliated.

    At this time, Mrs. Gu also realized that something was wrong, but she didn't speak, she just silently stretched out her hand to pour the soup. Qin Yufei bit his lip and wanted to tell her that the kelp had not been washed, but she felt that she was really ashamed to say so.

    Gu Yingjie smiled at this time: "Let's cook some noodles as the main dish, the noodles are very fast." He said, turning around to boil water. He turned around and greeted: "Eat the vegetables first, and go down when the water boils."

    Qin Yufei secretly looked at Mrs. Gu and saw that she didn't move the soup after drinking a mouthful of soup. Qin Yufei felt guilty and turned to look at the dishes on the table. The vegetables were cold, the meat was tough, the fish was fishy, ​​and everything was quite salty. Mrs. Gu's face was not good-looking, Qin Yufei wanted to cry.

    Gu Yingjie hadn't had time to taste the food when the phone rang again. Qin Yufei clearly heard him sigh softly, and then saw that he seemed to hesitate before saying, "I'll go take a call."

    Qin Yufei looked at his back in the bedroom, and his unease became more and more serious. The atmosphere at the table was a little awkward. Qin Yufei didn't know what to say, Mrs. Gu stopped using her chopsticks, the water in the kitchen boiled, and the man who cooked the noodles did not come back. Qin Yufei went to the kitchen to have another meal, but Mrs. Gu came over and said lightly, "Let me come."

    Qin Yufei did not want to fight, nor did he have the face to fight. She gave up her seat.

    Mrs. Gu cooked three bowls of egg noodles. When it was time to get to the table, Gu Yingjie finally came back. His face was a little unsightly, but he still tried his best to pretend to be relaxed: "My face is so fragrant."

    Qin Yufei looked at him silently, not in the mood to agree with his ease. She felt that this time it was really not her being suspicious.

    The three were eating noodles quietly. After Gu Yingjie tasted the dishes on the table, he did not touch them. Qin Yufei felt very sad. But she didn't want to force herself to liven up the atmosphere to greet everyone to eat, and she didn't want to force herself to eat. If no one else eats it, why should she?

    I haven't finished a bowl of noodles. Gu Yingjie's phone rang again.

    He frowned, Qin Yufei frowned, and said to him, "Go pick it up."

    Gu Yingjie thought about it and went.

    Qin Yufei sat for a while, then got up and went to the bedroom. When I opened the door, I heard Gu Yingjie say, "Okay, don't cry anymore. This won't solve the problem. Wouldn't it be better for me to ask Jason to help you? Why do you do this?"

    He said, when he looked up, he saw Qin Yufei staring at him with a cold face.

    Gu Yingjie felt guilty, he said to the other end of the phone: "I have called Jason, he will help you. If the situation is really bad, you should call the police. I have to hang up. No, don't be like this, what's the point of you saying that? Don't talk about dying, I really have to hang up." He glanced at Qin Yufei and hung up the phone.

    "Who is going to die?" Qin Yufei asked him. She only felt cold in her heart, hot in her head, and her anger was completely uncontrollable.

    "It's Abby. Her boyfriend is violent, and she's looking for trouble because she's breaking up. She asked me for help."

    Abby? That ex-girlfriend? "So you've been unable to get through on the phone. Are you talking to her?"

    Gu Yingjie opened his mouth, he was really entangled in Abby's phone in the afternoon, so he came back late. He couldn't lie, so he could only say: "Her parents are abroad, and there is no one here to help her. The situation is a little bad today, so she called me."

    "Really?" Qin Yufei's voice was so cold that he asked him again: "Did you talk to her on the phone for a long time after you went back to my house that night? "

    Gu Yingjie stayed for a while.

    Qin Yufei sneered, she no longer wanted to control her temper. "Excuse me, how does Young Master Gu want to help her? Do you have a fight with her violent boyfriend? Or maybe she has nowhere to stay and is always harassed. Young Master Gu brings her back and takes good care of her?"

    Gu Yingjie was anxious, "Don't think too much. I persuaded her to call the police, but she said she reported it once, and the police didn't care about it, saying it was a dispute between a couple, and left after a few words of persuasion. Knowing that I shouldn't get too close to her, she asked me to come over and I've always refused. I asked Jason for help, and I'll fix it."

    Qin Yufei did not speak. Gu Yingjie went up and pulled her hand, and she jerked it away.

    "To solve this matter? Since she went to the hospital to visit you and made a request for reconciliation, you have solved it very well, and it is getting more and more entangled."

    Gu Yingjie frowned: "Then she is in trouble, and it is related to personal safety, I can't ignore her, after all, after dating once, even if we break up..." He suddenly stopped when he said this. Mouth, Qin Yufei's face let him know that he said something wrong, a big mistake.

    "Gu Yingjie." Qin Yufei said coldly, "When you visited my house, I was full of joy and thought that you were talking with your ex-girlfriend and couldn't stop talking. Telephone. When I tried my best to please you | Mom hoped that we would have a smooth future, when I made a few unpalatable dishes out of my own hands and hoped that you could help me, you were there Talking with your ex-girlfriend on the phone is helping her to solve her troubles. Because you have been in a relationship and have feelings..." She couldn't continue, she stared at Gu Yingjie, staring at him. Then suddenly turned around and left.

    "Yu Fei." Gu Yingjie called behind her. She ignored it and walked away.

     Walking to the living room, she saw Mrs. Gu looking at her in surprise. She should have heard their quarrel.

    "I'm sorry, auntie. I really overestimated myself and made you laugh. I'm so sorry. I'm leaving first." Qin Yufei took the bag and forced back tears and walked out. The day wasn't over yet, but she felt tired and exhausted. Since I woke up early in the morning, my mood has been ups and downs. It seems that I have done a lot of things. I am nervous, happy, excited, annoyed, sad, and angry. It seems that all the emotions have been experienced throughout the day.

    "Yu Fei." Gu Yingjie chased out of the room.

    Qin Yufei ignored him, she took two quick steps to the door to change her shoes, she just wanted to leave this place quickly, she was afraid that her tears would fall.

    Gu Yingjie's cell phone rang again behind him. Qin Yufei froze for a moment, when he heard the ringtone was gone. Gu Yingjie pinched it off. She ignored her and continued to change her shoes. Gu Yingjie came over and took her hand, she threw it away, and he pulled again.

    She raised her eyes and glared at him: "Let go, or I will ignore you."

    Gu Yingjie froze, Qin Yufei took the opportunity to throw him away. She pushed open the door and walked out, when Gu Yingjie's cell phone rang again.

    Qin Yufei paused.

    Gu Yingjie was annoyed to death. He really wanted to smash the phone, he stared at Abby's name on the phone, and was about to cut it off again when a hand reached out and snatched his phone away.

    Gu Yingjie was stunned, watching Qin Yufei answer the phone. She raised her chest with a strong face, and said to the other end of the phone, "Don't cry! Don't pretend to be pitiful! Listen to me, I'm Qin Yufei, Gu Yingjie's current girlfriend. No matter what you've been through or what's happened to you. , you have caused me a lot of trouble by pestering my boyfriend. You don't have to talk, I didn't allow you to say it! Do you have the self-esteem and self-love that a woman should have, shameless! Do you want to ask someone for help? Bullied, right? You need to solve the problem, right? I'll give you one chance, just one time. Tell me where you are now? What about the man who bullied you? Don't tell me this, I said it, only once Opportunity. Good! You wait!"

    After Qin Yufei said this, he hung up the phone and transferred the number to his mobile phone. Then he smashed Gu Yingjie's phone on him with a cold face, turned his head and left.

    Gu Yingjie hurriedly picked up the phone, almost not breaking it. When he chased out, the elevator door closed in front of him. "Yufei!" He shouted, but unfortunately, what he saw in the end was Qin Yufei's angry face.

    Gu Yingjie was busy calling Qin Yufei, but she pinched her. Gu Yingjie was so annoyed that when she returned home, she saw Mrs. Gu's shocked expression. She obviously hadn't recovered from Qin Yufei's sturdy posture. Gu Yingjie didn't care about comforting Mrs. Gu anymore. He called Abby and asked her what she said to Qin Yufei, and finally yelled, "Why did you tell her the address? Where's your boyfriend? What? He's with you. The door is blocked? Shit! Abby, if something happens to Yufei at your place, I will never forgive you."

    Gu Yingjie ran back to the room to get the car keys, while calling Xu Yanchang, he was incoherent and said that Qin Yufei was going to find Abby, and Abby's violent boyfriend was still there, he was afraid of going out Whatever the situation, let Xu Yan rush over to help quickly, he has to go now.

    Mrs. Gu was also in a hurry. She went out with her son and said to him, "Don't be impulsive, the driver is waiting downstairs and let him take us there. There is also a helper."

    "Mom, leave this alone."

     "Yu Fei's temper, there is an elder who will calm her down."

    Gu Yingjie thought about it, this is true. So he stopped stopping, and went to Abby's residence with his mother in the driver's car.

    The author has something to say:

    Small Theater:

    Author: Yufei, baby! Give you weapons!

    Gu Yingjie: Don't make trouble!


    Gu Yingjie:…

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