Chapter 59

    When the two returned to the box, the four elderly people had almost eaten and were chatting with each other in full swing. Two men chat about business experience in shopping malls, and two women chat about gossip in social circles. When they saw the two young men coming back, everyone pretended not to see them. It didn't stop, and continued to talk about them.

    This reaction fell in the eyes of Qin Yufei who was guilty, which meant "I didn't see them".

    Qin Yufei blushed and pinched Gu Yingjie secretly. Gu Yingjie took enough advantage just now and was satisfied, he pinched and stared, and smiled softly.

    Laugh, laugh, laugh. Not afraid of parents watching jokes. Qin Yufei brought food to Gu Yingjie, telling him to eat more and be less stupid. At this time, Gu Wenguang got up, walked to the toilet attached to the box next to him, pushed the door and entered. The remaining three parents invariably glanced at Qin Yufei with the subconscious, but of course they didn't say anything, and they continued to chat and eat.

    Qin Yufei was about to dig a hole and drill into it. Well, there is a bathroom in the box, but she wants to go out and use it outside. The bathroom was an excuse, she just wanted to go out to find Gu Yingjie. Then accidentally, I stayed outside for a long time. Accidentally, she seemed to have forgotten to touch up her makeup. She didn't know whether her face, makeup and lipstick had been spent like Gu Yingjie just now. By the way, just now I didn't notice at all whether the corner of the bathroom door passed by and saw them making out.

    Qin Yufei felt that even if she burrowed into the hole, the heat on her face would not go away. She secretly pinched Gu Yingjie's leg again.

    Gu Yingjie certainly knew what was going on, Qin Yufei's expression was so cute that he finally couldn't help laughing.

    Then a table stared at him. Gu Wenguang glared at him when he came out of the bathroom. Gu Yingjie knew that this was not good, but when he saw Qin Yufei's blushing face, he wanted to laugh and couldn't control it.

    The elders can't control it anymore, the expressions on their faces are obviously "no eye", "Young people today", "Son, you are so embarrassed, can you pretend not to know you?" , "Daughter, you can boil an egg with a little redder face"...

    Not only Qin Yufei, but also Gu Yingjie blushed.

    On the other end, Sun Yi'an hung up the phone and finally felt at ease. He is not afraid of the sky, he is afraid of his father. If it wasn't for the fear of being found out by his father, he really didn't worry about the money, but fortunately Gu Yingjie agreed, otherwise he would have felt quite ashamed if he asked others to borrow it. The last time he helped Gu Yingjie, this time it was considered a favor, and he felt that his face was okay.

    Sun Yi'an whistled, planning to go out for a drink and be happy. When Sun Yixue heard the voice, she leaned her head out of her room and asked in a low voice, "Brother, have your troubles been resolved?"

    "It's resolved." Sun Yi'an rubbed her sister's head, "James promised to lend me."

    "So generous."

    "That's right, iron buddies, friends are not made for nothing." Sun Yian didn't talk to his sister, and walked out while calling someone to drink.

    Sun Yixue looked at her brother's back, retracted the room, closed the door, jumped back on the bed and picked up the phone to continue chatting. Her best friend was still waiting for her on the other end of the phone.

    "What's wrong with your brother?"

    "It's all right, he's happy, saying that James wants to help him."

    "Your brother and James have a really good relationship."

    "Yeah. But this will tie your hands and feet." Sun Yixue and her best friend continued the topic that was interrupted earlier.

    "Actually, you think too much. Your brother loves you so much, he must be on your side."

    "But I haven't had a chance to see James during this time. He didn't come to my brother's party. I asked my brother to ask him, but my brother was not happy. He said that James is talking to Qin Yufei now. In love, let me not get involved."

    "Forget it, haven't you heard? James broke up with Qin Yufei."

    "My brother said I haven't heard of it yet, anyway, he can't tell about them. And James didn't say anything, so it's not good for people to guess. He said that if I really like him, Then, when they meet next time, he will ask me carefully. If James really breaks up with Qin Yufei, he will tell James for me and help me connect."

    "But how can you be passive like this? Your opponent is Qin Yufei. Did you forget? You confessed first on the day you went to the yacht, but it turned out to be too reserved, James politely refused you and walked away , but Qin Yufei took advantage of it to enter. She hooked James onto the bed, and in the end James became hers."

    Sun Yixue bit her lip, thinking of this, she felt disgusting and dissatisfied. On the night when she was disappointed and frustrated, Qin Yufei actually used such a method.

    "But you also have to think about it, do you really like James that much. He has had many girlfriends before, and his type is the most popular. He is handsome and rich , He is also kind and considerate to everyone. Even if you become his girlfriend, you will have to deal with many opponents in the future."

    "What's the matter, which man is honest now. My brother hasn't had several girlfriends, and his eyes glow when he sees beautiful women. I always go out with him, look in his circle of friends, It's all like this. Men are born with good **** genes. I'm not afraid. Men are socializing outside, so let's just turn a blind eye, as long as he doesn't go too far and is measured. I think James is actually a good guy. A man with a sense of responsibility, you see, everyone says he has had a lot of girlfriends, but he never cheats, and doesn't step in two boats. It's good to be responsible to his girlfriend."

    The girlfriend on the other side of the phone said mysteriously: "I tell you, I think he was planted in Qin Yufei's hands because he was too responsible. Tell me how Qin Yufei attracted him that day. |The bed, he finished eating, and had no choice but to take responsibility, but now Qin Yufei is bullying in front of everyone, it's really miserable."

    Sun Yixue didn't speak, thinking about Qin Yufei and Gu Yingjie, she felt very uncomfortable, especially Qin Yufei still used such dirty means. Do you really have to be shameless to catch up with the boy you like? In contrast, she had the cheek to create an opportunity to meet with Gu Yingjie before, and those methods were too childish.

    The girlfriend on the other side of the phone said again: "However, now it seems that it is also your chance."


    "Yeah. You think, James is the kind of gentle, considerate and gentleman. Except Qin Yufei, are all the girls he dated cute, well-behaved and obedient? Like you Well." My girlfriend laughed twice, "So although Qin Yufei talked with James for a while, James obviously didn't take her seriously, otherwise why would he never take her out to play or introduce her to friends? Even your brother? I don’t know about such an iron relationship. So it’s a matter of time before the two of them have problems. Now that the contradiction is exposed, James has lost face in the circle of friends, it’s the time when you need comfort, you have to seize the opportunity.”

    "Are you saying that I want to take advantage of this time to step up the offensive?"

    "Of course. I heard that Alu also likes James very much. I heard that he was bullied during this time. My good friend, the one named Yin Ting, do you remember?"

    "Remember. She was on the yacht."

    "Well, that's it. I heard she likes James very much. And I heard that she was seen eating alone with James two days ago."

    "Ah? Isn't she Qin Yufei's friend?"

    "So, the current situation is that everyone is optimistic that James is at a low point. It is the time when it is easy to break the man's heart. If you don't start, others are not waiting."

    Sun Yixue gritted her teeth, her heart swayed: "Then I won't wait for my brother, he didn't help me at all, or he helped me and told James earlier. Now he persuades me instead. I don't get involved, just see clearly. Really, if he drags it like this, Qin Yufei will be gone by then, but James' girlfriend will be replaced again."

    "Then hurry up and ask him out."

    "He doesn't make an appointment, and my brother didn't make an appointment."

    "Try it, it's better than nothing."

    Sun Yixue thought for a while, "Okay, I'll just say I found a new job, my friend will have a party to celebrate, let him come to play and relax."

    "Okay. We'll create opportunities for you then."

    "What if he doesn't come?"

    "Let's talk later."

    "Okay, then I'll call him tomorrow." Sun Yixue made up her mind, feeling full of fighting spirit.

    Gu Yingjie didn't know that he was cared so much about him. At this moment, he only thought about Qin Yufei. I giggled all night, you stuffed me with vegetables and I stuffed you with vegetables, and then both of them were too much. The parents have developed from "can't watch it" to "really can't watch it" and finally "don't watch it at all". Therefore, when the banquet was over, Gu Yingjie dragged Qin Yufei behind him, and the parents were already prepared.

    Although they were prepared, when Gu Yingjie really had the cheek to say that he would take Qin Yufei for a walk to eliminate food and take her home later, the parents still hesitated.

    Especially the female parent. Qin Wenyi kept looking at his wife, and Mrs. Qin looked back at her husband. Does this promise that the daughter's worth will plummet and will it appear indecent? Wouldn't it be inappropriate if I didn't agree? The two looked at the Gu family and the couple again.

    Mrs. Gu really wants to beat her heart and soul, son, our family also has a head and face, you are so blatantly kidnapping someone's daughter, how can Mom support you? Gu Wenguang simply looked down at the phone and pretended not to hear. If you agree to it, it looks like you have no tutoring. If you don't agree, isn't it inappropriate?

    In the end, Gu Yingjie proved with facts that men really don't have the thickest skin at some point, only thicker skin. He didn't wait for the parents to respond, and quickly said, "Thank you parents, thank you uncles and aunts, I will send Yufei back later." Then, he took Qin Yufei and left.

    Mrs. Gu really didn't know what to say, and watched helplessly as her son kidnapped his daughter into the car and drove away. Take a walk, isn't this draft typed carefully enough, a walk on four wheels?

    Mrs. Gu shyly said: "This child is really ignorant."

    Mrs. Qin had no choice but to smile: "It must be Yufei who wants to go for a ride. I'll talk to her when I look back. It's really impolite."

    "It's my bastard."

    "Yu Fei is a little playful, please take care."

    The two parents came and went politely, Gu Yingjie was already driving Qin Yufei towards his house.

    Long time no reunion, happy love.

    Gu Yingjie and Qin Yufei rolled onto the sheets without caring about the atmosphere and talking about love. The battle was really hot, and the first round ended quite quickly. Qin Yufei said with sweat dripping: "It's okay, it's not too late. It shouldn't be too embarrassing to go home now."

    "But I just finished warming up." Gu Yingjie pulled her over and tried to prove that he really just warmed up just now, and now he is in the state.

    Qin Yufei was never Gu Yingjie's opponent in this sport. He was in such a good state that she would have to use all her skills just to deal with him, and she forgot the time. After this time, she was a little dazed, took a nap, and opened her eyes again after midnight.

    She looked at her watch, thinking in her heart that if she went home at this time, she would be home anyway, so she could explain the past, right?

    But Gu Yingjie held the opposite opinion: "It's not good to go back at this time and wake everyone up."

    As soon as he finished speaking, he was photographed by Qin Yufei.

    "I'm telling the truth." Lust|The wolf pretended not to be serious anymore.

    Qin Yufei ignored him, kicked him and ran to take a shower, locking the door to prevent harassment. While washing, I thought about what to say, although my parents should have guessed where she was, but I was so embarrassed. If her mother made fun of her, she had to deal with it.

    Wrapped in a big towel and came out, before she could change her clothes, she was hugged by Gu Yingjie. He also took a shower in the other bathroom, dripping from his hair. He sniffed around her neck and said to her, "You smell so good."

    "Come less." She used his shower gel, how could it be so fragrant.

    He hugged her and kissed her, and he couldn't help it, stupid|crazy|desire|moving. Qin Yufei hurriedly called, "No way, I'm going home."

    He lingered, "I'll help you figure it out, you say I took you to the midnight movie."

    Hey, this argument seems quite reasonable. Qin Yufei hesitated for a while before being picked up by Gu Yingjie and thrown on the bed. She screamed and laughed: "Midnight you are a ghost."

    Gu Yingjie also laughed, "It's the midnight show, I'll send you back after watching this show, really."

    In the end, both of them were exhausted. Qin Yufei fell asleep while muttering, "I'll be leaving in a while." Gu Yingjie was satisfied and quickly fell asleep while hugging her.

    I don't know how long I slept, but Gu Yingjie suddenly woke up. He felt very thirsty, Qin Yufei was breathing lightly beside him, and he slept soundly. Gu Yingjie got up lightly, went out and poured a glass of water to drink. When he came back, he walked into the bedroom and saw Qin Yufei on his bed through the moonlight.


    Gu Yingjie looked at her, and a thought suddenly came to her chest at this moment.

    That's her.

    What criteria and timing can determine whether the word "future" in "future wife" should be removed? No standard, no timing.

    Just a feeling.

    That feeling only takes a glance, an instant.

    The author has something to say:

    Small Theater:

    Author: Ajie, I thought of a song that is very suitable for this article.

    Gu Yingjie: Take a look.

    Author (singing): The river flows eastward, and the stars in the sky are in the Big Dipper~~~~

    Gu Yingjie: Wait, did you take your medicine today?

    Author: I haven't gotten to the point.

    Gu Yingjie: It’s too bad to sing, let’s get straight to the point.

    Author: When it's time to shoot~~~

    Gu Yingjie: Who should take action?

    Author: Hey, you'll know.

    Gu Yingjie:…

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