She has never been close to the people who gave her warmth since a year and a half ago. She has to stay away from those who are good to her, so she moved out of the house, because she would rather not think of that painful memory in the dark. Only anesthesia can forget everything. But she had no face to face her father who always valued her, so she hid from him and asked him to give herself a villa and go home once a half year.

Qin Qinying stood up and didn't want to look at the sea. She walked directly to the shore. She was very firm step by step, because it had just snowed and some roads were slippery. Qin Qinying almost slipped and fell. Xiang Yexun immediately supported her. She ruthlessly pushed Xiang Yexun away. As a result, Xiang Yexun fell to the ground because the soles of her feet slipped. Qin Qinying was ready to help him, But suddenly he was cruel and went straight ahead, as if everything had nothing to do with her.

Xiang Yexun fell to the ground. When he saw Qin Qingying, he instinctively wanted to help himself up. As a result, she turned her head and looked coldly. The expectation in Xiang Yexun's eyes disappeared, but he didn't blame Qin Qingying, but immediately stood up and trotted after Qin Qingying.

"Miss Ying, the road is slippery. Please walk slowly." Xiang Yexun protected Qin Qingying at any time.

Qin Qingying walked forward alone with her head depressed. Xiang Yexun didn't come forward, but kept a step away from her. Some things were forced too tightly, which was counterproductive. Two days have let her out of the house and began to quit drinking and mahjong. There is still hope.

The snow was getting heavier and heavier, and they finally returned to the villa. Xiang Yexun looked at the heavy snow outside the house and was immediately excited: "you see, I wouldn't let you go out to play mahjong for a long time. If you go, it's estimated that you'll have to stay with someone else. In case someone in that family tries to do something wrong, you'll be miserable."

"You think everyone is like you." Qin Qingying just replied coldly.

"Miss Ying, are you bored? Let's watch TV together. What do you like to watch?" Xiang Yexun turned on the TV.

"I... just look around. There's nothing I like." Qin Qingying paused and stared at the TV. In the past two years, she seemed to live in vain. She lost interest in anything and didn't know what she liked. She even watched TV casually. If she really talked about what she liked to watch. Two years ago, she liked watching love dramas, But now she doesn't even believe in love. What TV dramas she watches will only make her feel ridiculous. It's a lie on TV.

Xiang Yexun glanced at Qin Qingying. He approached Qin Qingying slightly, smiled at Qin Qingying and said, "Miss Ying, let's watch cartoons together?"

Qin Qingying looked at Xiang Yexun in amazement. What? Cartoon, she has long forgotten what cartoon looks like.

When the TV station broadcast to the children's channel, Qin Qingying took a look at Xiang Yexun: "do you usually watch this?"

"Yes, animated films are not better than bubble dramas. At least, the church children are positive. No matter what difficulties they encounter, they can be solved, as long as their hearts are full of positive energy."

"Don't you like it?" Xiang Yexun asked softly.

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