"Me?" Xiang Yexun shrugged his arms. He looked at Qin Qingying: "otherwise, Miss Ying will find me something to do."

Qin Qinying glanced at Xiang Yexun. Nothing happened for a while. She said indifferently, "then go to class with me." although Qin Qinying didn't say anything, she didn't go to school for so long, and went to the bar by herself. Everyone knows that she is afraid that others will besiege her. When Xiang Yexun can help herself out.

Xiang Yexun saw Qin Qingying rubbing her hands unconsciously. He noticed that she seemed nervous. He wanted to hold her hand, but he retreated. Now it's too conflict.

Xiang Yexun sat in the car, holding his shoulders in his hands and smiling at Qin Qingying. "Look at you, you're very nervous?"

"I didn't!" Qin Qingying said coldly, then glanced at Xiang Yexun and continued: "don't talk nonsense. I'll just go to report for a while. After the report, you'll go shopping with me."

Xiang Yexun looked at Qin Qingying happily: "the report is over. If there is a course, shouldn't we have class first? Our beautiful graduate students." Xiang Yexun looked at Qin Qingying with a smile in his eyes and a lot of... Love.

"I was just out of my mind at that time, thinking about taking the postgraduate exam." Qin Qingying glanced at Xiang Yexun with disdain.

"Miss Ying, you're looking for an excuse. You can't study well in the future. In fact, I'm just learning to play. Anyway, my family has so much money and I don't need to work so hard." Xiang Yexun said the second half of the sentence in the tone of Qin Qingying. He smiled, glanced at Qin Qingying and continued to say, "well, study hard. Finance is so interesting. Why don't you learn."

"It's just that I heard that you studied business administration in college. How can you remember that you studied finance as a graduate student? It's hard not to say, and do you like it?" Xiang Yexun asked curiously.

"It's none of your business, so don't ask." Qin Qingying turned her head indifferently and didn't want to pay attention to Xiang Yexun.

"If it's for a person's finance, that person is really happy." Xiang Yexun continued to say as if nothing.

"Shut up and let me be quiet for a while." Qin Qingying turned her face and didn't want to pay attention to Xiang Yexun, let alone think of the past.

"You look good, absolutely gorgeous." Xiang Yexun said and burst into laughter.

"Shut up! Did you hear that!" Qin Qin hasn't walked into the campus for more than a year, and every time she walks into the campus, she will think of him. To be exact, she can't be idle. When she is idle, she will think nonsense. But now she is going to school. Naturally, she is afraid, but she thinks more again.

Xiang Yexun leaned against the car, raised his head and put his hands behind his head. He was very relaxed.

To untie the bell, you must tie the bell. To untie the trauma in her heart, you have to go back to that place again. Besides, how can he go in without pulling out the original thorn in her heart? Now it seems that everything is going well. All he has to do is keep his energy and prepare to go to school and fight Qin Qingying.

In the twinkling of an eye, when the school arrived, Qin Qingying looked up. This is a relatively large school in M city. At first, she planned to come here with him to study finance as a graduate student, and then let her family accept him, but... Everything backfired!

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