Everyone was blinded by what Xiang Yexun said. Indeed, if Qin Qingying really fell because of her feelings, it would be really infatuated. Moreover, Xiang Yexun was right. Qin Qingying didn't say she wanted to be someone else's junior. It is estimated that she was cheated.

As for Xiang Yexun, he took the initiative to admit that he was kept, which also required a certain amount of courage. In an instant, everyone more or less liked and even admired Xiang Yexun. However, the feeling of reverence belongs to reverence. The reporter's duty is to go to the end and create public opinion as much as possible, and Xiang Yexun has become their new target.

In the high-rise building opposite Qin Qingying school, Qin Chenglin is sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee and leisurely watching what happened in the school. Qin Mingchen called Qin Chenglin and heard Qin Chenglin say to Qin Mingchen, "give them a chance and let them solve it alone. Dad, don't worry, I won't let Xiao Ying suffer any injustice."

"Investigate who did this." Qin Mingchen finally told his daughter not to be bullied like this, so he wanted to investigate.

"I see, Dad, I'll find out." Qin Chenglin said, and Qin Mingchen hung up. Qin Chenglin continued to drink coffee and looked at the school again.

After Xiang Yexun finished, the reporter asked Xiang Yexun again, but this time it was no longer about Qin Qingying, but turned the gun head to ask Xiang Yexun: "are you the same as Zhan Zhimo, is it a coincidence?"

"Miss Qin Qingying came to you. Did she sign any agreement with you?"

"Are you already living together?"

"Did you follow Miss Qin because of the money of the Qin family?"

The reporter asked. Xiang Yexun looked at the reporter and replied coldly: "it's none of your business."

The reporter still chased and didn't want to let go. Xiang Yexun couldn't explain it. He simply said to the reporter directly, "I'd like to. Can you manage it?"

When everyone was ready to talk, Qin Qinying stood up from behind. She heard Xiang Yexun's words and was moved by him. She couldn't help looking at him. Xiang Yexun helped himself out, so she should also help Xiang Yexun out!

"Between Xiang Yexun and me, it's not what you think. He's my boyfriend and doesn't have the so-called maintenance. As for his appearance, it's just a coincidence." Qin Qingying returned to normal, very indifferent and arrogant.

"Then don't you doubt that Xiang Yexun is close to you, for you, just for your money?" the reporter continued to ask.

"There are many people who covet my money, but only he can go to my heart." Qin Qingying said and glanced at the reporter: "next time, you'd better investigate the truth, otherwise I can sue you. And... If I don't like a magazine publishing house, I'll choose to buy it!"

Qin Qingying was arrogant and didn't turn around. Instead, he proudly rushed to Xiang Yexun behind him and said, "don't go quickly, you'll be late."

Xiang Yexun immediately took Qin Qingying's book and followed her closely behind her. He was not so happy. Although Qin Qingying didn't clearly help herself, she did help herself solve the problem.

It's just that they didn't expect to solve the reporter. It's not over so soon!

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