At night, everything was normal. They went back to the house for a rest. Xiang Yexun went to his house to take a bath, went directly back to Qin Qingying's house, lay in bed, took a quilt and looked at Qin Qingying who was still writing seriously: "Miss Ying, take a day off today. I just finished the exam in the afternoon. Anyway, I don't have any homework."

Qin Qingying ignored him.

Xiang Yexun continued: "obedient, good, come to sleep, I'm sleepy." when Xiang Yexun said, his tone was a little spoiled and spoiled.

"When you're normal, I'll be there." Qin Qingying raised her eyebrows and eyes slightly.

Xiang Yexun sat up and looked at her with a smile: "I'm normal. I'm normal. Come and have a rest."

Qin Qinying took a look at the time. It was already 10:30. It was time to rest, so she closed her book, went to the bed, covered it with another quilt, and went to sleep with her back to Xiang Ye.

I only heard Xiang Yexun feel wronged behind him and deliberately look for a topic and say, "didn't you still read a book just now? Why did you fall into bed and go to bed directly? Let's have a chat, such as talking about the South and Haibei."

Qin Qingying ignored him, but coldly threw a sentence: "when you get the first in the class, I'll chat with you all night. If you can't get the first in the class, shut up in the room!"

Xiang Yexun covered his mouth and said, "well, I won't say it. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

Qin Qingying ignored it and Xiang Yexun didn't speak. They were very quiet and had a rest.

In the morning, the sun shines into the house. Qin Qingying doesn't know when there is no one around. When she went downstairs, she found that Xiang Yexun had bought breakfast again.

Qin Qingying doesn't know when he goes out every day, but every time she opens her eyes, he has bought breakfast, which is the life she most yearned for before.

After dinner, they went to school together. At ten o'clock in the morning, it was finance class again. At this time, the teacher handed out the paper.

Before issuing the test paper, the teacher said with emotion: "this time, everyone can only take the test in general. Maybe the test paper is difficult, but we can still do these questions as long as we carefully analyze them. There are still people with full marks in such a difficult test paper. Here I want to give praise."

As soon as the teacher finished, the room suddenly became restless. Unexpectedly, someone got full marks in the exam. How could it be such a difficult paper!

Qin Qingying glanced at Xiang Yexun, because she knew she must not have full marks, but Xiang Yexun said all day that she must have full marks. Is it really him this time?

However, how could he get a full score as a gangster? This really surprised her!

Not long after the agitation, the teacher announced: "Xiang night looked for his classmates, but it was a full score, which shows that he works hard at ordinary times, and everyone should learn from him."

Everyone was surprised. How could it be Xiang Yexun! He's just a rich lady... How to say, he's just a soft eater. How can he get a full score? Doesn't it make everyone ashamed!

Originally, I thought I just got a place for him to listen in. As the company of Qin Qingying, I didn't expect that he was full score, which surprised everyone again.

At ordinary times, everyone will applaud when they hear full marks, and this time the whole audience is quiet. Their silence represents their disbelief!

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