Chapter 11 - Rank Twenty-Third Aim

Well then, today I shall summon the 23rd, Aim."

The day after I learned the restraint spell, the day I had longed for to summon Aim arrived.

And since school is not in session today, I can train all day long.

"In order to do it, first I have to evacuate Orobas once... "Master! Please don't make me leave!"

After all, Orobas did not want to be evacuated. Well, I guess that's okay. I'm sure I'll be able to manage to summon two of them at the same time now that I've learned the binding spell.


All right, first open the Aim page of the grimoire. Then, visualize the flow of magical power and have a clear image in my mind. But what should I do with the image? I don't even know what an Aim looks like.

However, I could somehow tell that the unique magic of Aim was overflowing from Aim's page in the grimoire. I try to imagine pulling out that magic power.

"I command thee in the name of Norman, that thou appear as a gale and show thyself in the magic circle. Come here from any part of the world and give me a rational answer to all that I ask. I summon thee, and thou shalt appear in peaceable form without delay. I summon thee. Whom all things obey, in whose name all the four great spirits overturn, the winds tremble, the seas run away, the fires vanish, the earth is shaken, and all the spirits of heaven, earth, and hell tremble. Come-- twenty-third, Aim!"


I had thought before that I could shorten the chant, but since this was only my third time summoning, I read the whole thing out being cautious. Then, the magic circle in the room began to glow. It seemed to have succeeded.

What appeared from the magic circle was a handsome man. He had silky blond hair, a high nose, and clear eyes. No matter how you look at him, he is handsome.

"Are you the one who summoned me here?"

The voice was hushed, which did not suit the handsome man.

"Um, ......."

There was a reason for my confusion. At first glance, Aim appears to be just a handsome man. However, there were two strange things about him. The first is that his right hand is a cat's head. The second was that his left hand was the head of a snake. It was the cat's head that was opening its mouth to speak. The handsome man tied his mouth into a tight knot and did not change his expression.

"'Hey, why don't you answer quickly! Human!"

The cat is still talking with its mouth open. I wonder if the cat on the right is the main body?

"Yes, I did. I, Norman, have summoned you. "How dare you summon and use me, you ignorant human! I'll burn you to the ground!"


He was defiant. However, maybe Fulcas and Orobas are just heretics, and perhaps this is the correct form of demons.


“You Bastard! What an insult to the Master! Even if the kind-hearted Master forgives you, I will not!" "Mmm, there's also Orobus the Weirdo."

Oh, I guess Orobas was known as a weirdo even in the eyes of demons.

"Orobas, calm down. I'll talk to him." "Yes sir, I understand, Master."

With that, Orobas took a step back. I was grateful that Orobas was willing to listen to me, despite his weirdness.

"So, you summoned two demons at the same time? It seems that you are not just a human being."

Aim seemed to like me just a little.

"I summoned you to do a favor, Mr.Aim. Will you do me a favor and listen to me?" "Tell me, and I'll listen." "I want you to teach me pyrokinesis." "hmm." after a moment of thought Aim said,


It seemed that the negotiation had failed.

"Listen, human! Listen up! I am indeed good at fire magic! And I love fire! But what I love even more are fire-burned buildings! I'll burn this house down as a start!" "Oh no, it's out of control!"

I need to cast a binding spell quickly. But the binding spell takes time. Before I can finish, the house will be burning!

"Master! Leave it to me!"

Orobas jumped at Aim.

"You! You dare to interfere!"

Aim tried to fight back by setting Orobas on fire. But Orobas didn't let the fire stop him, and he pinned Aim down. Now is my chance!

"I give thee, Aim the 23rd, strict orders. I now take thee into custody. Thee are to remain where it is and take no further action. Listen to my commands only. If thee do not obey me, I will curse thee and take everything from thee in my name."


Aim froze as he said this. Phew, just in time to avoid burning the house down.

"Aim, you are allowed to speak." "It's been a long time since I've been so falsely accused by a human."

He then glared at me.

"Mr.Aim, if possible I would like to establish a friendly relationship with you as well." "I'm not like that weirdo Orobas. You think that I wouldn't get along with a human?"

I wonder if this was a common sense of value demons have. But I don't want to force a demon to obey me. I wonder what I should do.


"What if we use each other? I want to learn the magic of pyrokinesis from Mr.Aim. Is there anything you want me to do?" "So we're just equals......."

When he said that, Aim began to think.

"After all, I only want one thing. What I like is burning down buildings. I love it when people scream and die in agony inside buildings. Can you make that happen for me?"

That was impossible. There is no way I can make that happen. But if I say I can't make it happen, I'm sure Aim will not teach me the magic of pyrokinesis. "Mr.Aim, I would like to master demon summoning. If I can do it well, I will be recognized as a sorcerer. If I become a sorcerer, I may have the opportunity to participate in wars. Then I might be able to fulfill Aim's wishes."

I thought to myself, 'How vague is that?'

"Hahaha, human. You should learn to negotiate better."

Aim said with a defiant look in his eyes. The negotiations failed, after all.

"Is it true, human, that you want to master demon summoning?" "It is true, but..." "Why is that?"

When you put it that way, I wonder why. Because I want to get back at my parents, the students at school, the ones who called me incompetent? No, that's not it.

"It's fun. I've always been unable to do the magic that others could do so well. But now I can master my own magic. I'm really enjoying it." "Mastering demon summoning is fun? HAHAHA, It will be interesting to see your fate." "So you're saying you'll help me? "Yes, that's what I mean."


Yes, now I can finally learn the magic of pyrokinesis.

"Aim, you're free to go."

With that, I released the restraints on Aim. "Nice to meet you, Aim."

I said, and held out my right hand. But then I thought to myself, I can't shake hands with Aim because his hands are like a cat and a snake.

"Don't get me wrong, human. I said I would help you, but I have no intention of getting along with you."

Aim then turned away. He's not going to shake hands with me anyway.

"Masterrrrrr! sob, I was very moved by the noble courage of the Masterrrrr."

Suddenly, Orobas was crying. What in the world was there to cry about in this interaction...?

"This guy really doesn't make any sense, does he?"

Aim said bluntly. Yes, I totally agree with Aim on this one.

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