Chapter 51 - Explanation

“Which one of you should I start with?”

Orobas, Valak, and I were gathered in the room.

I asked Crocell to leave the room.

By the way, when I asked Crocell to leave the room, she said:

“What? I want to be with you too, Norman, so why are you throwing me out?”

And so I pouted my lips.

I told her, “Well, I asked Crocell to help restock the groceries, didn’t I?”

When I told her that, she said, “Well, if that’s the case, then I guess I have no choice,” and left.

I’ve been relying on the demons for a lot of the household in this house.

“I think I’ll talk to Valak first.”

Why did Valak try to kill me? That seemed to be the more important topic.

Incidentally, I haven’t told Orobas about Valak’s attempt to kill me yet.

I thought about asking Orobas to leave the room, thinking that there was no need to spread the word, but considering the possibility that Valak still had the intention to kill me, I decided to ask him to stay, just in case.

Even if Valak attacked me, I would be safe with Orobas.

“So, why did Valak try to kill me?”

“What? This little girl tried to kill my Master? That’s a very serious crime! Even if the Master forgives you, I will not! Let’s have this little girl executed right now!”

Orobas started to get excited.

I think it was a mistake to include Orobas in this situation.

And Valak is shrinking back with tears in her eyes, just saying, “Hiccup”.

It’s natural to cry when Orobas, who blew away the Crater Dragon calls for a capital punishment.

“Orobas, please shut up for a second.”

“Ha, yes, sir. I am prepared to not even take a breath until I have Master’s permission to do so!”

Then Orobas stood upright with his mouth closed.

You can breathe, though.

“I don’t want to put you in jail, so why don’t you tell me why?”

He spoke to Valak in a gentle, admonishing manner.

“Because…… Norman took Crocell away from me.”

Took away?

I don’t remember taking Crocell from you.

“Valak is been loving the adorable little Crocell with all my heart, but after Norman summoned her, Crocell didn’t come back to the demon world at all. So, I thought that if I killed Norman, Crocell would become Valak’s again!”

Uhm, I mean……

“Does Valak like Crocell?”

“No, she doesn’t just like her or anything…… Valak just wants to love the cute little Crocell!”

“I think Valak is cute enough.”

So why don’t you just look at your own face in the mirror and love it? I thought.

Is that too much of an argument?

“Va, Valak knows best that she’s cute!”

And then Valak backed away, her face turning bright red.

Did I do something to make you feel uncomfortable?

“I don’t want to die for that reason, anyway. So, just to confirm, does Valak still want to kill me?”

“I have no intention of killing you or anything anymore.”

Valak said, looking at Orobas.

If Valak were to declare that she was going to kill me here, Orobas would not be able to stay calm, so how could she say that?

‘But that doesn’t change Valak’s desire to be with Crocell, does it?”

“Yes, but ……”

“Then I hope we can come up with a mutually acceptable compromise.”

If we continue to keep Valak and Crocell apart, Valak will become frustrated and may decide to kill me again.

So I hope I can somehow keep Valak from becoming frustrated.

“I just need one favor.”

“Hmm? What is it?”

“I want Valak to be summoned at all times.”

“Sure, that way you can be with Crocell.”

However, the maximum number of people that I can summon at the same time is three. Considering that Fokalor is not in the demon world at the moment, it is not possible to comply with everyone’s requests.

We’ll have to take some kind of action.

“I’ll discuss it with Crocell later.”

I put the troublesome topic behind me and moved on to the next topic.

“Orobas, you may speak.”

“Yes, I have permission to speak!”

Orobas, who had been keeping quiet for so long, opened his mouth.

“So where have you been all the time, Orobas?”

When I said this, Orobas was sweating and his eyes were rolling back in his head.

It’s the reaction of a man who has something to be ashamed of.

“Didn’t you get lost and couldn’t find your way back?”

“Yes, I did! I was trying to get home, but I couldn’t find my way and I was lost!”

Well, I feel bad for Orobas.

“You were near the house.”

Valak murmured.

“What? Is that so?”

“No, I was lost and couldn’t find my way back!”

“Mmmh, Valak’s search skills are perfect! I’ve always known that Orobas was very close to home! That’s why I was wondering why Master Norman was looking for Orobas!”

“Master! This little girl seems to have a propensity for falsehoods! Don’t be fooled!”

“Don’t be fooled! – Wait, what do you mean, “falsehoods”? That’s a terrible thing to say!”

The two begin to argue.

I don’t know which one of them is saying the truth…

Well, I can sort of guess.

‘So, Orobas. Why didn’t you show your face when you were so close to home?”

“Well, I was lost and…”

“Orobas, I’m not mad at you.”

When I said that, Orobas looked hesitant and then said, “……Yes, I was very close to home.”

“So, why didn’t you show up?”

“I didn’t know what I should look like after I made the huge mistake of being asleep during the battle!”

“Well, I understand how you feel.”

I’m sure we’ve all experienced something like this at one time or another.

I’m willing to commit suicide right here, for this blunder, if Master commands it!”

That’s why Orobas is always exaggerating.

“I’ll say it again, I’m not really angry.”

“Oooooh, I’m so moved by your heart, Master! I’m so glad you’re my master!”

Orobas began to cry on the spot.

You’re really exaggerating, aren’t you, Orobas?

Valak too.

“Wow, what a pain in the ass.”

And he was looking at Orobas with his eyes.

“I’m not sure why Orobas showed up when I was about to be attacked by the Crater Demon. Were you close by?”

“No, I was near this house at that time too. When I came to my senses, I was there…….”

“Oh, really?”

If so, it is even more strange that Orobas appeared there.

I think it’s probably Orobas’ ability.

Valak said.

“Is that so?”

“I’m not familiar with such an ability…….”

“I don’t understand why you’re not aware of it.”

Valak said in a disgusted tone.

“Well, if it’s an ability of Orobas, then it makes sense.”

If I were to predict the ability, I’d say that he appears when the summoner is in trouble and protects him.

In fact, that was the first time I felt my life was in danger since I summoned Orobas, so I guess it’s not impossible.

“The other day, a demon named Agereas asked me to give a message to Orobas.”

“Oh, what’s the message?”

He said, ‘Your boss is mad at you and it’s time for you to come back.”

As soon as he said that, sweat began to trickle down Orobas’ body.

“I have only one Master! I have no other boss of any kind!”

Orobas insists, but I know he’s lying.

Orobas’s boss.

I don’t know what kind of guy he is, but I wish I could solve this problem, too, but there’s no way I can handle the demon world.

And that’s when I was thinking about it.

The grimoire “Goetia” began to shake.

I couldn’t help but drop the Goetia that was suddenly shaking.

When I looked at it, I saw that it had stopped with a certain page open.

– “Summon me” was written on the page.

This was the first time I had seen this phenomenon, and it baffled me.

Valak and Orobas seemed to be curious as well and approached me to see what it said.

“You think it’s interference from the demon world, Valak?”

Valak said.

Oh, so it’s possible for the demon world to interfere?

But what does it mean to be a demon that wants to be summoned?

“Oh my god!”

Orobas, who noticed something, screamed and fell back.

“Ma, Master, please, please don’t summon that demon!”

From the reaction of Orobas, I can guess who it was.

“Is it Orobas’ boss?”

Orobas nodded his head silently.

“Don’t worry, Orobas. I won’t summon him.”

With that, I closed “Goetia”.

Then Orobas said, “Thank you, Master!”, and started crying again, as if he was moved by the situation.

At any rate, as long as I don’t summon him, it’s impossible for Orobas’ boss to interfere in this world, so there won’t be any problems for now.

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