Artificial Mates

Chapter 105 - neutral grounds

We left Dr. Churchhill in the lobby of the theater with his friends. I had to rush back to Olga, I've promised to help her and I'm a woman who keeps her word. The corridor was crowded with attendees and we had to push through to get to an even more crowded elevator. Enthusiastic discussions went us as we made out way up. I was squeezed between the far wall and Grant. He helped shield me from the group.

"Are you ok?" he whispered as he gazed at me. I had trouble staying focus with him pressing against my h.i.p.s. I averted my eyes praying that the other people would get off as soon as possible. Grant grinned at me then looked the other way. He placed his arms on both sides of my face to stop pressing against me. Damn, he just made it even more difficult. The people in the elevator were mindless of our situation. I can't believe I'm turned on over this cheesy elevator scene.

"Will you go see Atlas after this?" I whispered to get my hear busy. His chin brushed over my hair when he looked down. I was breathing as slowly as possible to keep my cool.

"The meeting is at 10, there's still one hour left," the elevator stopped and half of the group got off. I let out a sigh of relief as Grant got away from me. He gave me a side-glance that I ignored. He probably knew what was up with me. This is our workplace, get a grip Liliane, I scolded myself. I stared at the panel flashing the numbers. I had to stay focus.

Finally, the door opened on our floor, I rushed outside without waiting for Grant. He followed me with a grin. I didn't have to look back, our connection said it all. Olga looked up from her screen when we walked in.

"So what was it all about?" she sprung around in her chair. Grant leaned against the table by the door then crossed his arms over his chest.

"I'm a little skeptic about their white tower project. Dr. Laurell said briefly that it was tungsten rings technologies. That it was wireless and all the cyborgs and artificial personals could charge 24/7," he shook his head.

"It's a power generator? A Telsa generator?" she frowned. Grant uncrossed his arms and pushed away from the tabletop. He paced back and forth with one finger on his chin.

"I highly doubt it, the thing with the Tesla generator is that the way it works, it seems like it will ionize the air," he paused in his track.


"And guess what... beta radiation is essentially high energy ion," I sunk in my chair next to Olga with a sigh.

"Will you stop talking like aliens, please. Speak a language I understand," he looked up as if he noticed me for the first time. His face lit up.

"Alpha, beta, gamma," he stated like that would mean anything to me. Alpha was what Demos was, I was guessing it had nothing to do with what we were talking about. He sighed and sat beside me. "Alpha radiation is made of high energy light atoms, like hydrogen," I nodded with hesitation. I wasn't sure where he was going.

"It has low penetrative power and so can be easily shielded against," Olga cut in. "This thing must be something else. They won't use technology that will harm their human personals. Even if it means wireless and limitless power for the machines," she turned back to her screen.

"How do you make people pay for this kind of service? It sounds complicated to manage," said Grant as he shook his head making curls fall on his forehead.

"Who knows," she threw over her shoulder. "Universal tax, one bill, permanent slavery, and the list goes on and on," Olga was being a bit pessimistic with the whole thing. Should I blame her after what I saw in the cafeteria? "Here," he turned to me and send the codes to work on. I quickly went back to work. A heated debate on that new revolutionary source of energy went on for almost an hour.

"Grant?" called Atlas out of nowhere making me jump. I cursed myself for letting me react that way. I should get used to it by now. But I didn't. who would? "Are you ready?" he said in his flat voice.

"I am," Grant got up. He held his hand for me to take and I did without hesitation. He gave it a little squeezed before marching to the door. I watched him with my heart racing in my chest. I only half wished I'd gone with him. However, I was scared.

"Go back to work. Working will help you keep your head busy," said Olga without taking her eyes off the screen. She was right. I turned back to my equations and calculations. Focusing on the numbers helped me eased my anxiety. But didn't disappear completely.

At lunch, I took a quick trip to the cafeteria. I was planning to grab bread with whatever was on the menu and a drink then rush back to eat it at my desk. It was packed, as usual, the queue was longer in the takeaway section. Somehow, the large room was quiet. There were low whispers but no laughter like it used to be. I gave a quick glance at the spot where it all took place. The white tile was wiped clean, there was no trace of blood. Still, the memory remained.

"Miss!" called the cyborg serving the food. I flinched and turned to the front. "What will be your order?" I was distracted by the many choices. I just pointed randomly at one of the pictures on the screen before me. "A chicken masala kebab and a small serving a fries. Do you want something to drink?" he asked in that generic robot voice.

"Any juice, please," he paused as if not know what that meant.

"Which flavor, Miss?" he turned to the selection of different flavors.

"Just pick the first one, I don't really mind," the person standing behind me sighed in frustration. I know, I want to be out of here as fast as anyone else. The cyborg picked an apple juice can and place it in with my food in a paper bag then handed it to me.

"Have a nice meal," he said then turned to the next customer. I rushed to the door, I didn't try to find familiar faces in the crowd. I don't think I'll have the strength to engage in small talk. Not after how Angus reacted this morning. Talk about weird. When I came back to the lab I was alone. Olga was gone. I sat in my chair and ate. I washed all the spicy flavors with the apple juice. It wasn't bad at all. I simply regretted not getting dessert.

"Bon appetit," said Grant from the door. I nearly dropped my juice. He frowned at my reaction.

"Sorry, I'm a little jumpy," he crossed the room and sat next to me. He took my hands in his then gazed into my eyes.

"Don't apologize. I was worried too," a shadow passed into his silvery eyes.

"How did it go?" I whispered. He pressed his lips together. Please, tell me, I prayed. He took a deep breath then released it slowly. That was not a good sign.

"It was rather unpleasant, to say the least," my hand shook as I held his closer.

"D-did he hurt you?" one side of his lips curled up.

"No, no, not in that way," he hesitated with the two first words then said the last one in a firm tone.

"He asked unpleasant questions again?" I frowned. He didn't answer.

"Did I?" I gasped at the voice of the AI from somewhere above. Damn it, he did it again. Making me jump out of my skin. "If I did, please hear my sincere apologies," that boring voice said something else.

"sincere, my ass," I murmured.

-Liliane! Don't piss Atlas. There will be grave repercussions.

I cleared my throat and drunk the rest of my apple juice. Atlas didn't push further and I was thankful he didn't mention my tongue slip. I will have to mind my language. Olga came back with Dr. Churchhill. He was smiling from hear to hear.

"Kids, I have great news. They were able to extract my material from the boat and in a couple of weeks we will have our own workplace. I had a lovely chat with the great Dr. Laurell. He was overjoyed with how fast we are working on the water system," I pursed my lips at him. WE? Like really, he wasn't doing anything for the project. And yet he is here talking all the credit.

He went on in a length discussion about our place. I stopped listening when he started talking about how he met Dr. Laurell's father. I didn't care and the guy pissed me. Olga took place next to Grant in silence and worked her fingers on the keyboard, so I did the same.

Curiously, we went home early. It was 5 and the sun was still high in that blue, blue sky. Grant and Olga were still on that white tower subject. I stared at the rapid scenery eager to get back to Demos. The car left us by the gate, we waved Olga goodbye and went inside. As we pushed the gate of our house Demos sprung up. He was wearing the weirdest outfit. A straw hat, gloves, and only a pair of shorts.

"What is going on here?" I smiled, I couldn't help myself with all that tan muscles exposed.

"You're early," he peeled his dirty gloves off. "Welcome back," he smiled. Demos took a step aside to show us what he was working. There were potted plants and bushes and small trees. Has he been gardening? "I went to the city center again," his face lit up like a kid. "I guess, I had too much free time," he took off the hat and scratched his head. Oh, how cute he is embarrassed. Grant took the hat from him and tried it on. They both burst out of laughter. Artificial rumor as its best.

"When I got the plants, the seller gave me the hat and the gloves for free. She said to come back if I needed advice for my garden," at the mention of the 'she' my lips twisted in annoyance.

"She?" I tilted my head to the side. He nodded with enthusiasm. I don't think he saw that face I was pulling.

"Yeah," his cooper eyes glittered with joy. "You should come next time. It's actually a small outlet shop. That's where I got the lettuce the other time. She told me that they have a bigger farm on the other side of the island. They provide food for the factories inland," he grinned and shoved his gloves in his back pocket. "I know the garden doesn't look like much," he pointed to the small square of soil. "But soon it will be a cool place where we can have lunch and dinner," ok, he was being way too cute for his sake. And I was still pissed with the 'she' character.

"I love it," said Grant. They both turned to face me.

"Ok, ok, I love it too," I giggled. Demos dusted off his hands and turned to the front door.

"It's still early for dinner. Why don't we head to the beach," he threw over his shoulder. I sighed, damn I was tired as f.u.c.k. But it did sound awesome. "Remember, that one we found after the little patch of forest?" yeah, I remember the beautiful sunset.

"I wish I had something to wear, a dip in the water will help my sore body," Demos held the door open for us with a mischievous grin.

"I bought you a flashy red bikini," he announced.

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