Chapter 104 Threats? Useless!!

Gu Zhou suddenly had an illusion, he was like a character in the game, using props that attracted monsters, and monsters were all attracted.

Less than five minutes.

All the corpse crows were dead.

Gu Zhou let out a long breath, chose the tallest house, stood on the roof and looked around, exhausted his eyes, and vaguely saw two figures chasing in the night ~ color.

Sometimes one after the other, sometimes entangled.


The roar of the Star Picking Daoist resounded throughout half of Guangzhou City.


“What’s going on?”

Nalan Yuanshu was woken up by his subordinates in the middle of the night and dressed under the service of the maid.

“It’s a real person who picks stars.”

Nalan Yuanshu’s action paused, and his heart moved: “Could it be chasing and killing the evil devil who can create animals?” Take me! ”


The sticky rod is located in Guangzhou.

Liu Zongwei, the lower mountain tiger, reported: “Sir, it is the Yundong clan that is being hunted down! ”

Yan Leisheng’s eyes froze: “Who is chasing and killing him?” How many people? ”

“One, a real person who picks stars. Although Yun Dongtian has many poisonous means, his strength is not as good as that of the star-picking real person, and he can barely resist the star-picking real person in a short time, and after a long time, he will inevitably die in the hands of the star-picking real person. ”

“Sir, do you want to save it…”

The Broken Dragon of the Submersible asked in a deep voice.

“I want to think…”

Yan Leisheng raised his hand, his eyes were slight, and he was in deep thought, comparing the pros and cons.

Evil Buddha Zhao Shenfu said: “Sir, he has been exposed, and his subordinates suggest not to save him.” ”

Liu Zongwei objected: “Without Yundongtian, many things at the sticky pole are not easy to handle. ”

The sticky rod is a sewer rat in the eyes of many people, and no one wants to approach them, and Yundongtian is equivalent to a black glove at the sticky rod, and many inconvenient things at the sticky rod are handed over to him in exchange for the protection of him at the sticky rod.

It was also the connection and protection at the sticky rod that made the Star Picking Daoist chase and kill for thousands of miles, and lost his trace several times.


Yan Leisheng spit out a word heavily and walked out.

“Adult? Nalan Yuanshu has already doubted, really want to save, Nalan Yuanshu will inevitably target us, the matter of strangling the revolutionary chaotic party is very difficult to handle without the cooperation of Nalan Yuanshu, compared to Yundongtian, the revolutionary chaotic party is more important. ”

Zhao Shenfu persuaded again and again.

Yan Leisheng walked and said lightly: “What if Yundongtian is captured alive?” His mouth is not very tight. ”

Zhao Shenfu suddenly realized: “Adult Mingjian!” ”

Where Yan Leisheng went to save Yun Dongtian, it was clear that he killed people by law.

Yun Dongtian ran wildly, he grabbed a person with both hands, the two mouths were aligned, he violently sucked the red blood light around his body, his eyes were full of cruelty and blood, and the body of the person on his hand gradually dried up, became skinny and bones, and the breath of life quickly dissipated.

With the influx of blood light, Yun Dongtian’s injuries quickly healed.


Throwing the person who turned into a corpse on the ground, Yun Dongtian looked back at the star-picking Daoist who was chasing after him, like a forbearant poisonous moth, his eyes were full of madness and cruelty, and he shouted fiercely: “Star-picking Daoist, they all killed the pigs by you!” You keep chasing me! It will only kill more people! ”

The star picker did not say a word, his eyes became more and more fierce, his hands quickly froze, and he drank low: “Go!” ”

With a thunderous sound, a purple lightning-like light and shadow slashed towards Yundongtian.


Yun Dongtian was in no hurry to dodge, and his left arm was directly cut off.

If you are a pedantic person, when you encounter such an uncompromising person as Yun Dongtian, you may be tied up and afraid that your own self-killing will kill more people.

But the Star Picking Dao people knew very well that if he didn’t get rid of Yun Dongtian, more people would only die in his hands.

Ahead, another person who heard the movement came out to see the excitement, and the Star Picking Daoist sighed softly, knowing that this person would be sucked dry of blood from his whole body by Yundongtian next.

Yun Dongtian looked at the lively person in front of him, his eyes were full of malice, and he grabbed him and wanted to suck the blood of his whole body to heal his injuries.

Right now.

He was suddenly creepy.

Get one’s dander up.

I saw that at the end of the street, the sword light burst out, and a figure, carrying a fierce hurricane, slashed and killed.

The man’s speed is extremely fast, he steps out ten meters in one step, his legs run extremely fast, and the air flow on both sides is detonated, which at first glance looks like a royal wind.

At the same time that the wind emitted by the blade cutting through the air reached his ears, Gu Zhou’s figure also arrived in front of him.

The light of the sword swept across, cutting the air, and swept the wind.


A slash!


There was no blood splattered out, and the horned worm feeling from the knife was not flesh and blood, Gu Zhou instantly felt that something was wrong, and he fixed his eyes on it, and it was indeed not a human being, but a scarecrow.

A scarecrow was beheaded by him!

“The spell is really wonderful, and it actually deceived my eyes in an instant, not only eyes, but also perception.”

Gu Zhou’s figure froze for half a second, and in this half second, Yun Dongtian had already run far away.

Gu Zhou had a trace of regret that he had not been able to kill Yun Dongtian, and Yun Dongtian’s frightened soul just now flew away, just now, he almost thought that he was going to be beheaded, but fortunately, he used the art of borrowing things to replace shapes, and changed the position of himself and the scarecrow.


Let the scarecrow be beheaded for himself.

“Damn it! Where did the Star Picking Dao people find helpers, the strength of martial arts is so strong, this kind of strength, even if there is no blood exchange five times, there are four times. ”

Yundong Tianrou was so painful that his heart was dripping blood.

The scarecrow was his treasure at the bottom of the box, and he managed to get one with great difficulty, and it was destroyed.

Sensing that Gu Zhou was chasing, he didn’t have time to hurt his flesh, spitting out a mouthful of essence blood, and the blood mist from the wound on his left arm dispersed, gathering into a blood-colored long sword in front of him.

After the condensation is complete.

His face was almost as pale as a dead man.

If this blood sword can’t be accomplished, he will have no hole card.


The blood sword pulled out a fierce blood-colored rainbow light and blasted towards Gu Zhou, who was closest to him.


Gu Zhou’s body was boiling more and more powerful, and he was terrified to the extreme, like a glorious sun, and the evil Yundongtian were almost two extremes.

The sword light burst out and collided with the blood sword.


The blood sword was full of blood drops.

Yun Dongtian’s hands conjured up spells, and the scattered drops of blood turned into a powerful crossbow that shot towards Gu Zhou.

In the face of the blood droplets like a strong bow in the sky, ordinary martial artists were already panicked, Gu Zhou’s face was still calm, and he shook the hilt.

Big splash!

Splash water does not enter, covering all sides!

The light of the knife turned into countless arcs up and down Gu Zhouzhou’s body, cutting the blood droplets that shot over, scattering into ordinary blood righteousness…

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