Chapter 106 There is a mind to calculate without a mind!!

At the same time, he had his own limitations, and as part of the Manchu ruling class, his mission was to maintain Manchu rule, and even though he saw the ups and downs of Manchu rule, he remained loyal.

He and Huang Feihong cherished each other, but due to different positions, in the end, they fought each other, and he belonged to the tragic hero of this era of turbulence and turbulence, but he was a hero of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

He did not know that the people’s foolishness had not awakened, and the imperial court was rotten and difficult to use, and he could not stop the wheel of history by himself.

Even though he seemed to be the governor of Guangdong, with a high position and martial arts strength, a speck of dust in the chaotic era fell on his head as a mountain, crushed him, and finally died for the decaying Qing Dynasty.

Position aside, this person actually has a strong personality.

“Uncle Junior, knowing that the person behind Yundongtian is Yan Leisheng, what are you going to do?”

The Star Picking Daoist shook his head and said, “What can I do?” Maoshan and the well water of the imperial court do not violate the river water, Yan Leisheng is an official of the imperial court for one day, and I can’t move him 19 in one day, unless he really does something evil that angers people and resents people. ”

Gu Zhou understood the Star Picking Daoist, he was not bullying the soft and afraid of the hard.

As a person of Maoshan, the star picking Dao people have to consider not only themselves, but also the entire Maoshan.

Maoshan was able to maintain a state where the well water of the imperial court did not violate the river water because Maoshan was not an enemy of the imperial king.

Even with the current situation of the imperial court, if you really want to deal with Maoshan, you can make Maoshan burnt out.

“By the way, I won’t stay in Guangzhou for more than three days, when the time comes, I will go back to Maoshan, within three days you will come to me, you will take the paper crane, and then I will guide you to find me.”

The Star Picking Daoist handed the paper crane to Gu Zhou, and the two separated.

Gu Zhou’s ability: Tongtian Washing Sutra (fifth layer), eight-step cicada chasing (out of the ordinary), decapitation knife method (ascending to the peak), big splashing wind (climbing the peak), Taishang Huangting Exterior Jade Sutra (fourth heaven), Xuangang talisman seal gold medal (mastery)

Essence: 82.

Gu Zhou didn’t expect that Yun Dongtian, as a person, could actually provide 60 essences, completely overturning his idea that he would only provide essences if he killed demons and monsters.

Perhaps, what Yun Dongtian did was no different from the demon.

When it needs to be noted, it is not only Gu Zhou who kills the demon and monster with his own hands to obtain the essence, as long as the demon and demon are within a hundred meters when the demon monster dies, no matter who kills it, he can obtain the essence.

82 points of essence.

Gu Zhou felt that his economy was suddenly much more prosperous, thought about it, pressed the button behind the eight steps to catch the cicada, and consumed 30 essence.

The divine transformation has become the pinnacle, and this footwork has also been practiced to the top.


Gu Zhou jumped slightly, jumped more than two meters high, and at the moment when his body fell, he stepped on the ground as if he were stepping on the ground, and he was more than a foot taller in the middle of the life.

“By the wind! The eight-step rush to the pinnacle has this ability! ”

There are thousands of light skills in the world, but no light skill can soar through the clouds, even if it is a supreme light skill, after the air power is exhausted, at most turn, or borrow something to raise up, even if it is a leaf.

And there was not a single leaf under Gu Zhou’s feet, it was completely stepping on the air.

“The three of you, go to the Flying Circus immediately, be sure to hurry before Nalan Yuanshu’s soldiers and horses arrive, ask Izumo Dongtian what he left in the person in charge of the Flying Circus, if it is a message about the sticky pole, erase it immediately, and then kill the person in charge.”

After separating from Nalan Yuanshu, Yan Leisheng should immediately issue an order.

“The adult’s concern is not unreasonable, Yun Dongtian is extremely cautious, in order to prevent us from killing people and killing people, it is only possible to leave some kind of evidence to threaten us, and this evidence must not fall into the hands of Nalan Yuanshu.”

Zhao Shenfu said in a deep voice.

“If you let Nalan Yuanshu get evidence, you will definitely read a book to me!” This person prides himself on being a humerus minister of the imperial court, and he can’t see such evil demons as Yun Dongtian. Now that he is the Dinghai God of Guangdong, if he writes to me, the imperial court will inevitably hold me accountable in order to appease him. ”


Yan Leisheng clenched his fists heavily and pinched the air: “And accountability will not be raised high and gently falling.” ”

“Sir, I’ll wait for this to go! The three of us join forces, and the person in charge of killing a circus must be the hand coming. ”


Yan Leisheng suddenly asked, “Do you see that Gu Zhou has a familiar feeling?” ”

The three of them thought about it, but they all shook their heads, indicating that they and Gu Zhou had never met before.

“Go, maybe I thought too much, a little devilish, see that everyone suspects that it is a promiscuous thief.”

Yan Leisheng waved his hand, watched the three people go away, took out the portraits of three chaotic courtiers and thieves from his arms, his eyes fell on the portraits of the people who had fought with him, stared at those eyes for a long time, closed his eyes and pondered, recalled, and muttered to himself: “It’s still a little similar.” ”

“Be honest!”

“Crouch for me!”

“Don’t move!”

“Lord Feng Tidu’s order to seal the Flying Circus!”

“Whoever dares to resist, shoot and kill!”

Early in the morning, most of the people just got up, the officers and soldiers surrounded the circus, violently broke in, and was pointed at by a pole of Hanyangzao, and the entire flying circus was in chaos, and few people dared to resist.

Seeing which one dared to resist, he was immediately beaten into a hornet’s nest.

And Zhao Shenfu, Broken Dragon, and Liu Zongwei had already lurked behind the circus, caught one person and asked the location of the person in charge of the Feitian Circus, and went straight to the bedroom.

The three of them were silent at their feet, and entered the bedroom, and under the quilt on the bed, a 650 person was still sleeping.

The three looked at each other, nodded slightly, the two stopped in place, left and right vigilant, Zhao Shenfu came to the bed, and was about to reach out and uncover the quilt.


The quilt on the bed shattered into a sky of cotton wool, and in the cotton wool in the sky, a pair of eyes full of killing intent appeared, and a lightning punch was blasted out.


There is a mental calculation without intention, Gu Zhou is abrupt, domineering, and a punch that has been planned for a long time, so that Zhao Shenfu does not have much time to react at all.

A few meters away, Liu Zongwei, the face of the broken dragon changed wildly.

And Zhao Shenfu suddenly crossed his arms in front of his chest, his muscles bulged high, and his clothes were full.


Not to mention that he crossed his arms in front of his chest, even the arms made of steel were broken, and his arms, no accident, were like tomatoes being crushed, bones, muscles, and blood splattered.

His chest seemed to be hit by a cannonball at close range, his eyes bulged sharply, his clothes shattered, and in the sound of crackling bones shattering, his body rose from the ground, and he slammed heavily on the beam, directly knocking the thick beam apart, the whole room shook violently, and dust fell.


Zhao Shenfu only highlighted one word, received a punch from Gu Zhou with all his strength, and hit the beam again, the double damage caused his bones and internal organs to be shattered, and blood mixed with the shattered internal organs spewed out of his mouth…

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