Chapter 111: Yan Leisheng’s Tracking!!

On the street, dozens of meters of white dressed White Lotus believers gathered a man wearing a white lotus crown walking in the middle.

Holding a white flag, while walking, it is still sprinkled with yellow talismans, and if you add a coffin, it is like a dead person coming out of the funeral.

“The lifeless old mother descends into the dust, bless the people to turn over!” Destroy the demonic spirit of foreigners and save the thousands of people in China! ”

The older the onlookers, the more these white believers stopped and came out with Western things, gramophones, clocks, Western paintings, pianos, desk lamps, chandeliers, and even a Dalmatian from the West.

“What kind of dog is this?”

Some of the onlookers asked.

“Dog with epilepsy, this is a demon dog! It is necessary to burn to death! ”

In a burst of white lotus descending mortals, the people turned over wildly, the white lotus believers set these Western things on fire, and the man wearing the white lotus crown warned the surrounding people sharply: “These foreigners come to my Chinese land, kill and set fire, do all evil, foreign things from the West are also devouring the luck of my Chinese land, who dares to use foreign things again in the future, not only foreign things will be burned, but people will also be burned!” ”

The foreign thing ignited a fire in the sky, and the Dalmatian was tied to the spot, emitting a terrifying scream, and a group of crazy White Lotus believers shouted and shouted with the tablet of the lifeless old mother, extremely crazy.

And a pair of revolutionaries who searched and arrested the Qing soldiers with portraits all over the street, turned a blind eye to the White Lotus Christians.

The whole city of Guangzhou, that is called a group of demons dance.

And Gu Zhou, alone with four big dogs, danced through the demons and came to the heavily guarded Cheng Gate.

Just this one city gate actually hoarded hundreds of Qing soldiers with guns and live ammunition, and every person who entered and left, whether men, women or children, had to undergo a strict inspection, and even had to touch everyone’s face to prevent disfigurement.

“Nalan Yuanshu?”

Gu Zhou lined up in the rear, but when he saw Nalan Yuanshu, his heart jumped, and his heart lifted up slightly.

Ordinary Qing soldiers are easy to fool, but Nalan Yuanshu knows the art of animal making.

Looking down at the four dogs, Gu Zhou thought about it, not a person who is proficient in animal making, it is impossible to find that the four dogs he is leading are people.

Nalan Yuanshu is just a pure martial artist, and there is a high probability that he will not be able to find it.

Don’t worry too much.


The Qingbing who handled the handle checked Gu Zhou’s bag, glanced at the four dogs, and was about to touch Gu Zhou’s face, Nalan Yuanshu walked up and stopped it loudly.

“Gu Zhou, you didn’t pick the star and left?”

Gu Zhou arched his hand: “It turned out to be Lord Nalan, there was something that was not done in the next place, so it delayed the time, and this is not ready to leave.” ”

“You like having dogs?”

Nalan Yuanshu glanced at the four different dogs, and his face was slightly strange.

“Personal preference.”

Nalan Yuanshu glanced at Gu Zhou carefully, and waved his hand: “Let go!” ”

“Thank you, Lord Nalan!”

Watching Gu Zhou leave, Nalan Yuanshu withdrew his gaze, and his eagle-like sharp gaze scanned the people coming.

It was really a coincidence that he and Gu Zhou met at this city gate, but they were patrolling the four directions of Guangzhou just to patrol here, and he had no doubts about Gu Zhou.

After all, the people he is looking for are Sun Revolution and Lu Haodong, two big men, plus Xiao Hongyi, there is a clear portrait, Gu Zhou with four dogs, no matter how you look at it.

Although it was a little strange for a person to carry four ordinary dogs, when he thought of Gu Zhou being a disciple of Maoshan, this behavior became very commonplace.

After all, as far as he knew, there was more than one Maoshan disciple raising zombies.

Leading four dogs out of Guangzhou for more than ten miles, came to a barren mountain, Gu Zhou uncovered Xiao Hongyi, Xiao Meiyu, the dog skin on Sun Revolution’s body, when Sun Revolution came out of the dog skin, Gu Zhou suddenly felt a slight breathing sound that was almost imperceptible.

Someone is stalking me!

Gu Zhou’s heart was beating wildly.

Although he was very confident in the art of animal creation, Gu Zhou still maintained a vigilant attitude all the way, and even more vigilant, with his current five senses, almost no one could quietly approach him within a hundred meters.

“This person can control his breathing, qi and blood, and heartbeat so subtly, and he is a big master! Who is it? He suddenly got a little heavier when Sun Revolution got out of the dog’s skin, otherwise I might not have noticed him, Sun Revolution is very important to him? Is it Nalan Yuanshu or Yan Leisheng? ”

“Gu Zhou, what’s wrong?”

Gu Zhou’s action was just a pause, Xiao Hongyi was already familiar with him, and immediately noticed that something was wrong.

“Someone is following us, don’t look around.”

Gu Zhou said in a low voice.

Sun Revolution’s halfway point of turning his head immediately turned back, but the stalker discovered this subtle movement and simply did not hide it.

“Hahahahaha, Gu Zhou, I found that I already looked up to you, but I didn’t expect to underestimate you, how did you find me?”

Everyone was shocked, and Gu Zhou looked at him indifferently: “The sound of breathing.” ”

Yan Leisheng sighed lightly: “We have been arrested for more than ten years in the Sun revolution, and when we see him close at hand, we will be caught soon, and it is difficult for my heart to be calm.” ”

“310 Gu Zhou, bind your hands and capture, leave your whole corpse.”

Yan Leisheng looked down at the four people and one dog under the high order, and his tone was murderous, as if Gu Zhou and the others were already fish meat that he was slaughtering on the sticky board, revealing a strong self-confidence.

His self-confidence is not without purpose, as a martial artist who has changed blood five times, it is difficult to find an opponent in the world, although there are five opponents, but only Gu Zhou is worthy of his slight attention, but that’s all.

After all, the two had fought once, and Gu Zhou was defeated in the face of Shita.

“How do you suspect me?”

Yan Leisheng pointed to his eyes: “My eyes have an ability, and if I see it, I won’t forget it.” I fought you once, although I was masked, but I remembered your eyes, and that night, when I met you, I felt that your eyes were a little familiar. ”

“It’s just that I can’t believe that as a promiscuous thief, he dares to appear in front of me in a grand manner, it’s really… It’s so daring… Your list, big! ”

Yan Leisheng felt slightly, and his words changed: “Zhao Shenfu and the three were also killed by you, right?” You misled me into sending them to kill people and kill people. Smart, really smart, turn me around. As for the uneven person, it does play a role in disturbing the line of sight, but I guess you are the uneven person. ”

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