Chapter 116 Find the Wu Clan who came to the door!!

In Daxiang County, Gu Zhou saw Cai Chun again and received the remaining balance of one hundred kilograms of penicillin.

One hundred kilograms of penicillin, worth 30,000 kilograms of gold, Gu Zhou occupies 8.5%, as long as it is sold, 25,500 kilograms of gold belong to Gu Zhou.

When taking penicillin, Desheng Commercial Bank paid a small part of the advance payment, and in addition to arms, antiques, and jade, the final payment included nearly half of gold, dollars, pounds, and oceans.

This time, Gu Zhou gave Cai Chun five hundred kilograms of penicillin, and did not let Desheng Commercial Bank pay the advance payment, which was regarded as showing his sincerity.

Seeing five hundred kilograms of penicillin, Cai Chun seemed to see a mountain of gold and was ecstatic.

The effect of penicillin has been played, all forces around the world are waving banknotes, gold to buy penicillin, he dares to guarantee that as soon as penicillin is brought back, it will be sold out in less than half a month.

Leaving Desheng Commercial Company, Gu Zhou was about to meet Master Shi Jian, but two big men blocked his way.

“Our young master wants to meet you.”

“Want to see me? Let him do it himself. ”

Gu Zhou said indifferently.

Two big men reached out 19 and grabbed it.


Gu Zhou grabbed the arms of the two like lightning, and instantly crushed their wrists: “Roll!” ”

The two were sweating profusely in pain, and they didn’t dare to say a word of, and the fart rolled under the Hidden Dragon Mountain, and a group of people blocked Gu Zhou’s way, about twenty people, most of them were gunman guards, one by one, thick hands and feet, strong bodies, sharp eyes, bulging waist, it seemed that they were all carrying guns.

An elegant young man walked out: “I am Wu Jianyuan. ”

“Wu Jianyuan?”

Gu Zhou frowned slightly: “What’s the matter with looking for me?” ”

“Be bold! Dare to call the young master by name! ”

A woman behind him screamed.

Gu Zhou shook his head and sneered: “Could it be that the name Wu Jianyuan was taken out not to reduce people, but to keep him dead and engraved on the Mu tablet for people to sacrifice?” ”

“You! You! You! Extremely daring! ”

The woman’s face was livid.

“It’s bold to call a name, it’s such a big faction, even if it’s an emperor, I want to call him by his first name, don’t tell me that your young master is more noble than the emperor?” What a thing. ”

“Cuiping, stand down.”

Wu Jianyuan waved his hand and said lightly: “You are right, the name is taken out for people.” Gu Zhou, do you know why I am looking for you? ”

His attitude seemed to be gentle and his expression was flat, but what Gu Zhou saw was condescending, and his posture was faintly high.

From what the women around him said, Wu Jianyuan is probably a high-ranking prince on weekdays.

It was like Gu Zhou was an honor to meet him.

Gu Zhou said nonchalantly, “Are you overestimating yourself?” Wu Jianyuan’s name is not so big, how do I know who you are? Where did it come from, what to do with me. ”


Cuiping is like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, and his whole body is fried.

Wu Jianyuan’s expression remained unchanged: “Okay, then I’ll introduce myself, the ancestor of the family, Wu Bingjian, my Wu clan, was the head of the thirteen lines in Guangzhou.” ”

“The head of the thirteen lines in Guangzhou? The Wu clan? Still surviving? ”

Wu Bingjian’s reputation is still very big, and the Wall Street Journal published an album called “A Thousand Years”, counting the 50 richest people in the world in the past few centuries.

Among them, six Chinese were selected, they are Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan, Liu Jin, He Kun, Wu Bingjian and Song Ziwen.

Among these six people, only Wu Kangjian appeared as a pure businessman.

Ng Bingjian is a business wizard who has established close ties with important customers in Western countries.

He was both an official and merchant in feudal society, and he knew how to rely on the trade of Western merchants to make a fortune.

His firm had the closest ties with foreign merchants at the time, and could compete in the East India Company, retail merchants, and American merchants, and the Wu family traded millions of taels of silver with British and American merchants every year.

In addition, Wu Bingjian was a banker and largest creditor of the East India Company.

Because of this, Wu Bingjian enjoyed a high reputation in the Western business community at that time, and some Western scholars called him the richest man in the world.

Before the Opium War, he boldly invested in railroads, traded securities, and even ventured into insurance business in the United States across the ocean, making Wu Commercial Company a veritable transnational consortium.

However, the development of Wu’s Commercial Company is still inseparable from opium, and the opium business also occupies an important position in the commercial map of Wu’s Commercial Company.

Unfortunately, the prosperity of Wu’s trading house fell from its peak after the outbreak of the Opium War, and it is said that Wu Bingjian was ‘frightened and collapsed to the ground’.

On the one hand, there were foreign merchants who secretly carried opium for huge profits and had many years of trade, and on the other hand, the imperial court officials who wanted to collect opium and burn opium.

After the defeat in the war, many of the reparations of the imperial court were claimed by the thirteen elements, and the Wu merchant company accounted for the largest share.

What the?

You don’t want to claim?

The imperial court immediately pumped its mouth wide.

If you claim it obediently, you can also save a small part of your property.

Don’t claim? Loss of wealth and fortune.

In addition to the large reparations of 750 to claim by the thirteen elements, the defeat of the war forced the imperial court to open five trading docks, and the trade monopoly of the thirteen lines “one large” has since disappeared.

“Back then, the ancestor spent sixteen million taels just by buying back a lot of official titles and seals. There will be three caves, do you think my Wu clan will completely decline so easily? ”

Wu Jianyuan did not evade the fact that the Wu family had declined, and his expression was indifferent: “My Wu family has invested all over the world, and these investments are still controlled by our Wu family. The reason why the world thinks that the Wu family has declined is simply that we are no longer high-profile. ”

For Wu Jianyuan’s statement, Gu Zhou does not doubt that such a behemoth, it is not so easy to go bankrupt, moreover, Wu Bingjian has a long-term vision and foresight to expand his business overseas, and business is no longer the only lifeline of the Wu family.

Maybe it’s not as good as it was at its peak, but it’s still a business giant.

“Okay, don’t talk nonsense, there is something to say.”

Gu Zhou had probably guessed what Wu Jianyuan was looking for him.

“Send me a message to the person behind you, and sell me the penicillin manufacturing method.”

Gu Zhou was stunned, looked Wu Jianyuan up and down, did not speak for a long time, saw that Wu Jianyuan was uncomfortable, coughed a few times and frowned: “What have you been watching me do?” ”

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