Chapter 128 Head Horn Hero!!


Gu Zhou seemed to hear the sound of watermelon breaking, Wen Cai gasped and squatted down, covering his head and rubbing it vigorously.

The corner of Qiu Sheng’s mouth twitched, realizing that he wanted to laugh, and quickly pulled his face, restoring the expression I knew was wrong.

Gu Zhou shook his head and poked such a big basket, Ninth Uncle must now see that they are not pleasing anywhere, maybe breathing louder or stepping out of the door first with his left foot will take the opportunity to train.

At this time, it is better to be honest, low eyebrows, be careful, and do not say a word.

Wen Cai does not mention which pot, it can be predicted that Renjiazhen will inevitably die, but he is still worried about Ren Tingting, and the ninth uncle does not give him a brainstorm, and the ninth uncle has a good temper.

In comparison, Qiu Sheng knows a lot, like a good baby.

“Gu Zhou, I’m going to trouble you again, you have a lot of people, and the probability of finding zombie traces is much greater.”

Gu Zhou nodded ~ head: “A trifle!” ”

Lijia Village is ten miles away from Renjia Town, and a hundred people rushed overnight and tossed for a night, and by the time Renjiazhen arrived, the sky was already dark.

Gu Zhou divided a company of people into ten teams, each carrying a Maxim.

The rifle may not hurt the green zombie or even the fur zombie, but Maqin definitely can.

Gu Zhou, the four of the Ninth Uncle rushed to the Ren family.

The Ren family is the undisputed first gentry in Renjia Town, with amazing wealth, and has decayed continuously for twenty years, and is still one of the richest families in Renjia Town.

The family house covers an area of more than five acres, and the architectural method combines Chinese and Western, including Eastern-style pavilions and pavilions, Western-style fountains, Roman columns, sculptures, octagonal houses, with gorgeous decoration, strong colors, graceful and luxurious.

However, Gu Zhou can be sure that the architect hired by the Ren family is very general, and the combination of Ren’s Western and Western architectural methods is just a random hodgepodge, and the two architectural methods are not fused together, which is very abrupt.

The concierge of the Ren family heard the knock, stretched out his head and looked out, fell on the Ninth Uncle, and asked respectfully: “Ninth Uncle, do you want to see our family master?” ”

He knew that his own master also treated Ninth Uncle with courtesy, so he did not dare to rush.

Ninth Uncle nodded: “There is something very important, you quickly go and report to Master Ren.” ”

“Ninth Uncle, wait a minute.”

Outside the door, his head retracted, and the ninth uncle said, “This gatehouse seal hall is black, and the whites of the eyes have black marks, which is a sign of great disaster.” But we’re lucky, the zombies haven’t come to Ren’s house yet. ”

“That is to say, Tingting has not had an accident yet.”

Wen Cai remembered to eat or not, and a sentence popped out.

Then he had another bag on his head.

Qiu Sheng snickered, “Wen Cai, the two bags on your head are quite regular. ”

“Just laugh!”

Wen Cai touched it, snorted, and was depressed.

“Qiu Sheng, you don’t understand.”

Gu Zhou said unfathomably.


Both of them are very strange, isn’t it just two bags on the top of the head, one left and one right, what don’t you understand?

“This is called Toujiao Zhengrong, do you know what is called Toujiao Zhengrong? It is extraordinarily different, gifted, like a special horn on the head, this is an innate natural appearance, ordinary people can’t do this if you want to, can’t give birth to this face. ”

Gu Zhou was talking serious nonsense.

Qiu Sheng was stunned, and then laughed maniacally: “Hahahahaha… Brilliant and talented! Hahahahaha! ”

Wen Cai’s heart was like 10,000 grass and mud horses galloping past, and he roared in his heart: “A hammer in the horn of the head!” Go to the talent of stepping horses! Aren’t these the two bags that Master knocked out! ”

In the face of Wen Cai’s resentful gaze, the corners of Jiu Uncle’s mouth twitched, hooked, and put down, hooked, and put down, but how could a master laugh like an apprentice, he could only turn his face and cough heavily, and a smile appeared that was handsome.

Five minutes later, the porter opened the door: “Sir, please.” ”

Following the porter inside, Ninth Uncle shook his head repeatedly.

Gu Zhou asked him why.

Ninth Uncle raised his finger and said: “Look at that rockery, cracked, then look at that sculpture, a piece is missing, that pavilion, the roof collapsed, and then look at those green plants, crooked.” ”

In the view of the ninth uncle, this is the manifestation of the problem of feng shui in the ancestral tomb, from the feng shui point of view, this is called yang house oblique, luck is also evil.

Entering the Western-style villa, Mr. Ren was sitting on the big sofa in his pajamas, looking tired, seeing the ninth uncle come in, he got up to greet him, and smiled: “The ninth uncle is coming, my Ren family is really full of brilliance, please sit.” ”

After sitting down, Old Master Ren opened his mouth and asked, “Ninth Uncle, you are in a hurry to find me at this time, is there something wrong with my father?” ”

“That’s right, Old Lady Ren… He turned into a zombie and disappeared. ”

Old Master Ren got up suddenly, and his face changed greatly: “How could this be, Ninth Uncle, you didn’t say that to me at that time!” My dad is gone, how to bury it! ”

Until now, his first thought was to find a feng shui treasure place for Old Lady Ren to bury, bless the descendants, and change the family’s fortunes.

“If you had promised Old Lady Spark Ren at that time, now you have become a zombie, and you will definitely wreak havoc and suck people’s blood everywhere.”

Ninth Uncle said in a deep voice: “But with you here, don’t worry about not finding your father.” ”

“What do you mean?”

“The blood of future generations is of great help to zombies.”

Old Master Ren was creepy and panicked: “Are you saying that my father will definitely come to me?” ”

“And Tingting.”

Qiu Sheng reminded loudly.

Old Master Ren slowly sat down, his brows furrowed, and pondered for a while: “Ninth Uncle, if you can catch my father and keep his body intact, the reward will be five thousand oceans!” ”

Obviously, he still did not dispel the idea of burying Old Lady Ren to change the fortunes of the family, and the ninth uncle shook his head: “It’s not a matter of honorarium, I can’t guarantee the integrity of your father’s body.” ”

“Ten thousand!”

Ninth Uncle smiled and said, “Master Ren, this is not a question of money or not, if you want to kill zombies, you will definitely destroy the zombie body.” ”

“I know your thoughts and want to change the bad luck of the Ren family, but now that Old Lady Ren is no longer buried in the dragon corpse raising cave, the bad luck of your family is no longer there, but it is just that it has not extended to the blessing of the ancestors and descendants.”

Old Master Ren looked struggling, and finally chose his and his daughter’s lives with a long sigh, got up and bowed: “Please also ask Ninth Uncle to worry more, I don’t know what we need to do, we will definitely cooperate.” ”

Ninth Uncle said, “Old Lady Ren will definitely come to you, you’d better not leave my sight, so that I can protect you.” ”

Old Master Ren didn’t have any opinions, and then ordered a subordinate to call Ren Tingting down, and then ordered a subordinate to call Wang Wei, the head of the regimental training regiment, to ten…

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