Chapter 133 Let the Manchus Die Prematurely!!

The defense power of zombies that are about to become stiff is indeed amazing, and after being shot by ten Maxims for so long, a cement house is about to collapse.

But Old Lady Ren still had the strength to escape, but he was not far from being broken.

Both arms were broken, like a series of lotus roots, only a layer of skin and flesh remained, the double retreat was not much better, the waist was also torn in half, the chest was shattered, and there were hundreds of bullets in the body, like a broken doll.

If you shoot for another half a minute, Old Lady Ren will die under the muzzle of Maqin like a horse thief, the difference is that its body will not turn into a pile of minced meat, which is probably the same as the fate of five horses divided into corpses.

Gu Zhou confirmed through Old Master Ren, to deal with the real Mao zombie, if you want to break the defense, I am afraid that you can only go to the cannon.

Zombies are this difficult to deal with, the defense is too strong, the body is hard – terrible.

“Thank you.”

Old Master Ren took a look and found that the body was barely complete, and after sewing the body together, it was still a complete corpse at first glance, and it could be buried.

“Come on.”

He clapped his hands, and a group of subordinates walked out carrying six large boxes, opened the boxes, and there was an ocean inside.

“This is 50,000 oceans, which can be regarded as the hard work of everyone in the Gu Tuan.”

“This is 10,000 oceans, and it is the hard work of the ninth uncle.”

Old Master Ren hugged his fists and smiled.

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng He had seen so much money, and their eyes lit up when they landed.

“Brothers, don’t you thank Master Ren yet?”

Gu Zhou is very satisfied with Mr. Ren’s understanding, although you didn’t invite me to come, but I did help you do things, and you paid for it, which is very reasonable.

“Thank you, Master Ren!”

More than a hundred people thanked in unison.

If it is in the imperial court, these 50,000 oceans must belong to the big people, and there is no part of the soldiers, but Gu Zhou never spares them with it, and these 50,000 oceans must be indispensable to them.

The ninth uncle disposed of Old Lady Ren’s body to ensure that it would not turn into a zombie again, and Old Master Ren asked people to collect the body and prepare for burial at a later date.


Under Ren Tingting’s reluctant gaze, Gu Zhou left Renjia Town.

If it weren’t for Old Master Ren’s stern prevention, Ren Tingting wanted to go to Qingshan Town with Gu Zhou to play and return to Qingshan Town, and Gu Tianyu did not disappoint him, the four bandits closest to Qingshan Town were all wiped out, and only one person was seriously injured and five people were lightly injured, which was a big victory.

Although it was only the bandits who were wiped out, everyone on him saw blood.

Gu Zhou found Gu Dahai: “Second master, you told the people of Qingshan Town that the bandits who were captured three days later were publicly tried.” ”

“Everyone can watch from the sidelines, there are wrongs, there are revenge.”

“Anyone who identifies bandits with the blood of the people will be shot!”

Gu Dahai nodded and joked: “During this public trial, your prestige in Qingshan really went to a higher level.” I guess anyone who doesn’t want to want to be urged to me. ”

Gu Zhou was very modest: “It’s all the support of the second master and the clan elders.” ”

Gu Dahai admired Gu Zhou more and more, he lived more than sixty years old, his subline was a Zhongshan wolf, and he saw a lot of rampant things in Dezhi.

And Gu Zhou maintained a relatively humble attitude from beginning to end.

“But there is one thing I have to tell you, the position of the patriarch can be decided within our clan, but the town mayor can’t, you need the imperial court to accept the order, I just returned from the county seat today, and the newspaper said that the imperial court seems to be gone.”


Gu Zhou was stunned, it’s not yet 1910, although the Manchu Qing Dynasty has sunset, but Bo Yi has not abdicated, could it be that he remembered wrong?

Gu Dahai went back to the house, took out a newspaper and handed it to him.

Gu Zhou quickly scanned the black and white newspapers and searched for the information he wanted.

Two days after he left Guangzhou, the Wuchang Uprising was successful, the next day, Hunan, Guangdong electrified the whole country to declare independence, the next day, Shaanxi, Shaanxi electrified the whole country declared independence, three days later, Yunnan, Anhui electrified the whole country declared independence…

So far, ten of the eighteen provinces in the interior have become independent and are free from the rule of the Qing king.

In the Republic of China era, when the banner of the king changed at the head of the city, the telegraph industry that flourished in China from the late Qing Dynasty played an important role.

“Electrifying the whole country” has also become a common and lively event. Many contemporary scholars have a more consensus: “If you do not read the electricity, the Republic of China has no history.”

As for the ‘electrification of the whole country,’ it was a telegram sent to the major media and even important political figures throughout the country with unprecedented intensity.

For example, in 1912, there were 33 ‘electrifications’, 40 in 1913, and 70 in 1917…

Its content also covers all kinds of exciting bridges on the political stage at that time: Tang Jiyao opposed Yuan Shikai’s claim to emperor? Xiong Xiling wants to oppose the restoration of the Qing Emperor? Lai Yuanhong wants to dissolve the National Assembly? Straight to Zhiwan to fight? Before rolling up your sleeves, you must first turn on the electricity!

In today’s words, ‘electrifying the whole country’ is like an ‘official announcement’, which can be used to express one’s attitude and stance, launch a counterattack against the enemy in public opinion, and announce one’s next action plan.

If the content of the ‘electrified nationwide’ during the Republic of China is compiled into a book, basically, it is a history of the Republic of China for decades.

Ten provinces electrified the whole country, that is, clearly told the Qing court that Laozi would not follow you, with a clear attitude and a clear position.

“! Which step is wrong? Two years ahead of schedule the independence of the provinces? ”

Gu Zhou was a little confused, and the provinces declared independence, which was almost equivalent to the demise of the Qing court.

Historically, within a month, all eighteen provinces became independent, which also heralded the demise of the Qing court.

“Could it be… Roster? ”

Gu Zhou thought of the roster that had been sent to Sun Revolution.

Is there a possibility?

This roster is very, very important, if there is no Gu Zhou, the roster may not be sent to Sun Revolution in the end, maybe it will be obtained by the Qing court, or it may be destroyed, no matter which possibility, the loss to the Qingtian White Sun Alliance is very large.

Perhaps the Qingtian Bairi League had planned the Wuchang Uprising in 1909, everything was ready, and the roster was the last link, but because of the loss of the roster, it was postponed for two years before the uprising.

The more Gu Zhou thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was very likely.

“I inadvertently changed the tide of a country.”

For the first time, Gu Zhou felt that the ‘horseshoe effect’ had credibility, breaking a nail and dropping a shoe; dropping a shoe, breaking a war horse; folding a war horse and killing a general; falling to death a general, eating a defeat; eating a defeat, losing a country…

He just protected Xiao Meifei and successfully sent the roster to Sun Revolution, but he did not expect that the Qing court would die two years earlier.

“This world is wonderful! It’s wonderful. ”

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