Chapter 135: At least three billion!!

“Is Uncle Zhao interested?”

Zhao Reform smiled dumbly: “You think too highly of me, unless I buy the shares, otherwise I don’t have so much money, so I can only pass the blessing.” ”

At this time, Zhang Qiuning took a long breath, gently hammered his back that had been bent for a long time and was a little sore, straightened up with difficulty, stretched his body a few times and sat down.

After a few minutes, Zhou Qu also took off his gloves and quickly drank his saliva.

Gu Zhou then asked, “Two of you, what is the result?” ”

“I judge this “Luoshen Fu Map” from ink, paper, and bell prints with the naked eye, the history must be more than fifteen hundred years, belonging to the painting of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, as for the specific number of years of history, I can’t judge.”

From the aspect of calligraphy and painting appraisal, Zhou Qu still needs to be professional.

“As for whether it is really Luoshen Futu, it still needs to be determined by Elder Zhang.”

The “Luoshen Futu” at home and abroad is different except for the two collections of the Forbidden City, such as the collection of a museum in Northeast China, copied during the Southern Song Dynasty, with obvious characteristics of the times.

His copy, although it is a copy, is not just a complete copy, but a somewhat re-creation.

The copying version of the Northern Song Dynasty has the characteristics of the era of the Northern Song Dynasty, and the copying version of the Southern Song Dynasty has the characteristics of the era of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Zhang Qiuning nodded: “It is indeed “Luoshen Futu” is undoubtedly, the artistic characteristics of the Eastern Jin Dynasty are very obvious, in which the characters emphasize the matching of the characters’ understanding and gestures in the eyes, the lifting of the clothes and belts, and the bulge of the clothes on the body, which seems to surround the whole body. ”

Zhao Reform’s two index fingers looked at Gu Zhou horizontally together, signaling that this painting was at least one billion!

“But whether it was Sima Shao who did it, I can’t be sure.”

“Me too, Sima Shao does not have any calligraphy and painting circulating, and I can’t even compare them.”

There is a seal in the upper left corner of this painting, which is vaguely Sima Shao’s three characters.

“It’s a pity, if it can be proved to be Sima Shao’s version, it is likely to be the real ancestor, and the value of the horse has tripled!”

The reason why Zhao Reform said this is because there is still controversy about the original author of “Luoshen Futu”, and there is no evidence that the author is Gu Kaizhi.

But if it can be determined that the “Luoshen Fu Map” in Gu Zhou’s hand is a version drawn by Sima Shao, it is a piece of evidence that proves that Gu Kaizhi is the copyist.

But in addition to the “Luoshen Futu”, the word most deeply related to Sima Shao is Sima Shao’s epitaph, which was carved by others.

Gu Zhou pondered for a moment and said, “If you identify a specific year, relying on Sima Shao’s age, can it prove to a certain extent that Sima Shao is the original author of the Luoshen Futu? ”

Zhao Reform’s eyes lit up: “Good idea!” ”

The major collections of “Luoshen Futu” at home and abroad are hundreds of millions of paintings, and if they are ancestral books, no one can predict how much they are worth.

You know, it was not until the Song Dynasty that Gu Kaizhi drew the “Luoshen Fu Map”, which was nearly a thousand years away from Gu Kaizhi, and the authenticity was naturally doubtful.

The Tang Dynasty was closer to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and the theory that Sima Shao was the original author of the Luoshen Futu in the Tang Dynasty is more credible.

Gu Zhou stood up, his eyes burning: “Then go to the appraisal!” ”

The breaking of calligraphy and painting has long been an unsolved problem.

Since calligraphy and painting rely on many components, including ink, drop, paper, bell print, and the author’s painting style, it is difficult to fully determine the specific age of ancient calligraphy and painting at the technical level, usually relying on human vision and experience to identify.

However, from a scientific point of view, the isotope of carbon can be used to test the paper, ink, and printing of ancient paintings to speculate on their age.

Zhao Reform helped Gu Zhou contact a reliable appraisal agency, and Gu Zhou did not wait, and eight antiques were sold during the waiting period… Well, according to Zhao reform, it should be said that it is an ancient high-imitation antique, which is about a hundred years different from the original.

However, because of its extremely high artistic component, the value is still not low, the lowest sold 30 million, the highest sold 90 million, and all were sold within two days, which made Gu Zhou completely feel the huge supply and demand of the antique market, especially with old fritters like Zhao Reform, the whole process was particularly smooth.

One was bought by Zhao Reform, and two were bought by Xie Shenji.

Gu Zhou recorded more than 600 million.

It should be noted that it is still income before tax.

By now, he has nearly a billion untaxed money in his bank.

At the end of the year, Gu Zhou will naturally go to pay taxes himself.

He sees those who earn hundreds of millions of dollars and evade taxes.

The carbon 14 dating results came out, and the painting in Gu Zhou’s hand was born in about 350 AD, decades away from Sima Shao.

To be expected, carbon-14 dating is more accurate than the naked eye, but there are still errors.

“Two billion starts! Just the beginning! ”

Zhao Reform said in a deep voice: “At this price, there are not many people who have money to buy it and are willing to buy it.” Gu Zhou, do you want to listen to my opinion? ”

“Uncle Zhao, you say.”

Gu Zhou checked in the past two days, and the most expensive painting in the world at auction was the painter Kuning’s work “Exchange”, which was sold for 500 million US dollars, followed by Leonardo da Vinci’s work “Savior” with 450 million US dollars.

Maybe he doesn’t have much artistic component, he really 510 can’t see how high the art component of these two paintings is, and the price is so high.

Of course, he can’t see how high the artistic component of “Roselle Futu” is, but at least, he will find “Roselle Futu” beautiful.

“You can contact the auction house for auction, I recommend Sotheby’s, after the sale, it will charge 15% commission, 3% tax, and about 18% combined. The advantage is that the final transaction price is likely to satisfy you, the disadvantage is that it is very slow, and such a legendary painting as “Roselle Futu”, even the world’s premier auction house such as Sotheby’s is rare in ten years or even decades, and they will definitely seize this opportunity to hype. ”

“This process will attract the world’s richest people to auction at least two or three months.”

Gu Zhou nodded: “And what?” ”

“I help you to contact, in the country my contacts are still confident, after the transaction, I only charge you 5% commission, the disadvantage is that the price is definitely not higher than Sotheby’s auction house, the advantage is fast, smooth, the transaction can be completed within half a month.”

Gu Zhou made a choice without hesitation: “Uncle Zhao, it’s over to you!” ”

Zhao Reform was a little moved, and focused his head: “Gu Zhou, since you believe in me so much, I will never live up to your trust!” I must have done this for you, four billion I can’t guarantee, but three billion! It will definitely be done! ”

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