Chapter 149 Faceless Stone Buddha!!

“Does Uncle Junior know where the seal is?”

Gu Zhou decided to avoid this place, maybe he could touch it after his strength was stronger, but forget it now.

Ninth Uncle shook his head: “Where do I know, I may have to go back to Maoshan to check the classics.” ”

“Thank you both.”

After burping, he clasped his hands together and saluted.

“A trifle, unintentional monk, up?”

Gu Zhou was not worried about unintentionally releasing Yue Qiluo now, if he remembered correctly, when he unintentionally released Yue Qiluo was when the warlords were fighting, the great president changed several.

“Are you two going to the county seat in front?” I heard that this county is not small, and I will definitely be able to get money. When I have money, invite the two of you to a banquet in the restaurant. ”

Ninth Uncle smiled dumbly, let go of his vigilance a lot, and looked at Wuxin, who was not much different from ordinary people: “You are a monk, and you still want to go to the restaurant?” Isn’t it a wine and meat monk? ”

“Haha, wine and flesh have passed through the intestines, and the Buddha has left it in his heart.”

After eating, I was still in the mood to joke about myself.

Ninth Uncle smiled drunkly: “Since you know that the wine and meat have passed through the intestines, and the Buddha has left it in his heart, you should know who said this, right?” ”

“Who is it?”

Wuxin asked blankly.

He is just pretending to be a monk, and he is not a real monk, where to know who said this sentence, he is not interested in understanding, but he has overheard this sentence in his career for thousands of years and remembered it.

“If it’s really a fake monk, even Shouji Dan Shi Pig doesn’t know.”

The Ninth Uncle looked like this: “Wine and flesh pass through the intestines, the Buddha remains in his heart, if the world learns from me, it is like entering the path of the devil, this is the whole poem.” ”

“Oh, that’s it.”

Wuxin shrugged his shoulders, not caring at all, and then pulled out an old handkerchief from the sleeve of his robe, and opened his hands to blindfold his eyes.

Tying a slip knot at both ends of the handkerchief behind his head, he walked forward without looking back and said, “Enter the Devil’s Dao, enter the Devil’s Dao.” ”

Ninth Uncle was surprised, he thought that he would be annoyed if he had no intention of being debunked by him, but he didn’t care, and he actually looked a little empty.

The two horses walked slowly, while the mindless monk walked aside, his long, soft monk’s robe sleeved down to cover his hands.

Speeding against the morning breeze, the light of the soul rushed to his face, and by closing his eyes, he could see how crowded the world was.

Sunset West Mountain, you can already see the outline of the county, Gu Zhou and Wuxin chatted endlessly, sometimes he answered passively, sometimes he would take the initiative to talk about his experience, living for thousands of years made his life experience extremely rich.

Bang bang bang!

Gu Zhou frowned and looked, directly seven or eight skinny and dung beggars were kowtowing, in the center of them was a stone Buddha that was once tall, the stone Buddha was reclining, it was strange that this stone Buddha actually had no eyes, ears, nose and mouth, as if the whole face had been cut off by someone, and the face was neat.

The seven or eight beggars had been hungry for many days, out of breath, but all of them were fanatical.

Wuxin, who had closed his eyes all the way, suddenly opened his eyes, stepped forward quickly, kicked down the stone Buddha, and then stomped on the stone Buddha a few times.

The beggars raised their heads sharply, one by one, their eyes red, like a wild beast roaring.

Gu Zhou snorted coldly, all the beggars were like being struck by lightning, as if they had no soul standing in place, after a few seconds, the red in their eyes dissipated, restoring humanity, hunger surged up, and their legs and feet were soft for them to sit on the ground.

“Go buy some food yourself!”

Gu Zhou took out a handful of oceans and scattered them all over the sky, one person and one ocean.

The beggars looked at a piece of ocean in their hands, showed ecstasy, and crawled towards the county seat with rolling belts.

The least of them were hungry for three days, and the most they were hungry for five days, and they were about to starve to death.

And Wuxin seemed to be venting his anger, and he used all his strength to step on the stone Buddha, gritting his teeth, and his face was hideous, as if the stone Buddha and him had a deep hatred that could not be washed away from all over the world.

Until the stone Buddha was trampled into crumbs, he sat down on the ground without intention, panting heavily.

Ninth Uncle became more and more strange, this heartless, heartless, soulless walking in the world, it is logical that he should have supernatural abilities, and it is no different from ordinary people to see his own physical strength.

“Heartless monk, this stone Buddha has a feud with you?”

Gu Zhou knew that this stone Buddha seduced those beggars to bow down, it must be evil, but it was smashed by unintentional trampling, and there was no way to check it…

“Many years ago, I went to a mountain village.”

Wu Wu got up, regained his calm, patted the dust on his body, and told the scene he saw many years ago.

“The mountain village was very remote, because of the drought, the harvest was very poor and poor, and the village began to starve to death, and the trees, grass, and everything near the village were eaten, and some people began to look deeper into the mountains and forests for food.”

“Someone went in to hunt and never came back, and one day, a villager went into the mountains to hunt, and for two days, the people in the village thought that he was also buried in the belly of a beast deep in the mountains.”

Unexpectedly, on the third day, when others returned, the people not only were fine, but also brought back a lot of prey, and told the villagers that there were wild beasts killing each other in the mountains, and the corpses were piled up. Then the villagers followed him into the mountains to find the cannibalistic beasts, and sure enough, brought back a lot, and the villagers were full. ”

“Since then, no one in the village has starved to death, but no one has ever come out of the village, burning incense and worshipping Buddha at home every day, doing nothing, hunting, farming, and eating one by one.”

“People from several surrounding villages were curious and went to this village to check it out, and soon other villages became like this village, without hunting, without farming, and they could all eat. What they must do every day is to burn incense and worship the Buddha 3.3. ”

Ninth Uncle sneered: “I don’t have to work, burn incense every day, chant the scriptures, can I not die?” It’s funny. There will be teeth to do evil! ”

“And when I passed through this mountain village, I found that these villagers were hungry one by one, but I still didn’t know that there were old people chatting in pairs and threes in the village, children playing and playing, and women doing front work, not at all looking like they were starving to death, just like eating and drinking, living a good life, and everyone had a weird smile on their faces.”

Wuxin paused and took a long breath: “I saw their appearance and smiles, creepy, they saw me and warmly greeted me into the village.” Each of them died of hunger, but they didn’t know it. ”

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