Chapter 153 Wake Up! The Great Qing is dead!!

Qianhe Daoist nodded: “Yes, it has become a zombie, it is the royal family, I can only use ink buckets to entangle it and seal it in a coffin, I want to strip it of its corpse qi or completely suppress it but I can’t do it, so I asked you and Senior Brother for help, but for some reason Senior Brother didn’t reply.” ”

Ninth Uncle circled around the coffin and explained, “Senior brother is not in Hidden Dragon Mountain, so naturally he can’t reply to the letter. ”

Although the paper crane book is convenient and fast, it has the disadvantage that you must determine where the other party’s location is.

After all, paper cranes are only dead things, and they can only fly according to the location set by the owner.

“Then Gu Zhoushi nephew…”

Qianhe Daoist glanced at Gu Zhou, and the meaning was obvious, didn’t you bring a junior to add to the chaos.

Gu Zhou was not angry, the aura was rapidly declining, none of Maoshan and his peers had broken through the Qi Refining God Realm, and the people who broke through the Qi Refining God Realm as quickly as the four eyes thought that they were not competent enough and did not come to help, he was young, and it was normal to be despised.

Solving the royal zombies is a tricky thing, there is a dragon qi bonus, once the corpse changes, at least it is all stiff, not to the refining gas god realm, encountered in addition to death or death.

How shrewd the Ninth Uncle was, he instantly understood what Qianhe meant, and said with a smile: “Don’t underestimate him, you may not be his opponent.” Do you think about the arrogance of the master brother, can ordinary disciples be like his eyes? ”

Qianhe nodded slightly, his eyes still had doubt, but a smile appeared on his face: “So another powerful helper, worry-free.” ”

“Junior brother, you first dismantle the tent on the coffin, now the noon sun is in the sky, basking in the sun, even if there is a coffin separated, it can reduce the corpse gas somewhat.”


“Senior brother reminded me that I was confused.”

Saying that, the chief of the Qianhe Daoist ordered the four apprentices to tear down the tent, and before he could make a move, the fly-like Wuguan pinched the orchid finger and stepped up and scolded: “What for!” What for! ”

The Thousand Crane Daoist forced himself to endure his anger and explained: “Wu Guan, we just want to let the nobles inside bask in the sun. ”

“Nope! Absolutely not! ”

Wu Guan snorted coldly: “You hated the sun the most in your life, and you didn’t let him be peaceful when he died?” ”

Gu Zhou muttered, “Noble? Expensive twist hammer, all dead, lying in a coffin, where is it expensive? ”

“Hey, hey, hey! What are you muttering, boy? Kind of say it again! ”

Gu Zhou looked up with a smile and said word by word: “I said that a twist hammer is dead, how can there be so much attention?” He doesn’t like the sun, you ask him to get up and tell us, we won’t tear down the tent. ”

“You! You! ”

Wu Guan Qi Qi Qiqi smoked, his chest rose and fell sharply, and a word you have been still with you for a long time.

“You are presumptuous! How dare you… Dare…… Dare…”

Gu Zhou waved his hand in disgust: “Stutter, listening to you talk is exhausting, first go back and learn to speak for a few years.” ”

“Dare to be so presumptuous with the royal family!”

Wu Guan’s words were finally finished.

Gu Zhou was stunned, looked up at the sky, and then said: “Your words made me doubt myself a little, and when I looked up, I was sure that this sky was no longer the sky of Daqing.” ”

“Wu Guan, wake up, the Great Qing has perished! There is also a royal descendant of a hammer, what royal descendants, now there is no difference from us mud-legged people. ”

“Maybe this noble man of yours has already seen Nur Hachi, and Nur Hachi knows that the Great Qing has perished, and you don’t know yet.”

“Tiger fell Pingyang was bullied by dogs, Long You shallow water was played by shrimp, I ruled this land for nearly three hundred years…”

“Forget it, you are a slave, a mouthful of my Daqing, and Daqing has a hairy relationship with you.”

Gu Zhou sneered.

The shemale Wu was trembling with anger, unable to say a word, and he finally found that he couldn’t say Gu Zhou, so he could only vent his anger on the head of the Qianhe Dao: “Qianhe, you master and nephew…”

“What did Governor Wu say?”

As early as when Gu Zhouwu was in charge, the Thousand Crane Daoist ran to the side to talk to Ninth Uncle, and turned his head blankly when he heard this.

I said! Your master and nephew…”

“Why did my ears suddenly become deaf?”

Chief Qianhe rubbed his ears: “Senior brother, can you help me see, what’s wrong with my ears?” ”

Steward Wu looked at Qianhe’s four disciples again, and saw that the four of them were squatting on the ground playing with ants, ignoring them…

Along the way, they have endured this sissy to the extreme, that is, he is a customer who pays, and he gives a lot of deposits, otherwise he would have stopped picking a long time ago.

Hearing that Gu Zhou didn’t want to take care of Wu, his heart was not sure how happy he was.

“Wu Guan, just do your part.”

At this time, his seven- or eight-year-old master spoke again, and although this Manchu widow was still young, he was told the seriousness of the matter by the Qianhe Daoist and knew that his father had changed.

If you want to successfully transport his father back to the capital for burial, you can only rely on professionals,

“Tear down the tent.”

Chizurudo’s long hearing just recovered.


The four disciples quickly dismantled the tent.

The team moved on.

“Senior brother, I don’t think it’s possible to pull out the corpse poison, I have seen this zombie from beginning to end, at that time it was already a precursor to the corpse, sealed in the coffin, I immediately wrapped the coffin with an ink bucket and sealed the zombie inside, but in the time after that, the customer kept preventing me from opening the coffin.”

Ninth Uncle pondered slightly: “If you can’t touch the zombie, you can’t pull out the corpse poison, so you can only strengthen the sealing method to seal it.” ”

Gu Zhou smiled slightly: “Uncle Master, have you ignored a method?” ”


The two cast their gazes in unison.

“Let it come out and kill him directly!”

Good, this is indeed a method.

This suggestion is good, and it will be mentioned again in the future.

Chief Qianhe said tactfully: “Gu Zhou, if I can, I hope this customer of mine remains intact.” ”

Maoshan Taoist priests deal with zombies, so that zombies lack arms and legs, the means are gentle, and the zombie bones are often gone.

That’s still a fart in his business.

Why did he take the risk to do this business, nothing else, just give more.

It’s comparable to the last five years.

As a disciple of Maoshan, Maoshan can provide certain help, but now that cultivation resources are scarce, most cultivation resources still have to earn a few on their own…

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