Chapter 156 Tarsal Corpse Fire!!

More than twenty guards dragged the net to death, these big men have been refining their muscles and bones all year round, the strength is as strong as an ox, more than twenty people exert their strength together, even if a few crazy elephant rhinoceros can be firmly pulled, the royal zombies are actually bound in place in a short time.

And at this time, the Thousand Crane Daoist also pounced with four disciples, and from a distance, the four disciples sprinkled black dog blood, boy urine, heavenly flowers, and glutinous rice on the zombies of the royal family!

The royal zombies emitted black smoke, black dog blood, boy urine, and the sunflower was contaminated with zombies that seemed to boil, and the glutinous rice was also corroded and turned black.

After a series of operations, the corpse qi on the zombie quickly weakened.

The chief of the Chizuru Province circled around the zombies with a peach wood sword, the sword was like a phantom, and each sword left a dark wound on the zombie’s body through the corpse binding net.

His peach wood sword is thunder robbery wood, and each sword can cause no shallow damage to zombies.

The strength of the Qianhe Daoist is not weak, in the original plot, it was the worm that fell into the downwind before it was prevented, and he was really prepared, plus four disciples, the end may not be the same as the original plot.

Now there are more than twenty big men in shape, and the situation is completely different from the original plot.

Seeing that the zombies were firmly restrained, the situation gradually stabilized.

And one person on the Ninth Uncle’s side used a divine fighting technique to face the zombies on the mountain and did not fall behind.

God fighting, also known as inviting the god to the upper body, if you have a successful cultivation, you can invite the divine power of the gods, so that you are invulnerable, the power is infinite, and the ghosts and gods are easy.

Maoshan Shen hit the highest practice of a vein is “Sealing Nerves”, this Feng God is not another Feng God, generally speaking, please Guan Sheng Emperor Qi Tian Dashen, Erlang God, Nezha, Huo De Xingjun, Lei Gong Dian Mu and other positive gods are the most common.

Of course, there are also scattered immortals, as well as Zhong Dao, impermanence, judge, Hades and other netherworld gods.

At this time, the ninth uncle invited is Guan Sheng Emperor Jun, the whole person exudes golden light, he himself is a righteous and awe-inspiring person, incomparably suitable for Guan Sheng Emperor Monarch, at this time, the surrounding body is full of righteousness, and mixed with the divine power of the gods themselves, like an abyss in prison, the tide is boundless.

In Gu Zhou’s perception, it seemed that there was really a god possessing the Ninth Uncle, and its divine power was as heavy as a sacred mountain.

Boom rumble!

Ninth Uncle is not tall, compared with that mountain zombie, he is a child, but the head-on collision between the two is not weak.

He was wrapped in a translucent magic figure shaped like a statue of Guan Gong, and his hand turned into a semi-illusory green dragon moon knife, domineering and fierce, with ten swings and ten decisive knife momentum, really like a general of the horse and pedal joint camp, seven in and seven out of the enemy army, invincible, and ten thousand troops took the first rank of the enemy general from it.

Of course, Ninth Uncle did not only rely on the divine fighting technique to fight with the mountain zombies, occasionally slapped out with a palm, and there was a flash of thunder.

Ten series of spells were thrown one after another.

And Gu Zhou, as if he was frightened and stupid, became the only outsider on the field.

Wu Guan glanced at Gu Zhou, who was standing in place, and sneered, with a look of contempt, thinking that this person was indeed a silver-like spearhead, and he couldn’t see it in the middle, and his mouth was powerful.

“Corpse gas turns into fire.”

Wu Guan flicked, a grain of Mars fell into the corpse gas of the royal zombie, just like Mars fell into oil, in an instant, the thick corpse gas turned into a fire.

The flame had no temperature, it was blue and cold.

The dark blue flame instantly melted the large net trapped by the zombie, and it burned quickly along the network line like a maggot of a bone in time.

“Tarsal corpse fire! All hands off! Back off! ”

Qianhe Dao was sleeping, his figure was flicked, and he had withdrawn tens of meters away, and there were seven or eight guards pulling the net, and he couldn’t let go, and he was instantly stained by the bone corpse fire, and the blood and flesh of the contaminated place were burned in the blink of an eye.


“Save me!”

“Help me put out the fire!”

The painful faces of these guards twisted like demons, and they emitted a terrifying scream, which seemed to come from the soul.

They themselves also wanted to extinguish the fire, who knew that reaching out to shoot, not only did not shoot to extinguish the fire, but also the palm was stained with fire, the flesh and blood were quickly stained red, and the flame attached to the bones continued to burn.

The fire shot more and more, and in a short time, their whole bodies were on fire.

Soon, it became an ancient place where Jun Yangran burned to see the blue fire.


The zombie rushed into the big net, and the flames of the bone corpse fire when the surrounding body turned into wine in all directions, and the sparks fell on the surrounding guards, don’t look at the sparks that are just the size of green beans, but as long as they fall on the human body, they are all sparks.

Soon, nearly half of the more than twenty guards were burned into miserable white skeletons.

Mars fell on the ground, and the grass and trees stained with rain could not escape, and the bone corpse fire without the slightest temperature rose, but in just a few seconds, the grass and trees shrouded by the bone corpse fire also turned yellow and withered.

“What a fierce bone corpse fire!”

Gu Zhou couldn’t help but stunned, his feet retreated, his face was solemn, this flame was dead, more terrifying than the white phosphorus bomb, he didn’t want to test whether his body could withstand the burning of the bone corpse fire.

And the master and apprentice of the Thousand Crane Dao were also afraid when they saw this situation, and they also avoided it from a distance, not daring to approach.

Gu Zhou’s eyes scanned around, and now the strangest thing is that the black hand behind the scenes is too patient? It didn’t even show up yet.

Also, what is the purpose of this mastermind?

Judging from the fact that he refined the mountain into a zombie, it is likely that he also wants to control the royal zombie.

“The person behind this scene will not be a person in the road, but he feels that the situation is not under his control.”

Gu Zhou’s brows furrowed, and he made a look at the Ninth Uncle in the sweet battle, he instantly understood, began to exhaust his strength, fell into the downwind, and retreated.

The transparent hairs around the royal zombie grew out, and then as if they were alive, they squirmed at the wound to repair the wound.

The densely packed wounds around its body were repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Master, how is the force?”

An apprentice asked nervously, the palm holding the peach wood sword wet.

“Don’t go near zombies without my orders!”

Chizuru said solemnly.

The royal zombies stood in place to repair the wounds, and the surrounding square circle of more than ten zhang was burning with hundreds of blue bone corpse fires, and no one was sure that they would not be contaminated with time bone corpse fire through this area.

Even if he is contaminated with this flame, I am afraid that he will only have a way to survive with a broken arm.

“I’m afraid it hurt Senior Brother and Gu Zhou.”

The situation took a turn for the worse, the chief of the Thousand Crane Road secretly bittered, and the senior brother faced the more terrifying mountain zombie on the other side, fell into the downwind, and saw that he could not resist for long…

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