Chapter 159 Cunning Evil!!

“How is it possible!”

Steward Wu exclaimed.

Obviously, it is clear that the mountain zombies have already gained the upper hand before, why are they now being pressed and beaten by that Qianhe’s senior brother?


Wu Guan understood when he boarded that one went from being evenly matched to falling downwind on the mountain, and the other pretended to be scared and stupid, just to lure himself out.

“Cunning scoundrel! Isn’t it a decent disciple! How can it be so cunning! ”


The evil wind behind him rushed, and he was a stirring spirit, and he was inseparable again.

A knife slashed into the air again, Gu Zhou’s long knife slashed horizontally, his figure exploded, and his strength seemed to be endless.

Between the moves, there are his figures in a radius of forty or fifty meters, the sound of the explosion of the air waves is endless, the whole person is like a ghost, only see the Dao Phantom, almost unable to see his figure.

There is thunder light beating around his body, his speed is getting faster and faster, the whole seems to turn into lightning, the sword light will kill, cross-cut, chop, up, the sword light is also the body open.

At this time, the royal zombies had been trapped by the Qianhe attempt, and finally had the leisure to watch this battle, in their opinion, the twenty zhang radius was shrouded in Gu Zhou’s sword light, like a web of sword light.

“I can’t run away!”

The blade slashed down the back of his head, and the bun with a thin layer of flesh was chopped off, and the severe pain made Wu Guan panic, if he slowed down just now, his head would be split in half.

This time, he didn’t replace the dead wooden man.

His mana was close to exhaustion.

But Gu Zhou’s physical strength was bottomless.


Transferred again, the mana of the Wuguan was directly exhausted.

Once again, his mouth and nose oozed blood, and he had no mana, so he could only squeeze himself.

Wu Guan began to regret it, in order to avoid the night long dream, he decided to release the royal zombie to let it suck the blood of the little wangye, but he didn’t expect to endure the hard son, he already knew that he should find a way to force them away before he started!

“Little beast!”

Wu Guan is very crazy, if he gets the royal zombie and refining it into a copper armored corpse, then it will be true that the world can go, and now it will be destroyed.

All blame this little beast!

“This is the end!”

The next moment, Steward Wu had just stood still, and a face that made him hate it to the bone appeared in front of him.

“Aaaaaa Why are you so fast! ”

Wu Guan’s pupils dilated, and then the violent knife light slashed head-on, and before he could appear, he stabbed his eyes with severe pain.


He roared in his heart.


Seven tricks spurted blood, and the blood twisted up, making him look like a devil.

Inseparable and invalid!

Mana depleted.

The body is also squeezed dry.

The sword light reflected in the pupils was approaching, and an unprecedented sense of crisis rose.

The fear of death was like a big hand clenching his heart.

“I don’t want to die!”


Gu Zhou’s wrist shook, shocking the blood on the knife’s body, and collecting the knife.

Standing in the shadow of a tree, the look in his eyes gradually dissipated, and a line of blood appeared on his forehead, which quickly expanded and spread to his nose, mouth, chest, abdomen, and crotch.


His whole body fell in half, and his internal organs and intestines were left behind.

He’s dead.

There was no more death for the dead wooden man.

Seeing that Ninth Uncle was still fighting with the mountain zombie, Gu Zhou suddenly exerted his strength, and the whole person was like a cannonball bursting out, and a punch hit its back.


The air flow exploded, mixed with the sound of bones shattering, and this huge mountain zombie weighing more than a thousand pounds flew out with a boom, and a large hole exploded in its back, landing and rolling like a rolling gourd.

Ninth Uncle was taken aback, quickly avoided, and scolded with a smile: “You kid looked at the point, almost hit me.” ”

Gu Zhou smiled: “Uncle Junior, pay attention next time.” ”

At the same time, Gu Zhou once again rushed towards the mountain zombie, his fist wrapped in thunder light, and the attack was domineering.


Like the God of Thunder who manipulated thunder, a dazzling, domineering, and majestic thunder light burst out, tearing the air and bombarding the mountain zombie.


The mountain zombie immediately froze in place and trembled, the thunder around his body jumped, his livid skin became scorched black, and he was electrified.


The severe pain made this mountain breath make a heart-rending roar, but it could not be moved.

Gu Zhou and Ninth Uncle took advantage of the fact that he couldn’t move, and attacked in unison…

After a few seconds, the mountain was blown up.


The ground shook, and the mountain zombies like a mountain of meat rushed to the street, silent.


Everything was calm, Gu Zhou took a long breath.

Ninth Uncle and Qianhe didn’t give him time to rest, and they asked in unison: “When did you cultivate the Lightning Rushing Thunder Fist?” ”

“Cultivated into the Lightning Rushing Thunder Fist?”

Gu Zhou’s movements paused and said, “Not long ago, while practicing, I cultivated the two of them with beautiful faces.” ”


Ghosts believe in you!

The Fu Seal has been practiced by a stone in a hundred years, and now I have added a you.

Can this kind of magical power be achieved by practicing casually?

“Gu Zhou, don’t hide from you, Senior Brother said that your strength is not worse than mine, I don’t believe it, I think how old are you? I have been practicing for 20 years before I have been practicing like this. But I didn’t expect it…”

Chizuru shook his head and said freely: “The slap in the face came so quickly… The master brother has accepted a good disciple, and the leader of the next generation of Maoshan is you. ”

He looked at the body of the Wuguan who had been split in half and continued: “Thanks to you tonight, without you, life and death are uncertain tonight.” ”

Ninth Uncle shook his head: “Who would have thought of it? This person turned out to be the black hand behind the scenes, in order to plan this royal zombie, it was also a calculation, indeed, without Gu Zhou, it was difficult to kill him. ”

“Gu Zhou, I said how did you kid improve so fast? Every time I meet, I find that your strength has improved a lot compared to the last time, and I won’t see you a few times, and you will become an immortal! ”

Gu Zhou smiled: “Two senior uncles, don’t praise me, praise me again, I don’t know if I believe ten.” ”


The two laughed.

The rest of my life after the disaster is always refreshing.

“Master, what should I do with this royal zombie?”

One of Chizuru’s apprentices stepped forward and asked.

Gu Zhou didn’t wait for them to speak, then said, “Uncle Junior, it’s not easy for your Qinglong Zhen Nails to refine, so it’s better to save it.” Uncle Chizuru, I think it is still in the most rude and simple way, anyway, the royal zombie was also controlled, directly cut off its head, kill it, solve all the problems, and then sew it up. ”

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