Chapter 163: The Road Meets the Buddha of Annihilation?!!

“Little brother, borrow some money.”

The bald man stretched out his greasy big hand and smiled.

“Do I know you?”

“I don’t know.”

“Then why should I lend you money? Since I don’t know you, even if I borrow money, where can I ask for it? Do you think I look like a wronged person who borrows money casually~? ”

“Not really.”

“That’s not it! Borrow the way, I still have business. ”

“Don’t be, little brother, you are fighting for gold this day, you are rich and invincible, and borrowing some money is not even a drop in the bucket for you.”

Gu Zhou frowned: “You know me?” ”

The bald man smiled: “I don’t know you, but I can see at a glance that you are rich, and you are very rich, your face is full of heavenly court, the earth pavilion is round, and your eyes are long.” The heavenly court is located above the seal hall, below the hairline, in the supreme position, should be as tall as a standing wall, covered with liver, no mole lines, deviated and more and the five mountains of the arch, less must be noble, and noble! ”

He said, proudly.

Gu Zhou smiled: “I see that you are a fortune teller, you are guaranteed to earn a lot of money, where do you need to borrow money.” ”

The bald man shook his head and said, “I am a fortune teller? How many people are qualified to let me tell them fortunes? Hehe, it’s not me bragging, there are only a few in the world after counting! ”

So crazy?

Gu Zhou was slightly surprised: “Could it be that I am qualified enough?” ”

The bald bank did not answer, and once again applied his hand: “Borrow or not?” ”

Gu Zhou frowned and looked at his almost dripping hand, and frowned, “Are you borrowing money or robbing money?” ”

The bald head was stunned, grabbed his hair, his head had not been washed for several months, messy, was grabbed by his big hand, the oil was shiny, and then laughed dryly: “Robbing money seems that I am a robber blocking the road, if you borrow money, it sounds better.” ”

Gu Zhou was stunned, borrowing money and robbing money together are similar in your eyes, but borrowing money sounds better?

If I don’t tie up, will you change the robbery?

“Brother, since you are talking about borrowing money, then I have to say well, borrowing money is that it is not difficult to borrow and borrow again, when will you repay the money, or where will I go when I will not have money?”

The bald man grinded his teeth and muttered: “It’s not that you don’t pay it back, when the time comes, I will come to you to pay back the money…”

Okay, I can see it, no wonder in your eyes there is no difference between borrowing money and robbing money, it turns out that there is no plan to pay it back at all.

“How much do you want to borrow?”

He held out his palm.

“Fifty oceans?”

“Five oceans, enough for me to eat.”

Gu Zhou was stunned, you are a mysterious person, just for the five oceans to stop my gun… Borrow money?

Directly took out five oceans and gave them to him: “Five oceans are only enough for you to eat, you have enough to eat.” ”

“Hehe, thanks. I have a big appetite! ”

The bald man quickly took over the five oceans.

“Brother Tai, dare to ask the surname of Gao?”

A person who can’t see through himself and is mysterious is by no means an ordinary person.

Could it be the hidden boss of the legendary game Red Dust?

However, is there really such a hermit boss?

The clothes were tattered, and there were at least hundreds of patches all over the body, like pieces of rags put together into a piece of clothing.

The hair is messy like a chicken nest, and the beard and hands are greasy.

When the bald man heard this, his back jerked up, and he said lightly: “Lao Tzu has been walking in the rivers and lakes for many years, and he has a weak reputation, but little brother, if you want to ask, I will tell you, whether you can change your name or sit down!” No phase is also! ”

After speaking, he looked at Gu Zhou with burning eyes, waiting for his sudden realization and shock, and then bowed down, saying that he was a senior and admired the daimyo for a long time!


Gu Zhou frowned, he must have never heard this name.

Instead, I know that a phaseless temple has collapsed.

But the name Wuxiang is very normal, and it is not surprising that it happens to be the same as Wuxiangji.

“Don’t tell you, I haven’t heard of it.”

Wuxiang was anxious: “Think again, the famous Wuxiang, you actually don’t know?” ”

“I really don’t know.”

Gu Zhou shook his head.

Wuxiang scratched his ears, paced a few times, and prompted again: “Wuxiangji!” You should always know about Muxiangji, right? ”

“It has collapsed, and now it is a pile of ruins.”

Gu Zhou said that he knew, but he saw Wuxiang pointing at himself frantically, with a look of expectation, a look that now you should always know who I am.

“Are you a monk who escaped from Wuxiang Temple? However, as far as I know, it has been more than two hundred years since the destruction of Wuxiang Temple, and the living monks have also died, are you their disciple? The name Wuxiang is to remind yourself that you can’t break the inheritance of Wuxiangji? ”

Wuxiangsi frowned and said helplessly: “What do I say about you knowing, the Buddha of Wuxiangji, you know.” ”

“The Buddha of Wuxiangji Temple… Neuropathy that wants to destroy the world… Extinction Buddha…”

Gu Zhou’s heart set off a huge wave in the sky, and his face stiffened for a moment, and for a moment he didn’t know whether what Wuxiang said was really nonsense.

According to Ninth Uncle, Na Buddha Zi only disappeared in the end, and there is no conclusive evidence that he died.

It’s not impossible to be alive.

But it is also possible that the major Buddhist sects did not announce it after they settled him.

“MD, this product is mysterious, his thinking is different from ordinary people, whether he is a Buddha of Wuxiang Temple or not, follow his words.”

Gu Zhou slapped his thigh sharply, extremely shocked: “It turns out that the senior, the younger generation has been looking up for a long time!” I only hate that I can’t meet my predecessors early, and I can’t imagine that I have the opportunity to meet my predecessors today. ”

If it is in modern times, his acting skills are not even as good as small fresh meat, which is a kind of use that the audience will break when they see it.


Wuxiang laughed heartily, crossed his hands at the waist, triumphant: “I can’t think of it!” I haven’t walked the rivers and lakes for many years, and there are still people who remember me! I have a relationship with you, so I don’t need to call me senior, you lend me money, I recognize this brother, just call me big brother! ”

The corner of Gu Zhou’s eyes jumped, and he was very suspicious, this product is really the Buddha of the Extinction Wuxiang Temple?

The very person who established himself as the Buddha of the Extinction of the World?

Gu Zhou coughed lightly, and was about to hit the snake on the stick, saying something like relying on your deeds for a long time, and the words all came back to his lips.

All he knew was what Ninth Uncle told him, and it was nothing more than thinking that the world and human beings were sick and wanted to perish.

If Wuxiang is really a world-destroying Buddha, telling these deeds will not make him a real world-destroying Buddha.

Although Gu Zhou felt that he was very strong, he felt that he should still be a certain distance away from such a person as the Extinction Buddha.

Or don’t provoke him Zero…

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