Chapter 166 You are like a dog wagging its tail and begging for mercy!!

Yuan Shang frowned and said, “Uncle Junior, you are so sad that you have hallucinations. ”

“The entire Buddhist sect may not be able to give birth to a flesh Buddha in ten years, but in three years, two flesh Buddhas have been born in Lingci Temple, do you treat me as a fool or the majority of believers as a fool? Or do you think the whole Buddhist sect is a fool? ”

Wuxin was sleepy and angry: “Three months ago, Yuan Jue sent me a letter saying that he was investigating the Lingci Temple, and when he finished his investigation, he would tell me the story before and after. With his cultivation, he lived one hundred and twenty years without the slightest problem, and now, you tell me, he has passed away. Where in the world is there such a clever thing! ”

“Don’t be afraid to tell Er and so on, I have entrusted me with a trusted person, if I don’t go down the mountain for ten days, he will go to the Jokhang Temple abbot Huineng, I can’t expose the dirt of the Lingci Temple, there will also be the Jokhang Temple to expose!” Jokhang Temple can’t be revealed! And the whole Buddha Gate! How long have you been hiding it! ”

The faces of several old monks and a middle-aged monk who followed changed drastically, and there was no doubt that if Jokhang Temple came, it would be the end of the old for Lingci Temple.

Lingci Temple has only been in a good life for a few years, and it is about to end like this?

“Kill him!”

Following behind Yuan Shang, the middle-aged monk with low eyebrows tore through his disguise and indifferently gave orders.


Yuan Shang suddenly burst out, and at this time, he still looked like an old dragon bell, and lightning slammed on Wuxin’s body.


It flew out like an unintentional cannonball, slammed into the wall, spat blood from its mouth, and sunken its chest directly.

“Want to kill me? Wish for the moon. ”

Wuxin looked sluggish, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, still sneered, and was undaunted.

“Amitabha, uncle, you are not old or dead, you will always be young, even if you are injured, you will recover quickly, for so many years, your face has not changed, but we are dying of old age, which makes people really jealous!” God forbid, why can you use such abilities! But I never believed that you really didn’t die! ”

Yuan Shang slammed into Wuxin’s chest, crushing him fiercely, and his face was extremely vicious.


Unintentionally, he raised his head to the sky again, and there was a sound of Harry’s bones shattering in his chest, and he was almost stepped on.

“The two uncles, the master has already made a move, what are you waiting for?”

The middle-aged monk looked at the other two old monks.

“When he entered the temple, I said that he was a hidden danger and must be removed.”

“Look at him, you want to inform the Jokhang Temple, it is clear that he does not put the lives of all of us in his eyes, and does not care about the juniors of the same family, in that case, what old feelings do you still remember?”

The middle-aged monk was unusually calm, and understated what he said about deceiving the ancestor and destroying the ancestor, just like eating and drinking water.

Wuxin spirted fire with his eyes: “It turns out that you are the culprit!” ”

“Amitabha, Uncle Master, why are you going back to Lingci Temple? Perhaps one day you will understand that we are all for the Lingci Temple, as long as there is a Buddha in the flesh, the Lingci Temple can prosper. ”

The other two monks also shot in unison.


Wuxin didn’t know how much blood he vomited, the entire floor of the Zen room was dyed red, his body was twisted into a strange angle, and most of the bones in his body were broken.

He couldn’t resist at all, his head was grabbed, and his body was beaten like a sandbag by three old monks.

“Uncle Master! We don’t want to hurt you! ”

“Did you know that playing the fool is also a virtue!”

“Die or not! Die or not! I don’t believe I can’t kill you!” ”

The kind eyebrows on the faces of the three old monks were replaced by hideous demons, and they smashed wildly at the heartless body.

The middle-aged monk waved his hand, and the three old monks stopped beating, and he stepped forward with a gentle expression: “Master Wuxin, we are the same family, and I can’t bear to see your situation.” In this way, as long as you can send a message to the Jokhang Temple, everything is your own unfounded worry, and the Lingci Temple has not changed, how? ”


Wuxin spat on his face, and sneered: “Do you know what you look like now… A dog! Fawning! You are afraid of Jokhang Temple! ”

The middle-aged monk slowly wiped the bloody spit from his face, glanced at the heartless body that was recovering rapidly, and said expressionlessly: “Hit him to agree.” ”

Boom, boom, boom!

In the sound of the vibration of the Zen room, it was smashed for a few more minutes, and the body below the neck of Wuxin had been smashed into a lump of meat mud, and even the flesh and blood could not be counted, and it was impossible to tell whether it was flesh and blood or bones.

But this mass of flesh and blood is still squirming, wanting to recover.

Wuxin is already delirious and delirious, he is not old and does not die, but it does not mean that it does not hurt, the neck down has been smashed into meat mud, you can imagine how much pain he has endured, it is simply painful, wave after wave, seemingly endless.

When he was halfway back to his body and could barely see the silhouette, the middle-aged monk asked again: “Heartless Master, you can recover indefinitely, which also means that you have to endure unlimited pain.” All it takes is a word from you, and I will release you immediately, how? ”

Wuxin’s eyelids trembled, he opened his swollen eyes, his mouth was agitated, and he wanted to spit but had no strength: “I don’t talk to dogs!” ”

One of them, an old monk named Yuanjun, suddenly knelt down: “Uncle Wuxin, the Buddha said that if you put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha, can’t you give my Lingci Temple a chance to rehabilitate?” ”

“Give you a chance? Did you give me a chance to enlighten my apprentices? ”

The old monk Yuanjun sighed: “Uncle Wuxin, do you know what the Lingci Temple was like in the past, the temple was cold and decaying, there were few believers, there were more than twenty monks up and down the temple, even the fasting meal was not full, and they were hungry and thin.” ”

“And now, hundreds of monks in our Lingci Temple have plated Buddha and Bodhisattva with gold bodies, incense is flourishing, and believers are flocking to each other every day.”

Wuxin said shamelessly: “As a monk, I got into the eyes of money, not ashamed, but proud!” ”

Yuanjun shook his head: “Uncle Wuxin, you are not old or dead, and you regard money as dung.” But if it is a Buddha in the flesh, how can there be believers, how can there be no believers, how can there be money, how to gild the Buddha and Bodhisattva, how to make the lamp of the upper etern? ”

“Now that the Lingci Temple is thriving for a few years, you are going to drive us into a corner! I beg you! Uncle, my lifelong wish is to make Lingci Temple a sacred place of Buddhism! ”

“As long as we give us time, one day, under the leadership of Wutong, Lingci Temple will be comparable to the Jokhang Temple, and even cover the Jokhang Temple!”

The circle is like crazy, the shape is like madness.

Invisible eyes pity: “You are already crazy.” Which of the great Buddhist sects such as Jokhang Temple became a Buddhist holy place by humble means? Even if you really rely on the Buddha in the flesh to make Lingci Temple a holy place. It was also the Holy Land of the Outer Path of Evil Devils, not the Holy Land of Buddhism. ”

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