Chapter 168: I Play Policewoman and You Out of Resurrection Armor?!!

Wutong, who had already died, regained his vitality, and his chest, which was dented by Gu Zhou’s punch, slowly bulged.

“Wuxian was actually trained to look like this.”

No phase scoffs.

“What? This is the Sutra of Muxiangji? ”

Gu Zhou was confused, how could he be related to Wuxiang Temple.

Wuxiang shrugged his shoulders: “I passed on a part of Wuxiangjing to them, but I didn’t expect to be cultivated by them like this, a face grew in the back of the head, and then cultivated into Wuxiang, hey, it can be regarded as a shortcut.” ”

“Can no meridian make people have two lives?”

Gu Zhou was a little envious.

Wuxiang nodded: “Cultivating into the realm of phaselessness can have nine lives, but before the realm of phaselessness, there is only one life, it seems that someone has found another way so that cultivators can also have two lives before the realm of phaselessness.” ”

“However, the nine lives of the Phaseless Realm are real two lives, and his two lives are not really two lives, but when he is about to die, shrink the remaining fire of life and ignite ~ it again.”

“It turns out that the spark of life can also be burned, in other words, if I beat him to death before he shrinks the remaining fire of life, he can’t die anymore, right?”

“You’re right.”

“Thank you, if you encounter cultivation in the future, you must not give them the opportunity to shrink the fire of life.”

When I opened my eyes, I just had a sense of consciousness and felt a very oppressive wind rushing towards him, and the child was desperate to dodge, and just when his limbs were just moving, his eyes were dark, and then severe pain spread all over his body.

He couldn’t see the situation after death, and the monk next to him could see it clearly, only to see Gu Zhou’s big hand pressed down, like a 10,000-pound boulder falling heavily, smashing Wutong’s head directly into the chest, and the back body was crushed like tomatoes, and blood burst.

Fierce and merciless!

“Hehe, you can’t die anymore, can you?”

Gu Zhou kicked Wutong’s leg.

Like Wuxiang, he scoffed at this Wuxiang, who had two lives, and the second life was too chicken.

Looking at the situation of Wutong’s resurrection, he can’t even control the time of his resurrection, that is, after death, he will start to resurrect, and the enemy can find it if he does not leave immediately, and then make up for it.

If you can control the time of resurrection, it can be somewhat useful, if the enemy has not destroyed the corpse, you can wait until the enemy has left before starting to resurrect.

In Gu Zhou’s view, this is like in the game game, the enemy has a policewoman, a developing thief, all kinds of supergods, but you come out of the resurrection armor, the policewoman puts a clamp in the place where you are resurrected, and when you live, you can’t move, and then you are shot in the head.

Out of the resurrection armor out of loneliness.

In order to ensure that Wutong could kill him in the first place if he was resurrected, Gu Zhou carried his body to find Wuxin.

“Who are you!”

“Bold maniac! Dare to commit murder in Lingci Temple! ”

“Daring! Stop him for me! ”

Along the way, there were monks who scolded and wanted to stop him, if it was just a mouth to the bed, Gu Zhou ignored it, if he wanted to make a move, Gu Zhou was not polite, God blocked and killed God, Buddha blocked and killed Buddha, until behind, dozens of monks were far behind him, looking at Gu Zhou in fear, but no one dared to make a sound.

“Why is it so noisy outside?”

Yuan Shang frowned slightly, got up and opened the Zen room and walked out, his old face was stunned, and he saw a tall body carrying a corpse that was still dripping blood, walking towards him, fierce and powerful.

“Who are you!”

Seeing that he was followed by dozens of large-waisted Yuan monks, and even those holding weapons, no one dared to stop him, Yuan Shang became vigilant.


Gu Zhou casually threw the corpse towards him and said lightly: “No intention in it?” ”

Yuan Shang subconsciously glanced at the corpse.

Although it looks like a crushed tomato.

But Yuanshang still saw it.

He is all too familiar!

Is that!

I realized it in vain!

At this moment, Shita Shu empathized with the feeling of unintentionally seeing Yuanjue’s corpse.

Gu Zhou glanced at him and walked towards the Zen room behind him.

“My apprentice! My apprentice! I’ll kill you! ”

Yuan Shang looked hideous, almost mad, and suddenly rushed towards Gu Zhou.

Gu Zhou’s face was ancient, an old monk who had changed blood three times, although he could maintain a certain combat effectiveness for a short time, he was vulnerable in front of him.

After all, this Lingci Temple is only a temple that has only flourished in recent years, and a few old monks can change blood three times.

And that Wutong turned out to be a martial artist who changed blood five times, and it was strange to appear in a small temple such as Lingci Temple…

This kind of strength, even in the Jokhang Temple and other leading Buddhist temples, he can be regarded as a master.


The next moment, Yuan Shang flew down to the flying out method at a faster speed than he came.

His body almost bent forward into a bow, and while he was still in the air, his old bone was killed.

The Master of Enlightenment.

What good can it be?

Gu Zhou made an unceremonious move.

Entering the Zen room, Gu Zhou saw the situation inside.

A Buddha in the flesh, two old monks, and only the unintentional body that remains intact, and the body is just a pile of minced meat.

The blood almost stained the entire Zen room red, even the body of the flesh Buddha was stained with a lot of blood, and the thick and pungent blood was disgusting…

This is how much it takes to beat people like this!

Gu Zhou’s eyes became cold, and he was kind enough to be cold over the years.

No wonder I was unintentionally asked to pass on the Jokhang Temple, and the Lingci Temple hides dirt, which is a shame of the Buddhist sect and should be cursed.

And without phase, the tide on his face became stronger and stronger.

“Gu… Look at…… You…… Come…… up…”

Wuxin’s eyes were swollen and almost couldn’t be opened, and his eyelids could only open a slit, and he was surprised and happy when he saw Gu Zhou.

Gu Zhou smiled: “You simply belong to Cockroach, and you haven’t died when you are beaten into this look.” The Jokhang Temple is still too far away, I decided, or let you go to your own Dharma Yi Shang Heba. ”

Before the words fell, Gu Zhou brazenly made a move, and in the blink of an eye, the two old monks followed Yuan Shang and stepped onto the Huangquan Road.

“I’m not willing… I haven’t seen Lingci Temple become a Buddhist shrine yet. ”

Despair flashed in the eyes of the old monk Yuanjun, and regret was already endlessly unwilling.

He spent his whole life thinking about how to make Lingci Temple a sacred place of Buddhism, waited all his life, and saw hope, and Lingci Temple had just flourished, and hope was shattered.



Yuanjun’s mouth spurted blood, wanting to question why God was so unfair!

“None… Centerless…… I will be in… In Huangquan… Curse on the road… Curse you… of…”

Yuanjun stared at Wuxin with resentment.

Where is he like a monk who has been practicing Buddhism for decades, it is clear that he is also a demon who has also come out…

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