Chapter 171: Expanding the Army by One Division Again!!


Gu Dahai shook his head vigorously: “I, the town mayor, can’t do it well, how can the county master do well, if you don’t do it, you can change to someone else.” ”

Gu Zhouquan said: “Third Master, although Qingshan Town is not developing well, it really has little to do with you, mainly because the town is too remote. In fact, there is really not much difference between being a county chief and being a town mayor, anyway, you remember a sentence and leave professional things to professional people to do. ”

Gu Dahai pondered for a while, pacing left and right, still looking embarrassed: “You better find someone else, let me manage 200,000 people, I always feel weak in my heart.” ”

Gu Zhou’s words were desperate: “Third Master, there are currently two counties in total, and the position of county magistrate must be handed over to the most trusted person.” ”

Gu Dahai gritted his teeth: “Okay!” You said it all! I’ll give it a try! ”

“That’s right.”

Gu Zhou looked relieved and looked at Gu Tian: “Pass on my order, recruit troops again, this time the goal is… One division, twelve thousand people! Eight regiments! ”

“Twelve thousand people?”

Gu Tian’s eyes widened.

“Good! That’s 12,000 people, and I will recruit another 50 German instructors through the Desunmet Commercial Company to ensure that the recruits are well trained and fully armed. ”

Gu Zhou decided to speed up his pace and take the whole of Guangdong in his hands as soon as possible.

“Goose County plus 500,000 people, pull out an army of 12,000 people is very simple, in short, ask for money, I give money, I want equipment, I give equipment, in short, before the end of the year, I want these 12,000 people in place!”

“Can it be done!”

“Very good, Gu Tian, Third Master, you must remember that these twelve thousand people are not the army of the imperial court, but the private army belonging to the Gu family! In addition to combat effectiveness, the most important thing is loyalty! Loyal! Loyal! Or loyalty! ”

“The division commander is naturally me, the regiment commander under it, the battalion commander must be the Gu family children, the subordinate company, the platoon is still the Gu family children, if the others are particularly good, they can also let outsiders serve.”

“I see.”

“Of course, you can’t blindly value the children of the Gu family, it’s really muddy can’t support the wall, can’t be forcefully supported, after all, it is still an army, and it cannot lose its combat effectiveness while maintaining absolute loyalty.”

“Any more questions?”

Gu Tian hesitated for a moment: “Gu Jun, how should these young people arrange?” ”

“Arrange it however you want, age doesn’t matter! Since he is a disciple of the Gu family, as long as he has the ability, he should be the regiment commander, and he should be the battalion commander! ”

During the revolutionary period, it was not uncommon to be a regiment commander in his twenties, and it was not uncommon to be a division commander.

“If you are too young, will you…”

“Who is not convinced? Let them come to me if they are not convinced! ”

Gu Zhou snorted coldly.

With the words of the boss, Gu Tian put down his heart, except for the factor that Gu Jun is his son, in terms of seniority and ability based on the time of entering the regiment training, Gu Jun will definitely be the regiment commander after expanding the army.

But Gu Tian considered that a young man in his twenties had become the regiment leader, and it was a little too conspicuous to manage one thousand and five people.

In the next five days, the recruitment of troops became the most eye-catching thing in the land of the two counties, and after arranging a series of things, Gu Zhou went home, Ren Tingting was still there, but Xiao Meiyu left before he returned, no one informed, just left a piece of paper, a sentence: The revolution is like fire, I can’t shrink in Qingshan Town, don’t worry about me.

Gu Zhou couldn’t help but wonder if he was pushing too hard.

It is true that Xiao Meiyu threw herself into the revolution, and I am afraid that it is also true to escape from Gu Zhou.

“Everyone has his own life.”

Gu Zhou could only sigh, he may have something to do with Xiao Meiyu.

The goal of expanding the army to 12,000 men was unsurprisingly accomplished, and each regiment became a division.

According to normal law, the army of 12,000 people out of 500,000 people in the two counties is absolutely exhaustive.

In the normal demographic structure, the number of troops accounting for 5% of the total population is already considered to be exhaustive.

But on the other hand, it is not a poor army, because these 12,000 people do not need the people of two counties to support.

This is also the reason why Gu Zhou is not afraid of taking the army out of his control.

The reason why he sped up was that he realized that he was too cautious and that a proper 0 plus 0 fast pace was necessary.

At the same time, Gu Zhou began to promote the high-quality grain seeds he brought back from modern times in the land of the two counties.

Qingshan Town is rich in iron ore resources, and the steel plant is also under preparation.

In addition, Gu Zhou is ready to prepare for the stocking factory.

In some film and television dramas, the characters in the play take stockings to exchange for living materials, such as in the TV series “My Regiment Commander My Regiment”, Long Wen once took stockings to activate the quartermaster.

It shows that stockings were still precious during World War II.

After the appearance of nylon stockings at the “World Exposition” in 1939, they became a sought-after item in the world, selling tens of thousands of pairs on the day of their launch.

Especially in Europe, women are rushing to buy like crazy.

In World War II, nylon was listed as a strategic material, and nylon materials were prioritized in the production of military materials, because many military materials require nylon materials.

And many military materials, such as military uniforms, parachutes, mosquito nets, hammocks, tourniquets, etc. are nylon products, which leads to a shortage of nylon production capacity, so stockings have also become controlled items, and the price of stockings in stock has risen all the way, and finally there is even a priceless market, a sock is difficult to find.

In Europe, many women who do not wear stockings usually apply special liquid on their legs to act as stockings, and then draw a line on the back with a pen to act as the “seam” of the stockings, which is enough to reflect the thirst for stockings among women in Osha State.

So many times stockings can only be bought on the black market, and even fried to thousands of dollars a pair.

At that time, American soldiers were paid only $30 a month.

At this time, the American soldier with one or two pairs of stockings on his body naturally became a favorite patrol for women.

Some women even sell their bodies for a pair of stockings.

The influx of stockings into the land of China has also been popular, setting off a wave, flipping through the magazines of the Republic of China, and finding that the female stars of that era, almost every one of them wore stockings.

The synthesis of nylon is a major breakthrough in the synthetic fiber industry and a very important milestone in polymer chemistry, but in modern times, the manufacture of nylon is very simple, and its manufacturing process can be learned.

“Young Master Gu, someone is looking for you and claims to be your master. I didn’t dare to slack off and invited him in. ”

There are people to report.


Gu Zhou was a little surprised, and quickly got up to greet him, with some doubts in his heart.

He has always gone to find Shi Jian, why did Shi Jian take the initiative to find the door this time.

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