Chapter 175 The Man in the Sperm Whale!!

Island country.

The whaling ship sails in the sea, the surrounding sea has been dyed red, and a behemoth in the ocean has been pulled onto the ship with the help of machinery.

This is a sperm whale nearly thirty meters long, grabbed by a robotic arm, without struggling at all, and the sailors skillfully operate the machine to put down the sperm whale.

Inoshino looked at this sperm whale, and felt a little strange in his heart, but he was also relieved that the whaling ship had been out to sea for a long time, but it had not caught a whale, and now he finally caught a sperm whale, which also means that the ship is about to return.

He missed the land very much, as well as his beautiful wife and lovely daughter.

“Strange, I have been at sea for so many years, I have never seen this phenomenon, I didn’t struggle at all, it almost made me think it was dead.”

The sailors talked about strange phenomena.

The meat of the sperm whale is cut off piece by piece, and its internal organs cannot be spared!

Before Inouchino could deal with his stomach, a hand tore the whale’s stomach and stretched out, he was stunned, and said loudly in shock: “There is a person in the 19th part of the colored whale!” ”

This sentence attracted everyone’s attention, and all the sailors stopped what they were doing and gathered around, watching the hand tear the stomach and slowly expand.

“Still alive.”

“The person who was swallowed by the whale can actually be alive?”

“What a miracle!”

“It’s simply Amaterasu’s blessing!”

These sailors hunt whales for many years and know sperm whales well, and if they are swallowed by mistake and do not die, then you will go down the esophagus to the sperm whale’s first stomach.

Sperm whales, like ruminant cattle on land, have four stomachs, but the first stomach produces almost no stomach acid, but there is a lack of air and oxygen here, and humans can easily feel room breath here.

Even if the danger of breathing is avoided, the stomach here will squirm, squeezing and breaking down food.

Then it will follow the digestive organs of sperm whales to the second, third, and fourth stomachs, which secrete stomach acid, and gastric acidity is high, which will corrode the human body.

It is impossible for the human body to resist the stomach acid of sperm whales.

From various factors, after a human being swallowed by a whale, the probability of escaping is infinitely close to 0.


This group of sailors do not say that they have seen or heard.


The stomach was torn, and a person got up from the stomach pouch full of digestion and scanned the surroundings: “Where is this!” ”

The digestive matter was fishy and disgusting, but Qiu Shentong was used to the environment of the smelly dead in the stomach pouch.

After escaping into the sea, he climbed on the whale shark and escaped the pursuit and encirclement, and finally the whale shark died of his injuries, and he was swallowed by a sperm whale on his own initiative.

The fish and shrimp swallowed by the sperm whale were used as food by him, and he barely recovered from his injuries.

The food can be regarded as rich, there are dozens of them, but no matter how rich it is, it is also the food swallowed by the beast, and it is not much different from eating.

After staying in this environment for half a month, Qiu Shentong’s anger was brewing every day, like a volcano that was about to erupt frequently, and his anger reached the extreme.

“America! America! America! ”

Every day, he chanted the name of the country dozens of times.

The country gave him endless humiliation!

What kind of person does he think he is?

Born rich, his father was a general of the imperial court, since he was a child, he was a genius in martial arts, and he was young and did not meet an opponent.

Even if he was later raided by the imperial court, he was exiled in the rivers and lakes, but he still relied on his own strength to take revenge.

In the white blade, in the red dust of killing.

Kill one person in ten steps, and leave no line for thousands of miles.

Who has ever eaten?

Unexpectedly, one day it was reduced to eating the food in the stomach of the animal to live the fish, insects, shrimp and other creatures in the ocean were not treated, it was fishy, and it was contaminated with the stomach acid of sperm whales, that kind of taste, it is simply not something ordinary people can endure.

That is, Qiu Shentong’s injury is too serious, otherwise he will definitely not be able to endure it.

“Recovery from injury is too slow! What the hell is this world! Reiki is thin and almost nothing! ”

“MD, how the hell did I get into this world?”

Qiu Shentong didn’t know how to come to this world, but he knew that he didn’t want to let him stay in this world forever!

Not to mention that in this world of thin aura, his injuries recovered horribly slowly, and he could only slowly recover from his injuries by devouring a large amount of meat.

Moreover, the thinness of spiritual energy would cause his martial arts to stagnate forever, and he would not be able to glimpse the higher realm.

“I have to find my way back!”

Feeling the sound of someone chattering outside, Qiu Shentong suddenly got up, and the tough stomach pouch of the sperm whale was as fragile as paper in front of him and was easily torn apart.


“Look, he’s out!”

All the sailors looked at the person who stood up, and then one of the eyes almost popped out, and the shock was beyond words.

How strong the stomach acid of whales is, even if the iron is swallowed, it will be corroded, and in their imagination, even if this person is alive, the skin will be corroded.

And this person is actually intact!

It is already a miracle to be swallowed by a whale and survive.

What’s even more miraculous is that it was swallowed and was not corroded by the stomach acid of the situation!

Inoshita watched in shock as this man stepped out of his stomach pouch, his whole body was shocked, and the filth around his body was shaken away, and everyone 737 also saw the wounds on his body.

There are more than a dozen wounds deep in the bone, and there are even wounds that reach deep into the internal organs and can see the peristalsis of the internal organs.

With such an injury, ordinary people will die even if they have nine lives.

And this person can actually move freely!

“You… Who are you? ”

An old sailor plucked up the courage to ask.

Qiu Shentong frowned, in his opinion, this was a series of “chattering”, inexplicably bored in his heart.

“Where is this?”

Qiu Shentong spoke, and he spoke in English.

Of course, he didn’t know English before he came into this world, but he learned the language by using soul searching against a certain American man.

The veteran sailor asked again, changing his English: “Who are you!” You answer my question first…”

“You deserve to ask me questions too?”

Qiu Shentong’s eyes were indifferent, and he flicked his fingers.


The gas exploded and exploded.

The head of the veteran sailor exploded in vain like a watermelon, yellow, white, and red spilled on the ground, and the headless corpse shook a few times and fell to the ground.


Inoshino was shocked and retreated, the veteran sailor was next to him, he watched the whole process of the death of his predecessor up close, the headless corpse was still spraying blood, and for a while his spine was cold…

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