Chapter 178: Xiao Hongyi’s Driving Talent!!

In fact, this is not an exaggeration, the appearance of trucks and carriages in this period of the Republic of China is not much different, and the trucks that really have the prototype of the 968 tactical truck will have to wait until more than ten years later, even if they are trucks more than ten years later, they are not much different from tractors.

A Type 968 tactical truck appeared in this era, and in Gu Dahai’s opinion, it simply did not belong to this era and was a product of science fiction.

You must know that in this era, there are very few people who have seen cars in China.

“This is… Car? ”

Ren Tingting has studied in Guangzhou and seen cars once or twice.

Gu Zhou has also seen the cars of this era, so to speak, the modern tricycles are ten steps lower than those who look good.

“With a carrying capacity of more than 4 tons, it can tow 11.5 tons of cargo, and the fastest speed reaches 60 kilometers per hour, and from now on, my army will be a cyborg army.”

Gu Dahai circled around a car, and was amazed: “Good!” What a big car!

Grand-enough! ”

Gu Tian was puzzled: “What is a cyborg force?” ~”

Gu Zhou waved his big hand: “The army under my command, when the time comes, horses will no longer be needed for long-distance travel, and trucks can be used.” A truck can carry more than fifteen soldiers plus a cab. ”

“Compared with horses, trucks have many advantages, they are very resistant and have excellent adaptability, which can perform transportation operations for the army in a variety of complex terrains and weather, ensure the transportation of materials and personnel of the army, and improve mobility.”

Gu Tian looked confused: “But… How does this thing work? ”

Gu Zhou smiled: “I prepared an operation manual, first select a hundred soldiers to study and be drivers.” However, there are no instructors this time, so you need to search for it yourself. ”

This kind of truck, in this era, no one can drive at all, so I can only learn by reading the operation manual.


Suddenly, the engine sounded, Gu Zhouxun looked out, Xiao Hongyi didn’t know when he got into the cab, started the car, put the operation manual on the steering wheel, looked at the operation manual, and looked at the gear, and was figuring out how to hang the gear.

The operation manual is customized by Gu Zhou, which is similar to a point-and-shoot camera, as long as it is not stupid, follow the operation process.

Most of them can be learned.

“The throttle is here, the brakes are here, the clutch is here, how did you start?”

In the other car, Ren Tingting also had fun, looking at the position of the accelerator, brake, and clutch under her feet.

“You see the car keys are not… Twist and start…”

“This gear is forward, and this gear is small rear eye.”

The two women exchanged pleasure in two cars.

Gu Zhou’s face was black, how is this painting style a little wrong, how did an assassin woman, a soft girl, like a heavy truck?

Seeing that the two women got into the car, and the other four men also got into a car, touching here and there, each of them became a hillbilly who had never seen the world, shouting.

“This seat is so soft!”

“This car is so good!”

“It’s beautiful inside and out!”

“I know how to use the steering wheel, it’s much easier than riding a horse, turn the car to the left and drive to the left, turn the car to the right and drive to the right.”

“Isn’t that nonsense?”

“Wow, the carriage is so big, it’s not a problem to install a few cannons, you don’t have to work so hard with horse-drawn cannons.”

“Sixty kilometers per hour, I thought, less than an hour to get to the county seat. If you have oil, you can open it and never sleep. In terms of speed, no army can match my door. ”

While the men were still looking at their appearance, Xiao Hongyi had already started the car under Gu Zhou’s guidance, staring ahead with an extremely serious face.

The place where the truck visited was a large flat land, which was cleaned up by Gu Zhou more than ten days ago, and it was no problem to put four hundred cars, so there was still a lot of open space after placing a hundred cars.

Suddenly, the fear of the driving school returned, and the next moment, Gu Zhou realized that the role had been changed, and he was now the coach!

But he doesn’t seem to have much say as a coach.

Xiao Hongyi thought he was nagging, Gu Zhou only exercised the right to coach at the beginning, and did not enjoy much, and then Xiao Hongyi said don’t bother me, I’m driving! Don’t talk! The top is back.

Half an hour later, Gu Zhou was shocked to find that perhaps Xiao Hongyi’s first talent was not martial arts, but driving, like a fish in the cab, driving like a ten-year-old driver…

Gu Zhou sadly found that when it comes to the 968 tactical truck, he may not be better than Xiao Hongyi.

Half an hour later, the flat ground of Nuoda was reduced to Xiao Hongyi’s exhibition venue, and a group of big men and a soft girl watched Xiao Hongyi operate the truck in amazement, skillfully bypassing the obstacles set up one by one, and the pass rate was 80%.

Ren Tingting’s eyes actually showed reverence, Gu Zhou actually had a moment of jealousy, and thought about it, this is his own woman, jealous of a hammer.

And Gu Tian and other big men are willing to bow down, they have been groping for a long time, just starting, really open, one by one as if suffering from polio, hands and feet, do not know where the hands and feet are.

“Red, or will you be our driver instructor?”

Gu Tian made a suggestion that Gu Zhou did not expect.

Xiao Hongyi agreed without hesitation, swallowed the words in his mouth, and his eyes turned to look at Gu Zhou, asking for his opinion.

Although she is an Assassin Woman, she has, to some extent, some characteristics of a traditional woman.

Harem interference has been taboo since ancient times.

And even more so when it comes to the army?

Even just a driver instructor seems to have the meaning of interfering with the army.

If Gu Zhou didn’t like it, she wouldn’t agree.

Gu Zhou smiled and said, “If you like it, do it.” ”


Gu Tian slapped his palm heavily.

“Sister Red, you teach me first, I also want to learn.”


The tactical truck actually eased the relationship between the two women a lot.

Seeing the two big beauties standing together, each with their own merits, an idea suddenly popped up in Gu Zhou’s mind, if he brought two locomotives, the Republic of China plane would most likely give birth to two female locomotives.

Back home, a paper crane just fell.

When I opened it, it was a special book by Ninth Uncle.

It turned out that the ghost door was wide open, and the lonely souls and wild ghosts roamed the world, and Wen Cai alerted the ghosts because of his negligence, so that they escaped the control of the ghosts and wandered the world…

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