Chapter 180 Aggressive!!

At this moment, everyone in Maoshan bowed their heads!

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai looked at this scene, it was called a heartbeat, if they can have this day in the future, even if they die, it is worth it.

Only then did the ninth uncle get up and bow his hand to the four directions: “Thank you brothers for coming to help me, I don’t talk nonsense, now the ghosts have run out, if you don’t arrest them, they will be haunted everywhere, and it will be troublesome at that time.” ”

Shi Jian coughed lightly, and everyone looked at him: “Who made this matter?” ”

Ninth Uncle sighed: “It’s my two incomplete apprentices, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai. ”

“What does it mean to be unsuccessful?”

Shi Jian came out pressingly.

“It was my two apprentices who were careless.”


Shi Jian’s eyes were as sharp as electricity, and he gently raised his hand to interrupt him: “The disciples have no way, can they just be shirked by carelessness?” You invited me here today, did you ask me to help you carry this burden? ”

Ninth Uncle pondered for a moment: “Senior brother, we have already discussed and are ready to use the innate gossip array to collect this group of lonely souls and wild ghosts.” ”

Shi Jian snorted coldly: “Since everything has been discussed, what else do you invite me to do?” ”

Ninth Uncle smiled slightly: “I don’t know what high opinion Senior Brother has?” ”

Gu Zhou knew that the innate eight trigram array was the best method, and other methods were more complicated than the innate eight trigram array covering a large area, and the efficiency was simpler than the innate eight trigram array, and after everyone discussed, they determined the innate eight trigram array with the best comprehensive effect.

If there was a better way, it was obviously more suitable for Shi Jian to speak at this time, but it was obvious that he would not have a better way, so he stood up at the right time: “Master, the apprentice thinks that the innate gossip array is indeed more suitable. ”

Shi Jian cast a look of approval and said in a deep voice, “Good!” Innate gossip car! Use it to the innate eight formations! ”

In a sect, the eldest and the second eldest obviously cannot have a good relationship.

Yimei Daoist people basically don’t interact with him.

And the ninth uncle is a cousin of a Daoist with eyebrows, and the relationship is very close, Shi Jian is a little more aggressive, but he didn’t expect to touch a ball of cotton, and there is a nail hidden in the cotton.

“Then who will lead this group of lonely souls and wild ghosts out?”

The hall was silent, it was obvious that it was impossible for the older generation to do this kind of thing, but who could only do it for the younger generation?

That is thousands of lonely souls and wild ghosts, extremely dangerous, even if there are no vicious ghosts who kill people, but so many ghosts pounce, they will be torn apart in an instant.

“One person does things and one person deserves it, and if you break into trouble, do you still want to stay out of it?

Lin Fengjiao, you don’t speak? ”

Shi Jian did not give everyone a chance to consider it, if he pointed out.

Ninth Uncle clenched his fist slightly, and then let go, sighed softly, and turned to look at Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai: “It’s better to be a person, or face reality.” ”

If he could, he really didn’t want these two apprentices to be in deep danger.

What’s more, if one of them is not yet a weapon, the danger is even greater.

Wen Cai gritted his teeth, and he was a little tough: “The disaster is my fault, I won’t stay out of it!” I have issued a military order to all the uncles and uncles, if you don’t lead the group of ghosts to the innate gossip array, raise your head and see you!” ”

He is stupid, but not bad, he was adopted by the ninth uncle at a few years old, and the relationship is like a father and son, watching the master whisper for him, his heart is also uncomfortable, he is very aggrieved, and he hates his own incompleteness, causing this big disaster.

Ninth Uncle frowned, “What stupid thing are you talking about!” You two just have to do your best to lure the ghosts here! ”

“Master, isn’t it a little enough for two people to quote.”

Gu Zhou didn’t want the relationship between Shi Jian and Ninth Uncle to be too stiff, and planned to ease it up.

Shi Jian shouted, “What are you mixing with, step down!” ”

When the apprentice broke in, he didn’t want his apprentice to resist.

When it comes to protecting calves, he is an expert!

“Master, don’t you know my strength yet, there will be no danger.”

Ninth Uncle cast a grateful gaze, Gu Zhou’s strength was one of the most clear people in everyone, if Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng could follow Gu Zhou, there would be almost no danger in attracting ghosts this time.


Shi Jian snorted lightly, his eyes slightly blinked, and he agreed.


There were still four or five hours before the sun went down, and everyone rushed to help, and it was impossible for Ninth Uncle to let them sit dryly and pack a restaurant on the upper floor of the town for hospitality.

Forty-one people were in full swing, eleven of the older generation sat at one table, and thirty people of the younger apprentice’s generation were divided into three tables.

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng naturally didn’t need to say much, Gu Zhou also officially met the apprentices of other senior uncles.

Qian Hao and A Fang, the apprentices of the Yimei Daoist.

Ma Ma Tei’s apprentices Ah Qiang and Ah Hao.

Shimei apprentice Jiara.

Mao Xiaofang’s apprentices Zhong Bang, A Fan, Zeng Cheng.

The maximum has five apprentices, and the least has no apprentices.

Ninth Uncle raised his glass and stood up: “I will mention a cup, thank you for coming to help, I won’t say more thanks, it’s all in this cup!” Dry! ”

Shi Jian lost his face, got up and toasted, and forty-one people drank it all at once.

The four-eyed Daoist poured himself full and walked to the Ninth Uncle: “I’m casual, you did it…”

“Hey, hey, Shimoku, why are you, there’s something big going on tonight, you’re going to get drunk on him?”

Before the ninth uncle could speak, Cane Gu Teng stood up and protected his sweetheart behind him, his eyes widened.

“Squirt, protect him so much, or will you take his cup 600?”

“Hahahaha, if I want to say so, I will also come to toast a glass of wine.”

“Senior brother, you are not shallow, I haven’t married a wife yet, you have a woman to protect me.” No way! I am so jealous that I must toast you with a glass of wine, according to the rules, I am casual, you do it. ”

The ninth uncle begged for mercy again and again: “Don’t don’t, everyone, spare me, Aunt Cane is right, there are still important things tonight, I can’t afford to delay.” ”

“And! Senior brother, do I really want to die, wine can kill people? This excuse does not work, change it. ”

Four eyes ignored it.

Ma Madi laughed cheaply: “How about we infuse Senior Brother Feng Jiao and Aunt Cane and send them into the cave room?” ”

Ninth Uncle glared at him fiercely: “Don’t talk nonsense under the public, don’t stain the innocence of Cane Aunt!” ”

Cane Aunt likes him, but he has a sweetheart and does not want to delay Cane Aunt, and he selectively pretends to be a fool for Cane Aunt’s frequent displays of love.

“In this way, I will toast you three more cups, and spare me.”

Everyone pushed the cups and changed the lamps, so it was not lively.

“Everyone uses chopsticks, just you use your hands alone, you know that you are a Maoshan Taoist, and if you don’t know, you think you eat in the shop!”


The star picker slapped the table very much, and his face was full of anger: “Also, buttoning your toes when eating, you are not disgusting, everyone is still disgusting!” Even if you itch again, you can’t bear it? ”

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