Chapter 207 is too coincidental!!

The two grinned and rubbed back and forth for half a day before limping out.

“Gu Zhou, how do you have time to Lijia Village, I heard that your army is attacking the city these days, shouldn’t you sit in command.”

Qiu Sheng was a little puzzled.

Gu Zhou said casually: “I’m going to Shizhou, along the way, where is Uncle Junior?” ”

At this time, Ninth Uncle pushed the door in from outside, and his gaze fell directly on the two apprentices who rubbed their butts, and his brows furrowed: “You guys are messing with this group of spirit babies again?” ”

Wen Cai was aggrieved: “Master, isn’t it just lying to them, just kidding.” ”

“Deserve it! How many times have you made jokes? Count you lucky, these group of spirit babies have dissipated their resentment, otherwise all ten lives in your door will be lost!” ”

“Master, we were wrong.”

Qiu Sheng directly admitted his mistake.


Ninth Uncle flicked his sleeves and ordered, “Go and prepare and send the spirit babies to Cane Gu.” ”

“Master, what are you doing with your aunt?”

Literary talent is always a problem with countless buildings.

Ninth Uncle looked helpless: “I have said more than once, Cane Gu is good at sending spirit babies to reincarnate, but Master Wei is not good at this.” ”

“Oh, Master, I remembered.”

Wen Cai glared fiercely at Qiu Sheng, who was snickering on the side.

“Gu Zhou, why did you come to me 853 as a busy person.”

Ninth Uncle then looked at Gu Zhou, his face turned gloomy, he sometimes thought that if Gu Zhou was his apprentice, he would definitely live for an extra hundred years.

Gu Zhou told truthfully: “Shizhou Grand Marshal Lou Da Long is very resistant, but he put forward a condition, if I can cure his strange disease, I will surrender unconditionally, I am ready to go to Shizhou, does Uncle Master have time?” ”

He was really afraid that he would not be able to solve any incurable diseases himself, so he brought Ninth Uncle with one more insurance.

“Okay, nothing has happened in the last few days, I’ll go with you.”

Ninth Uncle readily agreed, and then turned his head and said loudly: “You guys move quickly, I want to go to Shizhou with Gu Zhou, just pass by Cane Gu, and send the spirit baby over by the way.” ”

Ninth Uncle said nothing and went to prepare.

Wen Cai thief came out fiercely, stretched out his head to probe left and again, and then smiled, and beckoned at Gu Zhou: “Gu Zhou, tell you a secret, Master Cane has always been interesting to Master, but Master has been pretending to be deaf and dumb.” ”

“That’s it?”

Wen Cai was stunned: “Huh? You know? ”

“I know more than you think.”

Gu Zhou dropped a sentence, walked away, and sat in the front yard for a while, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl timidly pushed the door and walked in, her voice was crisp: “Excuse me, is Master Feng Jiao there?” ”

“In the back, you wait a minute, I’ll call him, uncle, someone is looking for you!”


Ninth Uncle came quickly.

“Hello, Master Feng Jiaoli.”

“Which one are you? Is there anything wrong with me? ”

Ninth Uncle frowned at her, feeling very familiar.

Mi Nianying spoke softly, looking very well-behaved: “Master Fengjiao, my name is Nianying, my sister’s name is Mi Qilian, and my sister asked me to come to you.” ”

“Lotus Sister!!!”

Ninth Uncle’s eyes instantly softened, and many memories flashed in his mind for a moment, and he said softly: “I hugged you when you were a child, fleshy, very cute, I didn’t expect that after more than ten years, I actually grew into a little beauty.” ”


Lou Dalong?

Strange disease?

Gu Zhou’s face was strange, and Lou Dalong, who was entrenched in Shizhou, would not be the husband of Mi Qilian, the old lover of the Ninth Uncle.

That’s a coincidence.

Mi Nian Yingqiao’s face was slightly red: “My brother-in-law recently suffered from a very strange disease, the fingernails are very long and long, and he likes to scratch things, find a lot of doctors, monks, Taoist priests can’t help, my sister is pregnant, it’s not convenient to go out, I think you may have a way.” ”

She paused and continued, “However, my brother-in-law has seen many Taoist priests, all of them are pretending to be ghosts, so I don’t believe in Taoist priests, so I didn’t tell my brother-in-law and asked me to come to you.” ”

“Lian Mei is pregnant?”

For this old lover, Ninth Uncle still has feelings, if it is not an accident, he may be with Miqilian, but it is a pity to create people.

At first hearing that his old lover was pregnant, Ninth Uncle’s face suddenly darkened.

“Your brother-in-law’s name is Lou Dalong?”

Gu Zhou wanted to make sure.

“Uh-huh, my brother-in-law Lou Dalong is a marshal of Shizhou, with thousands of people under his command.”

Mi Nianying had a hint of pride on her face.

Ninth Uncle’s face was surprised, which was a coincidence.

“More than ten years ago, your brother-in-law was still a small captain, I only know that his name is Dalong, the original full name is Lou Dalong, at that time he was still a small captain, in charge of several people, the official of the sesame seed, the official authority is not small,”

Seeing me blowing my beard and glaring at Mi Nianying, he weakly spoke: “Master Fengjiao, if you see my brother-in-law, don’t tell him about the previous things, he is most taboo about others being the captain of the squad in front of him.” ”

Gu Zhou was a little strange: “What can’t the squad leader mention?” ”

Ninth Uncle smiled: “When he was a squad leader, he offended an official who could crush him to death with one hand, and knelt down and begged for mercy to save a life, naturally he was very taboo about this matter.” ”

Mi Nianying defended her brother-in-law with her mouth: “A manly husband can flex and stretch, and Han Xin also has the humiliation of his crotch.” Moreover, later his brother-in-law’s official became bigger and bigger, but no matter how Qingyun was above, he did not marry a concubine, and his sister never became pregnant, he did not blame his sister, and he was as good as ever to his sister. ”

In Mi Nianying’s heart, Lou Dalong is a good man, it is normal for him to marry ten or eight concubines, but he only takes one scoop from the ten thousand flowers, and he has respected his wife like a guest for more than ten years.

Ninth Uncle sighed softly: “If she is doing well, I will be relieved.” ”

He was happy again, but lost.

Happily, Michelian is doing well, and if it weren’t for a misunderstanding back then, it would be herself who is now with Michilian Qinser and Ming.

“Master Feng Jiaoli, can you go to Shizhou to treat your brother-in-law’s strange illness?”

Ninth Uncle nodded: “Prepare and go.” ”

After everything was ready, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng also saw Mi Nianying, and immediately turned into a licking dog, one by one, licking non-stop, making Mi Nianying giggle for less than two hours, and the car arrived in Okita Town.

Okita Town is the closest town to Shizhou, and Cane Gu makes temple wishes in the temple of Sending Children Niangniang in Okita Town, and often asks people for rice on weekdays.

The so-called asking rice is actually to make the soul of the deceased possess itself, talk to the living, and relieve the longing of the living…

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