Chapter 214 Sea of Blood!!

“Don’t talk nonsense, you still have the leisure to care about the dead, first care about yourself and your wife.”

Gu Zhou stepped on four feet in a row, and the zombie’s limbs were broken with a click, so that it could only roll and struggle on the ground.

“I… My wife? What do you mean? ”

Lou Dalong was worried.

Gu Zhou said in a deep voice, “Do you remember what Uncle Junior told you before?” The coffin must not touch the ground, and once it does, it is unlucky for the whole family. Not to mention burial, the coffin will have an accident at home when it sucks the ground gas. Your father’s coffin must have touched the ground, right? ”

“Look, then both of you had an accident.”

“You were caught by your father, almost zombie, and your wife, there is a baby hidden in her belly, when it is born, your wife and children will die, and the maid next to her has also become a ghost zombie of the wall baby.”


Lou Dalong’s whole body trembled with fear, and he suddenly knelt on the ground: “Gu Dashuai, save my wife and children, I will immediately announce surrender, as long as you save my wife and children, my life is yours!” ”

If this happened to him, he would not be so panicked, and when he heard that his wife and children had something, he suddenly panicked.

Gu Zhou helped him up and said without hurry: “Don’t worry, your wife and children will not be in danger for the time being.” If you let the dog jump off the wall, I am afraid that it will kill your wife and children in an instant, and no one can save it. ”

“What to do, how to force…”

Lou Dalong was completely confused, and he was sweating profusely.

Gu Zhou patted him on the shoulder: “Don’t worry, your ability is not bad, if you come to my subordinates, you can still pick a burden, I will not let the evil baby care.” ”

Lou Dalong only nodded his head, and suddenly you, he seemed to think of something, and shouted at the guards: “What are you still standing around stupidly, not called a marshal?” Remember, I won’t be your handsome in the future! ”

“Great handsome!”

“Great handsome!”

Gu Zhou calmly nodded.

The quality of the soldiers under Lou Dalong is good, and after they are completely annexed, they should be able to leave about half after screening, which is about the strength of two regiments.

After he surrendered, of course, Gu Zhou would not let him master another five thousand soldiers and horses, nor would he let him garrison Shizhou.

Most likely, let him be the head of the regiment and garrison in a different county.

The status and power of the surrendered person cannot be the same as the original, and it is very normal for the regiment commander to be lowered under Gu Zhou, and he is a senior officer under Gu Zhou, so it is not considered a disadvantage to him.

This is still Gu Zhou’s good ability in Lou Dalong’s sake, if his own ability is mediocre, the regiment leader Gu Zhou will not give it.

Lou Dalong grinded the zombie teeth into tooth powder on the spot and soaked them into medicinal soup and drank it.

Gu Zhou found a reason to leave temporarily and went to Hyundai to buy a lot of things to play in a children’s amusement park.

The ninth uncle passed the letter to the cane aunt, asking him to bring the spirit baby statue.

People are easily sleepy as soon as they become pregnant.

The same was true of Michelian, who in the evening passed a groggy sleep, and in the maze of the lake, she heard footsteps and playful laughter.

“This is the laughter of children, when did the Great Marshal’s Mansion have children? Could it be that I was dreaming? Is it my child in the dream? ”

Miqilian tried to open her eyes, but at this time she was horrified to find that her eyelids could not move, her body could not move, and her eyeballs under her eyelids turned to see, and all she saw was darkness.

“Is it a ghost press?”

Miqilian thought of a phenomenon, the head, neck, body, arms, and legs seemed to be pressed by heavy objects, and she couldn’t move no matter how she struggled.


The child’s laughter sounded again, listening to Mi Qilian’s ears only felt terrifying, and after struggling for a while, she still couldn’t even move her fingers, and her heart began to despair that I wouldn’t be crushed to death by a ghost!

I don’t want it!

Big Dragon!

Nian Ying!

Save me!

Michelian gasped rapidly, like a fish on the shore, trying to grow her mouth to breathe, but it became a chamber.

Suddenly, her eyes finally opened a slit, and she faintly saw a child in a red belly pocket bouncing around.

At a closer look, this child is not close to the cute, his skin is blue and dark, and his laughter is getting louder and louder, close to the bed.

“Don’t come here! Don’t come over! ”

Suddenly, the child suddenly turned his head, what kind of eyes it was, the black eyes occupied most of the half, and the whites of the eyes were only a small piece, containing the deepest resentment, distortion, hatred, and weirdness in the world.

Michelian was creepy, she was in pain, she struggled, she wanted to scream, but her throat seemed to be blocked by something, and she couldn’t make any sound…

Desperate as the abyss!

It’s cold!

“Master told us to stare at the maid, but we couldn’t see her at all, staring at her.”

Qiu Sheng sighed.

Wen Cai directly came up with a ghost idea, and he smiled: “Then don’t wait stupidly, this kind of thing must be taken the initiative, you don’t expect people to agree with you.” ”

“What do you mean?”


“Do you say that maid will be bathing at this time?”

“The house of thoughts!”

“You say I’m thinking about the house? So what are you laughing at? ”

“Wait! It’s the second floor, right? At our pace, the fifth floor is more than that. ”

“Qiu Sheng senses that something is wrong.”

Wen Cai’s body stiffened, looked back at Qiu Sheng, and said in a trembling voice: “Brother, don’t joke at this time.” ”

Qiu Sheng ignored him, looked around, locked the black dots on the wall, and looked closer, his face changed suddenly.

This black dot is the size of a thumb, actually a heart-shaped, at the corner of the stairs on the first floor and the second floor, and when he came up, he swept it, and this heart-shaped black dot left him with a deeper spoon than a spoon.

In other words, the two should have gone up to the second floor a long time ago, but now they are still parked around the corner.

“We’ve encountered a ghost hitting the wall!”

Qiu Sheng’s heart jumped wildly.

“Try again!”

Wen Cai did not believe in evil, pulled Wen Cai to continue up the stairs, this time he 0.0 did not return to the original point, but the stairs seemed endless, up one floor after another, layer after layer.


Wen Cai sat on the stairs and gasped: “What the hell is this hitting the wall, we have at least run to the twentieth floor.” ”

Qiu Sheng was also irritable: “What the hell is this place!” ”



“What sound?”

The two got up in vain, and when they listened, it turned out to be the sound of water.

I saw that blood from all sides was used like a tidal wave, and the smell of blood was overwhelming, wanting to drown all the space in the vision of the two.

A few meters away from them, the maid watched the two spin in a circle, with a strange smile: “No one can disturb the master to play.” You two play by yourselves first. ”

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