Chapter 216 Please die!!

There was a small lake behind the marshal’s mansion, Gu Zhou put all the amusement park toys on the flat ground next to the small lake, and not long after, Cane Gu also took advantage of the night to arrive, bringing two baskets of spirit babies, nearly thirty spirit babies in it.

These are spirit babies who have eliminated resentment and have the same heart as children of the same age, only waiting for reincarnation, allowing them to play to their heart’s content, and they can’t ask for it.

Soon, the novelty children’s amusement park toys were full of spirit babies, playing and playing, so it was not lively.

Of course, only Gu Zhou, Ninth Uncle and Cane Gu could see this lively scene, even if outsiders came, all they saw was amusement park toys on the flat ground, and the scene was cold.

“Uncle, aunt, the playground will be handed over to you, and I will solve the puppet of the evil baby.”

The three jointly arranged a formation to ensure that as long as the baby merged into the trap of the playground, it would not go out.

No matter how fierce the infant is, it also carries the heart of a child, and has been beaten off nine times, and it has not been in the world for a total of more than a year, and does not understand any intrigues, it only knows that the sound of frolicking outside attracts it, and it wants to play.

The maid naturally wanted to follow her master, but when she retreated to Mi Qilian to follow, Lou Dalong sent someone to pass on a message, and there was an important matter that she needed to do.

She had to wait for the birth of her master in the Great Marshal’s Mansion, and there were still about five months to go, and within this time, Lou Dalong’s order, she naturally could not disobey.

However, she did not go directly, but changed her clothes.

At this time, the lights in the study were bright, Lou Dalong was sitting at the desk, heard a knock on the door, glanced at Gu Zhou behind the door, nodded, and said in a deep voice: “Come in.” ”

The maid pushed the door in, and at this time she was wearing silk pajamas, her delicate figure was faintly visible, her smooth calves were interlaced, and her charm was just right.

“Commander, do you have any orders?”

The maid was born well, and at this time, she made a gesture and became more and more enchanting.

“Naturally, there are orders.”

Lou Dalong smiled: “That is…”


At this moment, a big hand that seemed to be cast of steel fiercely strangled her slender neck, like pinching a little chicken.

Gu Zhou had already stood behind her silently.

The maid’s beautiful and touching face suddenly became hideous and frightening, and then the whole person was brought up.

She turned her head with difficulty.

I saw a handsome and matchless face, and my eyes looked at him indifferently, like looking at a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

How is he?

How could he be here?

Did he see through me?

The feeling of panic instantly exploded in my mind.

“Please die…”

Lou Dalong only finished saying a sentence at this moment.

Gu Zhou said indifferently: “It can only be considered that you are unlucky, controlled by the evil baby.” ”

This maid was also an innocent person, but after being controlled by the evil baby, she could not be saved.

Laugh at!

Gu Zhou’s lightning strike peach wood sword was inserted into her heart.

The maid grew her mouth and wanted to speak, but she couldn’t say a word, and in the dying state, her petite body trembled violently.

Laugh at!

Gu Zhou pulled out the lightning strike peach wood sword and stabbed it in again.

Three caves in a row.

The maid was killed instantly.


Gu Zhou’s face was expressionless, and he threw the maid’s body on the ground like garbage.


The maid served Mi Qilian for several years, and Lou Dalong saw her almost every day, somewhat emotionally, and saw her die in front of him, he couldn’t help but sigh.

“See her wound yourself.”

Gu Zhou pulled open her pajamas.

Lou Dalong fixed his eyes and saw that the three caves on the maid’s body that had been stabbed out by the peach wood sword had all turned into charred coal.

Ordinary people were struck by lightning in several cave rumbs of peach wood sword barrels, which are similar to the rums that came out of Puyong’s sword barrels.

“Where is her room, take me.”

Under the guidance of Lou Da Longgao, Gu Zhou, Wen Cai, and Qiu Sheng’s maid found a spirit baby statue in the room of the cabinet.

The ordinary spirit baby is white jade, but this spirit baby statue is crimson, and the red color is rich as if it is about to drip blood.

Even weirder is the pupils of the spirit infant statue, overlapping.

Heavy pupil is a kind of heterogeneous, auspicious phase, symbolizing auspicious and wealthy, often the symbol of emperors, saints, and this spirit baby statue has nine pupils.

Of course, the two are not comparable.

“What a spirit baby statue!”

Wen Cai shivered, and then asked, “Gu Zhou, this spirit baby statue has nine pupils in ten. ”

Gu Zhou explained: “This proves that every time he is reincarnated, he is beaten off, he is beaten nine times, and his resentment accumulates and he refuses to reincarnate.” ”

“So the infant chose the fetus in Michelian’s womb as the host.”

“And then slowly take its place.”

“Pregnant in October, Mi Qilian gave birth not to her own child, but to the evil baby who was replaced, once the evil baby is born, first kill the father and mother, the demon qi is fierce, and when the time comes, I am afraid that the entire Maoshan will be dispatched.”

Wen Cai was shocked: “This evil baby is so terrifying? ”

Gu Zhou gave him a warning look: “So you know how great the merit of Uncle Junior is, after so many years, the spirit infant resentment that has been eliminated is not five hundred but three hundred.” ”

In the amusement park, the ghost baby fell into the formation and couldn’t get out, the entire formation was like a huge power grid, and every impact of it was trembled by electricity.

As soon as Gu Zhou and his group of three arrived, they heard a harsh and sharp scream that seemed to pierce the eardrums, and the evil baby turned into a black light and shuttled through politics and law, only to see that its chest was nailed with a green dragon nail, shining with cold light, and overflowing with anger.

This nail is the nemesis of the demon and ghost, it was nailed, the yin qi around the evil baby quickly subsided, the speed was reduced by more than half, and he couldn’t even fly, screaming on the ground and frantically dodging the attack of Gule Jiu Uncle.

Suddenly, the adult’s mouth full of fangs opened widely, the corners of his mouth directly reached the root of his ear, and a black mist shot towards Ninth Uncle.

The Ninth Uncle did not dodge or dodge, and a light golden light mask suddenly appeared around his body, throwing all the black mist at once, and flicked it again, and a green dragon nail cut through the air and nailed it into the abdomen of the evil baby.

Not surprisingly, under the combined force of Cane Gu and Ninth Uncle, the evil baby was taken down, and the Tail Cane Aunt was slightly embarrassed to tidy up her hair, quietly glanced at Ninth Uncle, and saw that he did not notice his embarrassment, so he was relieved: “This ghost baby is really difficult to deal with, full of resentment, I have not seen such a heavy grievance of demons and ghosts in the past ten years, I am afraid that it has been defeated at least seven or eight times.” ”

Gu Zhou shook his head and said, “Senior Aunt, it has been knocked off nine times. ”

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