Chapter 229 Blood Exchange Eight Times!!

“Maybe in fifty years, or even a hundred years from now, shells with a range of thousands, thousands of kilometers, or even tens of thousands of kilometers will be born.”

The former is an atomic bomb, the latter an intercontinental missile.

The eyebrow Daoist muttered: “The power of the explosion can sweep a radius of more than ten or twenty miles, what kind of spell can reach this point?” No. The range is thousands, tens of thousands of kilometers, what are they aiming at? If you can aim, wouldn’t you have been killed by such shells, and you don’t even know how you died? ”

Gu Zhou smiled: “Maybe Uncle Junior can see the birth of these thermal weapons.” ”

Even if a Daoist does not break through the refining god and return to the void, if he does not encounter any accidents, it is no problem to live more than one hundred and fifty years old, at that time, it is already the twenty-first century, and all kinds of powerful weapons can be seen.

“Forget it, let’s not talk about whether these weapons will be born, even if there are, I’d rather die first than I don’t want to see it.” ”

The eyebrow Daoist laughed at himself.

“I am a remnant of the old times, and there is no ship to carry me in the new world.”

He was stationed in Goose City for one night and returned to Qingshan Town until the next day.

In the following days, the regiment commanders and deputy regiment commanders stationed in the counties also returned to Qingshan Zhen to report on their duties.

Gu Zhou began to implement a rotational garrison system, which rotated every six months.

Taking Lou Dalong as an example, he will next take over from Ergou to garrison Goose City, and Ergou will rotate to other counties to garrison.

Random replacement every six months.

Half a year is not enough time to make the garrison legion a snake.

Gu Zhou believed these officers under him, but he would not fully believe them.

Ambition and desire change at any time with changes in people’s environment.

Ergou, Da Niu, Gu Jun, Zhang Muzhi, they are now loyal to Gu Zhou, but they are in this position and will face all kinds of corrosion all the time.

There are internal and external.

Loyalty is nothing more than a bargaining chip for betrayal.

Gu Zhou didn’t want to shoot them in the future.

It is better to directly strangle all kinds of possibilities in the cradle and put an end to the possibility of them betraying themselves.

With a rotation system, even if someone really wants to betray him, it will not make any waves.

After the rotation system is announced, the counties will complete the rotation in the next half month.

After the regiment commanders and deputy regiment commanders returned from their duties, Gu Zhou announced the next round of recruitment orders.

This time, his aim was to expand one division into three reinforced divisions, about fifty thousand men.

Gu Zhou’s ability: Heavenly Washing Sutra (sixth layer), Eight-step Cicada Driving (Ascending to the Peak), Decapitation Dao Method (Ascending the Peak), Da Splash Wind (Ascending the Peak), Taishang Huangting Exterior Jade Sutra (Tenth Heaven), Xuangang Talisman Seal Gold Chapter (Pure Blue Fire), Lightning Rushing Thunder Fist (Yipin), Divine Strike (Beginner)

Priss: 3320.

【Positioning progress: 5%】

There were only two Mao Zombies in the Zhoujia Village, providing Gu Zhou with 210 essences, and as for the green zombies, there were only ten, providing Gu Zhou with 600 essences.

By reading the information on the information panel, Gu Zhou knew that among the total of more than 1,300 zombies in the zombie village, more than a thousand were not even white zombies.

A few or even ten zombies combined can allow Gu Zhou to obtain a little essence, a total of 320 essence.

Of the remaining three hundred zombies, more than two hundred are white zombies, and each of them can provide several essences ranging from a few points.

All the white zombies allowed Gu Zhou to obtain 850 essence points.

As for the remaining forty or so black zombies, Gu Zhou was provided with 1200 essence points.

Originally, there were still 140 essence points, which accumulated to 140+210+600+320+850+1200=3320!

When Gu Zhou saw the 3320 points of essence, his eyes lit up, and he said to himself: “Sure enough, people have no windfall wealth and no wealth, horses have no night grass and no fat, 3320 points of essence, my head is almost smashed dizzy!” Why didn’t I think of the zombies in the zombie village earlier, I knew the essence of a place long ago waiting for me to pick up, I don’t have to worry about the essence at all. ”

Gu Zhou is like an ordinary person who suddenly won a billion jackpot, look at everything is very cheap, wave his hand, buy, buy, buy!

“Heavenly Washing Dao Sutra give me extra points!”

—300 Essence!

—600 Essence!

Gu Zhou naturally added his strongest martial arts, from six blood exchanges to eight blood exchanges.

Instantly consuming 900 essences, he didn’t even blink his eyes, and even felt that 900 essences were too little.


An inexplicable force exploded in Gu Zhou’s body, Gu Zhou converged his mind, closed the pores around his body without leaking…

Just for a moldy time, Gu Zhou felt that inside and outside his body, his internal organs, his limbs were hot, and the pores of his whole body were about to unfold as stimulated by the heat flow like magma.

Gu Zhou still closed his pores tightly, not allowing this stream of heat to overflow, once he couldn’t resist, the heat flow overflowed out of the body, and the blood exchange would be lost.

In his inner vision, Gu Zhou could clearly feel that the temperature in his body had risen sharply, one hundred degrees, two hundred degrees, three hundred degrees, or even more!

The maximum temperature of the general human body can reach 42 degrees, and under such a temperature, for a period of time, people may die violently.

And the temperature in Gu Zhou’s body is more than five hundred degrees.

Replaced by an ordinary person, the temperature in the body is so high, I am afraid of instant violent death.

As time passed, Gu Zhou’s body had adapted to the terrifying temperature, and began to feel a little comfortable, the mysterious energy, with his exhalation and inhalation, accompanied by qi and blood swimming in his body, warm and very comfortable.

The heat flowed billowing and flowing, along with the blood flowing throughout the body, washing away the impurities of the body, Gu Zhou smelled a fragrance, which was the fragrance revealed in the blood, invading the flesh and blood, bones, internal organs, etc.

Suddenly, Gu Zhouqi began to bleed, thick and almost black blood, and then the pores around his body also had a thick liquid seeping out.

If there were outsiders, they almost thought that Gu Zhou was going to die violently.

Eyes, nose, ears, mouth, all over the body are bleeding, and it is thick, almost black smelly blood 0.1 liquid, how terrifying is that?

“Exchange blood.”

Gu Zhou’s face calmly looked at the blood oozing out of his body, and changing blood was really changing the blood of his whole body.

This time, he changed his blood twice at once, and the movement was so great.

However, these excreted blood are all blood with impurities, and the discharge is beneficial and harmless to him.

“Eight blood exchanges!”

Gu Zhou clenched his fist slightly, feeling an explosive force!

His current strength can hammer him alive as soon as he goes up directly to the seriously injured Qiu Shentong.

However, in a short period of time, even if Gu Zhou had enough essence, he could not perform the ninth blood exchange, and his limit was to change blood twice at once.

For the third time, not to mention whether it can be successful, even if it succeeds, the realm is improved, it will cause irreparable damage to the body…

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