Chapter 231: The Black Dragon Society Coveting Penicillin!!

“Eight steps to rush the order, give me the deduction!”


The eight-step single line of words was blurred for a while, and after almost ten seconds, it was replaced by the eight-step Tianlong step.

Tenryu Hachibu?

I also shoot the legend of the heroes, the Condor Heroes!

Gu Zhou looked at it again, and it turned out to be a step instead of a double.

After eight steps, Tianlong is still at the peak, but it can continue to add points, and there are three realms, which are unparalleled and shocking.

Gu Zhou’s eyes were slightly open, feeling the information of the eight steps of the Heavenly Dragon flowing in his mind, and there were still many differences compared to the eight-step cicada chasing.

If the eight-step cicada chasing focuses on lightness and sensitivity, then the eight-step Tianlong emphasizes thickness, domineering and speed.

“Dragon eight steps plus points!”

Gu Zhou’s heart moved, and it was 100 stomachs.

The realm of the eight steps of the Heavenly Dragon slowly changed from reaching the pinnacle to becoming incomparable.


Gu Zhou took off in vain, stepping on the air, the air he stepped on made a loud bang, as if stepping on an invisible staircase, his figure rose again, and then the second foot stepped out, and his body was already raised to more than twenty meters.

Eight steps in a row, Gu Zhou had already stepped more than a hundred meters away and thirty or forty meters high, which was simply against the law of gravity, and then fell heavily.

“This is not a little bit stronger than eight steps to catch a single order, but can step more than 100 meters in the air, at this distance I fly is not ten different.”

You must know that even if a martial artist reaches the martial saint, no matter how high he jumps and how far he jumps, he can’t fly.

After landing, Gu Zhou’s feet streaked an arc, and his body entered the light, like a shadow, swept out a hundred meters at once, and pulled out an afterimage behind him, like a light dragon stretching.

“Good! Very good, these 200 essence deduction flowers are worth it! ”

Gu Zhou was very satisfied.

“Combine the big splash wind and the decapitation knife technique!”

After all, Gu Zhou was still a little reluctant to behead the knife technique.

Essence – 300.

Looking at the remaining 320, Gu Zhou almost burst into tears, is it easy for him, he worked hard to bombard indiscriminately to get more than three thousand essences, this is how long, it was almost spent.

“The two lines of the big splash wind and the decapitation knife method slowly merged like two clouds of water, and after a while, a new line of font replaced them: Instant Shadow Thunder Saber!”

Similarly, after reaching the pinnacle, the Instantaneous Shadow Thunder Saber has become unparalleled and unparalleled in the world, and the three realms of shocking children and worlds have been added.

Gu Zhou directly added points.

Essence – 150.

The realm of the Instantaneous Shadow Thunder Saber slowly changed from the pinnacle to incomparable.

Feeling the information of this knife technique, there is no doubt that the advantages are preserved in full times.

However, the most significant feature of this sword technique now is that it uses pure killing, coordination, unification, and bursting the power of the whole body, sending people to hell between electric light and flint.

“The most important thing is that the deduced exercises combine my own characteristics! Thunder! ”

Instant Shadow Thunder Saber!

Gu Zhou slashed out his palm, and a thunder light instantly spread throughout his body, as if there was a thunder dragon wrapped around his body, killing everything in front of him with the momentum of running thunder.

Looking at the remaining 170 essences, Gu Zhou was both satisfied and distressed.

Satisfactory this time, the deduction is worth it.

Distressed is the essence of consumption, as if cutting his flesh.

“Young Master Gu, someone sent a letter and left.”

“Okay, you go down.”

Gu Zhou opened the envelope, and there was only a short line of words inside: Xiao Meiyu, Liang Kuan, Cai Chun as a guest of my Black Dragon Society, and also invited His Excellency Gu Zhou to come to the Black Dragon for a meeting.

The Black Dragon will be respected!

One letter had four pieces of paper, and the remaining three pieces of paper had three bloody palm prints, and the threat was clear.

“Black Dragon Society!”

Gu Zhou shook it sharply, crushing the letter paper, and the killing intent in his heart boiled, and the killing intent in his eyes almost turned into substance and rushed out.

The Black Dragon Society, an extremist organization, is notorious, and its main members are ronin active in China.

Flaunting the Asianism of Dongying and instigating the invasion of China, he took the word “black dragon” in Heilongjiang as its name.

Undermine the workers’ and democratic movements internally, and support the government’s aggression against China externally.

They also engaged in aggressive conspiracy activities in China and other places, creating incidents, smuggling, assassination, intelligence gathering, and trafficking in opium.

After the Russo-Japanese War, the Black Dragon Society cooperated with the Toei military to become closer, initiating or participating in the suppression of the rice riots and the massacre of overseas Chinese after the Great Kanto Earthquake.

Such a vicious organization invading China actually paid attention to himself, and Gu Zhou instantly thought of penicillin.

To be honest, penicillin has been sold for three consecutive rounds, and there are no accidents, which has already surprised Gu Zhoupin.

This is a mountain of gold, it is impossible for no one to eye.

He thought that the second round of sales, the third round of sales, there would be a visual Fei out.

He didn’t expect it to be much later than he expected.

Without investigating, Gu Zhou knew that there must be countless pairs of eyes staring at the Black Dragon Society at home and abroad now.

If the Black Dragon Society is fine, those forces will pounce on them with blood basins and bite as much as they want, as if dividing Huaxia.

“Want to be this bird? Lao Tzu hit the first bird! ”

“It’s just that after catching Xiao Meiyu and Cai Chun, you can still understand, what does it mean to catch Liang Kuan?”

Gu Zhou was a little puzzled.

Although he had a good influence on Liang Kuan, he was only one side, and it was not reasonable to catch Liang Kuan and threaten him.

After receiving the letter, Gu Zhou went to Guangzhou alone, without telling Xiao Hongyi, so as not to worry her.

Now Gu Zhou is already the big money owner of Desheng Commercial Company, as soon as he arrived in Guangzhou, the head of the Cai family, Cai Si, brought important people from the Cai family to greet him and wrapped up the largest restaurant in Guangzhou.

“Don’t say much else, is there any information about the Black Dragon Society?”

“Yes, it’s been ready.”

Zeiss hurriedly ordered someone to hand it over.

After the Sino-Japanese War, Dongying and the Qing court signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki and gained great benefits.

According to the provisions of the treaty, the Qing court ceded the Liaodong Peninsula, Frog Island and its affiliated islands, and the Penghu Islands to Dongying for compensation of 200 million taels of silver.

It also added Sha City, Chongqing, Suzhou and Hangzhou as commercial ports, and allowed East China’s trade ports to invest in Lichang tiles.

The Treaty of Shimonoseki brought enormous benefits to Japan and stimulated its aggressive ambitions.

In the same year, he forced the Qing court to sign the Treaty of Southern Liaoning on the same day, and paid 30 million taels of silver to Dongying before returning it to the Liaodong Peninsula.

In 1898, Dongying forcibly divided Fujian into its sphere of influence…

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