Chapter 246 A Sparrow Boy fell into the water!!

Ah Hao got up and hung his head, although these were not his subjective consequences, but they did have something to do with him.

If he had been vigilant, perhaps this would not have happened.

Cuong pleaded: “Master, the matter has come to this, I can only try my best to make up for it, I will buy some paper money when I turn back, burn more for them, so that they will not lack money below.” ”

“It’s strange, this Nintendo won’t be touched by someone, otherwise how could the corpse just become so violent.”

Ma Machi muttered.

Most zombies have just turned into white zombies, although there is corpse poison, and the strength is about twice as large as that of adults, but the speed is similar to that of a turtle, and any adult who is careful can deal with it.

And even if it is white stiff, the action is relatively slow, the full speed jumping is at most similar to an adult trot, although the force is as strong as an ox, but three or five people holding longer weapons, such as bamboo poles and ropes, can also deal with it, even if they are afraid of death, unless their legs are broken, they can run away.

Metamorphosis into a black zombie, only the real danger to people is great, full speed jumping is comparable to people running for life, six or seven people and black zombie tug-of-war must be people, ordinary people encountered, most of them are dead.

“If it’s a black zombie, I can still handle it, if it’s a green zombie…”

He shivered, and when he encountered Green Zombie, he was still a little weak-hearted.

“What if it’s more powerful than Green Zombie?”

Gu Zhou asked rhetorically.

“It can’t be.”

Ma Madi’s face turned white: “Gu Zhou, don’t scare me, it’s only been a few days since the corpse changed, so perverted?” ”

If Gu Zhou remembers correctly, Nintendo was hired by a foreigner to steal it, this foreigner may be a chemist, or a doctor or other profession, very curious about zombies, using Nintendo to do a series of experiments, injecting a lot of messy things.

By chance, Nintendo transformed into an unknown direction, flying in a short period of time, severed limbs and rebirth, not afraid of traditional restraint means, not afraid of magic weapons day and night can move, eyes can see, can walk like people, but also can speak, even if you cut off your head, you can stick back to it yourself, the combat effectiveness is extremely strong, the first time the star picker met and ate a big meal.

That is, the star picking Taoist is not a traditional Maoshan Taoist, he knows a little about everything, and finally with the help of the time of heaven, he calculates the hour, and when the Tengu eats the day, seals one hundred and eight acupuncture points around Nintendo’s body, and forces all the things injected into it to kill Nintendo.

“Uncle Master, first find a place to stay first, and then at night, I have a way to find Nintendo.”

“What way?”

Mamadi couldn’t help but ask.

Gu Zhou smiled mysteriously and did not answer: “You will know by then.” ”

“Lean! Whet my appetite! ”

Ma Madi’s face was full of displeasure.

Seeing the three enter the inn, Gu Zhou found an opportunity to return to the modern world.

For unknown reasons, Nintendo still retains part of the consciousness before death, such as still recognizing its own appearance, recognizing its granddaughter, and most importantly, before death or after the corpse, it also likes a song.

In the original plot, Mamadi and others found that as soon as they opened Ren Zhuzhu’s pocket watch and released that music, Nintendo would stop and listen, repeatedly tried and tried, almost equivalent to a causal law weapon, and finally played the pocket watch badly, and could only whistle with his mouth.

Gu Zhou doesn’t know where you have a place to sell that kind of pocket watch, but things that can put music are everywhere in modern times.

It took less than an hour, bought five loud speakers, fully charged, and recorded the Cantonese nursery rhyme “A Sparrow Fell into the Water”.

“There is a bird boy falling into the water, falling into the water, falling into the water, a bird boy falling into the water Gu Zhou put the horn to the maximum volume, the sound can be heard in a radius of 100 meters, in the silent night, five big speakers are played together, it is estimated that they can be heard within a radius of several miles.”

Outside the city, in the woods, the three of Ma Ma Tei looked at the compass, searching for traces of zombies.

“Master, didn’t Senior Brother let us wait for him, he has a way to find the zombie.”

Cuong was puzzled.


Ma Madi listened to the anger and didn’t hit a place, and slapped him on the head very fiercely: “Am I your master or is Gu Zhou your master?” Let him you wait you wait? He made you eat, do you eat it or not? Why do you listen to him like that? ”

A strong and weak resistance: “However, the strength of the senior brother is stronger than you, his method should be better than yours, this aimless search, where to find it.” ”

Ma Madi raised his palm again, Cuong did not stand in place stupidly, quickly jumped a few meters away, and said indignantly: “I’m just telling the truth!” Ahao, yes. ”

Ma Ma Tei’s unkind side head.

Ah Hao retreated without a trace: “What Cuong said makes sense, we don’t know where the zombies are, and it’s still daylight, and the zombies can hide wherever they want to find a ghost.” ”

“Okay! All right! My two good apprentices! The elbows are turned out, you have followed me for more than ten years, how long have you known Gu Zhou? Two people weigh three hundred pounds, two hundred and ninety pounds of backbone! Anger me too! Anger me too! ”

The lungs are about to explode.

“Master, Senior Brother is not an outsider.”

Ah Jie commented.

“me off!”

Ma Ma Ti fell to the ground, and closed his eyes.


Cuong was nervous about to run up, Ah Hao quickly grabbed him, nu nu mouth, it turned out that numb eyes showed a gap in the quietly observing them, right hand has already grabbed a branch, just wait for them to go up to beat them violently.

Seeing that the apprentice was not deceived, he got up on his own boring and walked forward with a black face.

Ah Qiang Ahao looked beautiful and obediently chased after him.

“There you have it!”

Suddenly, with a low snort, the two hurriedly stepped forward, only to see the compass pointer turning wildly, and finally fixed in one direction.


The three of them quickened their steps in the direction of the pointer, and before they found the zombie, Ma Ma couldn’t help but boast to himself: “Follow Master, you still have more to learn.” You only know that zombies will not come out during the day, it is difficult to find, but you don’t know that once you find a zombie during the day, it is our home field, even if it is a green zombie, it is afraid of the sun, and the combat effectiveness is reduced by at least fifty percent during the day, find Nintendo, is it round or flat, or is it left to us to knead? ”

“Master is famous, Master is mighty, we are really too tender.”

Ahao incarnated in time to tout the boy.

Cuong popped out a sentence out of place: “Master, what if Nintendo is not afraid of the sun?” ”

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