Chapter 250 is just like the gentleness of the bowed head!!

The reason why Gu Zhou chose to use a ton of TT to deal with this cargo is because this cargo can fly, if it can’t be killed at once, Nintendo will fly away directly, and he can only catch blind.

It’s just that Nintendo’s life exceeded his expectations, and not a ton of TT was killed.

Fortunately, although it did not blow up, it also made it lose the ability to fly.

Seeing his father’s body and bones being blown up, Ren Honggang smiled happily than anyone else, and he was also the only one in the world, not to mention that he prepared a thousand oceans as a state labor for the three masters and apprentices of Ma Madi.

Ma Ma Di carried the bag containing a thousand oceans, and his eyebrows were wide and smiling.

Ah Hao sighed: “This single state labor was originally a hundred oceans, messed up the list, and also bombed Mr. Ren’s father, and Mr. Ren not only did not let us lose money, but doubled the state labor tenfold.” Cuong, who do you say I feel? ”

“Of course, it’s the senior brother, isn’t it for the sake of the senior brother’s face, and Master Ren will give us a good look?”

“Yes, thanks to Senior Brother.”

The two sang and reconciled, and there was nothing else.

“Okay, okay, don’t hint, your master and I are not fools.”

Ma Madi found Gu Zhou, who wanted to return to Qingshan Town, twisted 19 and pinched for a long time before he struggled to exit, like a warrior who was about to become righteous: “Gu Zhou, our master and apprentice don’t want to do the business of driving corpses, they are tired and don’t make money, and they want to follow you to eat, what do you say!” ”

Gu Zhou smiled: “I can’t ask for it, there are occasionally evil dirty things under my rule that harm people, how about Uncle Junior being responsible for things in this regard when he comes?” ”

Ma Madi said indifferently: “This is the best, you have a demand, I have the ability.” ”

Turning his head and talking to the two apprentices, Ah Hao was excited: “Long live Master!” In the future, I finally don’t eat and sleep, and we are here to eat and drink spicy days! ”

Long nights are silent.

Xiao Meiyu’s body sat stiffly, her thoughts full of thoughts.

Today Gu Zhou came back, she plucked up the courage to find her, now Gu Zhou went to take a bath, now think about herself is the same as losing her heart and going crazy.

“No, he’s Master’s man.”

Xiao Meiyu bit her lip, sighing faintly, and her delicate face was full of complicated expressions.

When I saw Gu Zhou for the first time, I only felt that this man was so handsome, and I wondered why the master suddenly accepted a male apprentice, and it took a day or two of contact to know where the male apprentice was, clearly a lover, and named an apprentice.

She remembers that she still crushed this couple who could really play.

It’s just that a series of things happened later, and she began to gradually feel for this man.

This man, like an abyss, unfathomable, attracts women to explore.

I tried my best to resist, but the more I resisted, the more I sucked the room.

In the end, in order to cut off two cuts, he simply left directly on the grounds of joining the revolution.

But this time, Gu Zhou went to save her and completely broke all the atrium.

How powerful is the Black Dragon Society, how many men in the world are willing to fight the Black Dragon Society for women?

When she saw Gu Zhou appear on the Black Dragon, don’t mention how moved she was, at that time, she had an impulse, what master, what worldly ethical views, she didn’t care.

She just wants this man.

The moment she learned that Gu Zhou came to save her alone, she wished that she would die immediately, in exchange for Gu Zhou being able to get out safely.

If Gu Zhou died but he survived, how much should he regret it? She didn’t dare to imagine that she might be martyred immediately.

Recalling the bits and pieces after meeting Gu Zhou, Xiao Meiyu knew one thing very well, she had a deep affection for this man, and she couldn’t extricate herself, and the kind of strong emotions that boiled like a volcano could not be suppressed.

Xiao Meiyou’s eyes looked at the closed door, and she sighed faintly.

She can face her emotions squarely now, but she is still very entangled, she is afraid that if Master knows, she will not know how to face Master.

Well, I’m actually a little scared.

She is an innocent woman, and she may usher in the first time in her life later, in fact, she is ready.

Before coming, she washed inside and out several times, and she wanted to leave the cleanest self to Gu Zhou, and she didn’t want to leave a bad impression.

A big man, why does it take so long to take a bath!

Xiao Meiyu gently hammered the air, shy and annoyed, but the courage she plucked up gradually disappeared with the passage of time.

“Or, forget it, right?”

Xiao Meiyu was confused.

Seeing that half an hour had passed, Gu Zhou had not yet arrived, she got up and wanted to slip away, feeling that Gu Zhou should have something to do, and she was slightly relieved.

Just then, footsteps sounded.

Xiao Meiyou’s delicate body stood stiffly in place, and she quietly sat back like a thief, and did not dare to breathe.

“Mei Fei, are you still there?”

Knock knock.

There was a knock on the door.

Xiao Meiyu swallowed her saliva nervously, her long eyelashes trembled gently, like a mosquito fly leaf coming out with two words: “It’s small.” ”

“Are you still not going to open the door for me?”

Xiao Meiyu reacted to this, she didn’t know when she locked the door and locked Gu Zhou outside due to excessive nervousness.

“I… This opens the door…”

Xiao Meiyu pretended to be calm, but she still couldn’t hide the trill.


Gu Zhou pushed open the door in his dressing gown and walked in, closed the door smoothly, looked at Xiao Meiyu, who had a red face, and smiled and spoke: “Meiyu, I gave you half an hour to choose…”

“What… What the…… Meaning. ”

Xiao Meiyu slowly stepped back.

Gu Zhou smiled, came to the bed, sorted out the futon, sat on the bed and looked at Xiao Meifei with his chin in his hand, it seemed that he could see the sky and the earth old like this.

Xiao Meiyu’s long eyes were lowered, covering her clear eyes, her lips were pursed, and her small hands were tightly held, feeling like a fish on a sticky board, and the next moment she would be covered and gouged, but she didn’t know how to resist and clean her mouth.

The room was silent and wandering.

Gu Zhou looked at her intently for a few minutes, patted her side, smiled with her eyebrows, and said softly: “Mei Fei, come, sit here.” ”

Xiao Mei’s eyes fell on Gu Zhou’s side, expectant and resistant, her steps seemed to be manipulated, and she leaned over with small broken steps.

Gu Zhou stretched out her hand to take her little hand, the beauty was delicate, and her tone was soft with a trace of crying: “You… You don’t bully… I won’t be bullied by you…”

The beauty under the lamp, her delicate face is dyed red, only shy and timid.

Just with the gentleness of that bowed head, like a water lotus flower, it is invincible to the cool breeze.

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