Chapter 264 Playing the Piano to the Cow!!

“Master, someone came to you from Guangdong.”

Coming to a courtyard, he pushed open the door of the courtyard, and before he entered the house, Satsuki shouted loudly.

“Master, Master, are you there? There are guests coming. ”

“Stop shouting, call the soul.”

Before seeing his person, he heard his voice first, and a man about forty years old pushed the door and walked out, his whole body was clean, and the whole person was slightly clean.

“Satsuki, Ah Xing, who are these two?”

Wu Sheng bowed his head slightly: “The original lord bless you, Amen, I am a Catholic priest, surnamed Wu, from the Vatican.” ”


The exorcist frowned slightly, and said in his heart that I have only heard of Jingyanggang, Wollongong, and where is the Vatican?

Gu Zhou stepped forward and clenched his fists: “Gu Zhou, a fourth-generation disciple in Xiamao Mountain.” ”


The voice of the exorcist Dao leader instantly increased by eight points, glanced at Gu Zhou a few times, and turned around and entered the room: “Let’s all come in.” ”

The three of them sat down, and the exorcism Dao leader spoke in a deep voice: “Speaking of which, my relationship with Maoshan is not shallow. ”

Gu Zhou said, “Oh? I would like to hear about it. ”

“My grandfather was one of the Maoshan disciples who followed King Wing, died in battle, and left a widow who was my father, when the Qing court treacherously betrayed his promises, and after King Wing surrendered, he slaughtered his subordinates, and only a few hundred old and sick escaped with one life, and my grandmother was one of them.”

The exorcism Dao elder sighed: “My grandfather left his last words, hoping that my father could return to Maoshan, and he was also determined to do so, but unfortunately his talent was not good, and no master led him into the door, only a few exercises left by grandfather, cultivation was low, and he felt faceless to return to the master’s door, so he pinned his hopes on me.” ”

Gu Zhou didn’t hesitate: “With the cultivation of Daoists, and having such a relationship with Maoshan, if you are willing to return to the master, there is no reason for the master to refuse, why don’t Daoists return to Maoshan?” ”

The Exorcism Dao Master’s cultivation was already the ninth layer of refining and refining qi, and it was similar to when Gu Zhou first saw the Four Eyes Dao Master.

But the Four Eyes Dao Master was taught by the master, and the Exorcism Dao Master was completely cultivated according to the exercises, and the latter’s talent was obviously much stronger than the former.

The exorcism elder poured Gu Zhou and Father Wu a cup of tea, took a sip of it himself, and then said: “My talent is much higher than my father’s, and I also didn’t have a master to lead me into the door, relying on self-exploration, and finally lived up to my father’s expectations.” It’s just that I want my father to have a longer face, thinking of breaking through to the refining god before returning to Maoshan. ”

Gu Zhou shook his head: “Daoist friends don’t feel that it is getting harder and harder to break through?” ”

The long teacup of the exorcism Dao stopped at his mouth and muttered, “Yes, I feel this way, but I don’t know what the reason is.” ”

Gu Zhou pointed to the heavens and the earth: “The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is rapidly declining, which is naturally extremely unfavorable for us cultivators. ”

“Weather aura decay?”

The exorcist Dao leader was stunned, and his body shook dramatically: “Isn’t it equivalent to the end for us?” ”

Gu Zhou nodded and said: “It may be ten years, maybe twenty years before you can break through, see that the Taoist friends are not confused, in case it really takes twenty years to break through, and the year of the flower armor to return to Maoshan, it is inevitable to have some regrets.” ”

The exorcism Dao leader pondered a lot, and stood up: “Daoist friends are right, when I am ready to prepare, I will return to Maoshan.” What did this Father Wu do when he came to Jiuquan Town? ”

Father Wu truthfully stated his intentions.

“Reopening the church? No, no, no! ”

When the exorcism leader heard this, he strongly objected: “I don’t care if you are Father Wu or Friar Wu, where you go back and forth, the church is not clean and cannot be opened.” ”

Gu Zhou sat on the side to drink tea in his spare time, listening to the argument between the Eastern Taoist priest and the Western priest Niutou about the horse’s mouth.


Father Wu was puzzled.

“Do you know where the church is in Jiuquan Town?”

The exorcist pointed in the direction of the church.

“North of Jiuquan Town.”

The exorcism Dao leader said word by word: “The most evil three killing positions in Jiuquan Town!” ”

“What is the three-kill position?”

Where does the Christian priest know what the three kills are, he looks confused.

The exorcist leader waved his hand and said bluntly: “You just need to know that the church cannot be reopened, and the whole town can be restless after it opens.” ”

Father Wu smiled and said, “What does it matter if the chicken dog is restless? God blesses the world, and it will be fine if people are fine. ”

The exorcist had 10,000 grass and mud horses rushing past in his heart, and he understood that he was playing the piano to the cow, and said in the most straightforward words: “Let’s put it this way, the church will die as soon as it opens, will you be responsible at that time?” ”

Father Wu said confidently: “I am responsible!” ”

“Are you in charge?”

The exorcist sneered…

Father Wu drew a cross on his chest and said reverently, “I’ll help him do mass.” ”


Seeing that this person was not entering, the Exorcism Dao Chief ignored him and pulled Gu Zhou outside the door: “This goods came with you?” Who told him to reopen the church? ”

Gu Zhou explained: “According to his words, it is the order of God. ”

“What is God?”

“Foreign things are equivalent to our Jade Emperor, gods like the Three Qing Old Ancestors.”

The exorcism Dao leader suddenly realized, dragging a long tail note: “Oh ~ ~ ~ ~ So it is.” You should know what is called the three-kill position, there are dirty things in the church, it is not clean, help me persuade me to leave. ”

Gu Zhou was noncommittal: “A volcano that is about to erupt and a volcano that has already erupted, which one do Daoists want to face?” ”

The exorcist hesitated and said, “To tell you the truth, I don’t know what kind of thing is in the church, but I know that it is very fierce, I am not sure to deal with it, if he reopens the church, he is likely to release that thing.” ”

“Then let it out.”

Gu Zhou said lightly.

“Can Daoists deal with it?”

The Exorcism Dao Master couldn’t see through Gu Zhou, but he was sure that this young Maoshan disciple was stronger in cultivation than himself.

“I’m sure I’m not going to let that thing kill a good guy.”

Gu Zhou was full of confidence.

If he could, he could enter the church right now and kill the thing.

However, crucifixion, suspended animation and oral resuscitation are very different from the stomach secret.

If he remembers correctly, the thing is a combination of zombies and vampires, like an open hanging, you can freely switch between vampires and zombies.

In zombie form, don’t be afraid of crosses, Bibles, silverware, holy water and garlic.

In vampire form, it is not afraid of cinnabar, dog blood, mahogany sword, and general talismans.

Using the methods of the Taoist priest to deal with it, he switches to the vampire form.

Deal with it with Christian exorcism, and it switches to the zombie liver form.

It’s just not a good idea.

Gu Zhou wanted to capture this thing alive to see how it was born…

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