Chapter 272 Obediently be my tool man!!

The two celebrated each other and praised each other, both feeling that their plans were almost seamless, just waiting for a lot of money.

The Qing court brazenly collected opium taxes, and now that the Qing court has fallen, opium taxes still exist and are collected very high.

Local governments have successively introduced smoking bans, and Yuan Shikai once made a very good move when he banned opium, “There were camps who went into people’s homes to eat opium, and Yuan (Shikai) insisted on it.” Zhu Benjie more than 500 people, Xian said that he was addicted, and he went on strike, and he would see Yuan (Shikai).”

Yuan Shikai not only executed the opium-smoking soldiers, but also used sophisticated methods against those “addicts” who wanted to hold him hostage, and prepared to kill one by one, frightening 500 people.

The “addicts” fled.

However, the government’s smoking ban may be a dead letter for powerful warlords, and there are no restrictions on it.

Nowadays, the regulations, decrees or policies formed by the entire military government can be roughly divided into three categories: First, those who encourage and persuade seeds, such as Shaanxi, Mukden, Heilongjiang, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Fujian, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou and other provinces.

The second is not prohibited, such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi and other provinces; Third, the real prohibition of planting is actually only in Shanxi and Jilin provinces.

Guangdong was originally unbanned, but Gu Zhou had long ordered the strictest smoking ban on his territory.

Drug trafficking, drug transportation caught one to kill one, with the most ruthless means, if the number is too much, it is feasible to connect 347 things.

In a very short time, the cancer of the place was almost cleared.

Therefore, it is not difficult to sweep drugs, the difficult thing is whether you want to sweep it or not.

In order to maintain their separatist status, warlords in various localities must raise troops and expand their troops.

Huge military expenditures often make ends meet the finances of their jurisdictions.

The warlords then sought ways to profit from the opium trade.

For example, Tang Jiyao, during Long Yun’s reign in Yunnan, the area of opium cultivation was at its peak, and Yunnan Yunnan earned about 11 million yuan per year, of which 8.04 million yuan was opium.

Sichuan is another important opium producing area.

In addition to collecting more than a dozen miscellaneous taxes such as tobacco taxes, transportation taxes, stamp duties, etc., the so-called “tax” was invented to punish those who did not grow opium because of “laziness”.

It stipulates that “if a peasant grows grain but does not grow tobacco, he shall grow grain for one year and pay three years of tax, while if he grows tobacco only after one year of tax, he shall complete the tax for seven years if he does not grow tobacco and still grows grain in this year.” ”

Throughout Sichuan, more than half of tax revenue is provided by opium.

Opium is transported from Yunnan to Sichuan for sale, and all kinds of opium taxes alone cost half of the profits.

The reason why they tried their best to transport opium in this way was not because they were afraid that opium would be collected, but because they did not want to pay opium taxes.

“By the way, how much opium did you ship this time?”

“Twelve brothers, four real zombies, each with ten kilograms of opium, a total of one hundred and sixty kilograms, explore the road first, if it goes well, bring more next time.”

The Dragon Slayer Dao Chief looked at Mayor Ye: “Mayor Ye, you hurry up and open all kinds of checkpoints so that you can sell this batch of opium, I am in a hurry to use the money.” ”

“This is a matter of a day or two, wait for my notice.”

Mayor Ye mused.

On the fourth day, in the dead of night, Gu Zhou sneaked into the church, walked around the empty church with a puff of smoke, and saw twelve fake zombies wearing Qing court official uniforms with yellow paper talismans on their foreheads, one by one leaning crookedly against the wall and falling asleep, a few of them were like thunder, and one person was whistling with his eyes open.

In addition, there are four real zombies to hide their eyes.

“Fake zombies? Let you turn into real zombies! ”

Gu Zhou’s figure flashed to the underground entrance, entered the basement, and directly pulled out the cross nailed to the zombie vampire.


As soon as the cross was pulled out, a large amount of black fog condensed and enveloped it.


The zombie vampire leader rotates stiffly like a machine, its body is like a bone skeleton, skin and bones, and after the mist gathers, the skin around it is visibly filled and becomes elastic.


A chilling low roar echoed in the basement.

“I… Finally…… Relieved… Blood! I need blood! ”

It floated slowly, opened its eyes, its eyes were blue and white, and rows of densely packed scales appeared on the surface of its skin.

“This… What a place…”

The zombie vampire looked down at himself, talking to himself with a look of embarrassment.

“Hmm… I remembered, this is the church, I was suppressed by the cross… I didn’t expect that I could be resurrected…”

He looked at Gu Zhou: “Man, did you help me pull out the cross?”

As a token of gratitude, I can reward you for being my descendant. ”

Gu Zhou looked at the zombie vampire and said curiously: “What are you.” Or, how did you end up with this thing? ”

The zombie vampire laughed when he heard this, and the laughter rumbled and deafening, causing the dust in the basement to fall: “It’s very simple, I was a vampire lurking in the church, but I was bitten by a zombie.”

Gu Zhou was shocked, he thought about all kinds of possibilities, but he didn’t expect it to be so simple and rude.

First vampires, then zombies.

In this way, it should be called a vampire zombie.

It stretched out its scaled claws and grabbed it towards Gu Zhou: “Come on, become my descendant, and you will have eternal life.” ”

“Eternal life…”

Gu Zhou sneered, becoming a mouse in the gutter, what is the point of such immortality?


Raise your hand, the last comes first, falls on the top of the vampire zombie’s head, don’t see how to exert force, has already pressed the vampire zombie, only heard a muffled sound, blood stirring.


The vampire zombie suddenly knelt down on one knee, his eyes were red, and his scale armor trembled violently, but Gu Zhou’s palm seemed to carry the power of the mountain, pressing it to the ground.

Straight to its crazy force, the palm of the hand could not help but not be supported, but constantly pressed down, as if to crush him into the dust.


With another loud bang, the vampire zombie knelt down on one knee and turned into two knees.


It opened its mouth and roared, and its heart was terrified.

Gu Zhou understated, his palm did not move, pressed its head to the ground, and his tone was flat: “Be my tool man obediently… No, tool vampire zombies…”


Gu Zhou’s palm arced, grabbed the neck of the vampire zombie, flung it heavily, and grabbed it in front of him like a chicken.

“Let’s go, you need blood, I’ll take you to suck blood.”

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