Chapter 275 Bliss Spirit House!!

“Whether it’s a small joke or not, Uncle Junior knows best in his heart.”

Gu Zhou said with a smile.

He Xinzhi’s body leaned back, his expression was leisurely, and his words changed: “Senior brother, senior brother, do you remember the Bliss Spirit House?” ”

“Elysium House?”

Ji Chunhua showed a thoughtful look.

Shi Jian sat down with a golden knife, but immediately recalled: “Is it the fragment of the magic weapon you obtained from the Great Tomb of the Sui Dynasty ten years ago?” ”


He Xinzhi nodded and said proudly: “I have repaired it, and since then I have escaped between the two realms of yin and yang, becoming a realm of its own, and not being bound by the two realms.” ”

“Are you done fixing it?”

Shi Jian and Ji Chunhua were both physically shocked, and a wave of shock was set off in their hearts, and their faces showed a shocked look that could not be concealed, which made Gu Zhou can’t help but wonder what this Bliss Spirit House is, He Xinzhi can actually say that from now on he is at ease between the two worlds of yin and yang, becoming a realm of its own, not bound by the two realms.

Such arrogant words.

The next moment, Shi Jian had already revealed 19 of his expression: “No wonder, no wonder, it turns out that you used this way.” ”

Ji Chunhua still looked puzzled, obviously not thinking about how He Xinzhi repaired the Bliss Spirit House.

Shi Jian paused, half explaining, half talking to himself: “I said why the Qing court’s luck decayed so quickly, and it was too often deduced that the Qing court still had at least two years of luck, but it collapsed two years in advance, it turned out that you were responsible for it.” ”

Too often so perverted?

Gu Zhou was shocked, normal history, the Qing court can indeed continue for two years, early death, he originally thought it was his butterfly effect, now it seems that what is the reason for Xinzhi?

He Xinzhi said smugly, “Otherwise, do you think that old demon woman of Cixi has the qualifications to let me work for him?” I will serve him and restore the House of Bliss with the luck of the Qing court. ”

If it was a prosperous dynasty, Ah Xinzhi’s qi cloud shock was insignificant.

But the Qing court was already running wildly on the downhill road, and He Xinzhi’s luck plunder was like the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.

Ji Chunhua frowned tightly: “Senior brother uses this method to repair the Bliss Spirit House, so he is not afraid of karma?” ”

No matter how unpopular the Qing court is, it is also a humane dynasty, and in this way plunders the luck of a dynasty, and indirectly causes the Qing court to perish, and the subsequent karma will inevitably circulate.

He Xinzhiman didn’t care: “The House of Elysium has been completed, karma comes, I hide in one of them, what karma can help me?” ”

Shi Jian shook his head: “When karma comes, it will not notify you. ”

“But I don’t believe that there is any karma that can kill me in an instant.”

At this time, the carriage of the paper lake instantly transformed into a two-meter-square paper paste lake spirit house, although it was a paper lake, it looked really exquisite and abnormal, the golden hall, the floor was covered with silver bricks, bright and clean, and people were hairy.

The red column of the vermilion pillar, the carved cloud and the moon, the green grass and trees, the flowers are like a brocade, and it is a fairyland on earth.

Gallery murals, pavilions, exquisite rockeries, doors and windows decorated luxuriously, glazed roof tiles, carved gallery murals pines and cypresses neat and orderly, magnificent.

The spirit house is surrounded by a black wall, the main entrance of the spirit house is vermilion, and on both sides are two gourmet statues, still paper-glued.

Looking inside along the gate, there is a cave in front, the palace gate is towering, and the palace pavilion is majestic, which is very magnificent.

After turning two floors, there is a weeping flower gate, and when you enter the weeping flower gate, you can see verandas on both sides, the layers of railings are curved, and there is a clump of fairy grass planted in the white stone railing in the middle of the courtyard.

Go further, but see the golden splendor, dazzling eyes, brocade, embroidered carpet, emerald screen, bead screen, are not owned by the world.

On a bed in the middle is a small kang table, carved in rosewood, extremely sophisticated.

There was a small golden stove on the table, I don’t know what incense was burning, and there was a plate of Buddha hands next to it, and the golden mountain was rotten.

Further ahead, a moss white stone, without the slightest bit of flying dust, jade Yuqiong building on all sides, high in the nine clouds.

All kinds of details can only be imagined, not impossible.

The inch-tall paper servants, subordinates, slaves, maids, and nursing homes are all lifelike, and these paper people live inside, each doing their own thing, each performing their own duties, exuding a strange and ominous atmosphere.

The entire Elysium House is like a real other world, and the paper people are the creatures in it, living in the Elysium House like mortals on earth.

He Xinzhi’s figure shook, turned into a ray of spiritual light and plunged into it, and a voice came out from inside: “Senior brother, senior brother, you calculate it, can you still count me?” ”

Shi Jian and Ji Chunhua pinched their fingers when they heard this, and after a few minutes, they both shook their heads, indicating that they could not count He Xinzhi’s trace.

A ray of spiritual light was projected from the Bliss Spirit House, and He Xinzhi said with a slight feeling: “It’s a pity that it’s too often not there, if she is here, wouldn’t it be wonderful to let her calculate my traces?” ”

Shi Jian couldn’t get used to his smug look and looked at Ji Chunhua: “Junior brother, when Gu Zhou and I came to Dafangbo Town, we found that there were many outsiders in the town, as if all the cows, ghosts, gods and snakes from all over the country gathered, what is the situation?” ”

“Or the matter of Corpse Xie Immortal some time ago, I don’t know where the news came from, everyone thought that the cave house of Corpse Xie Immortal was in Guangdong, but it was actually in Liuyang County, Changsha Prefecture, Hunan Province.”

“The so-called Zombie King’s Tomb is where the cave mansion of the Corpse Immortal is located.”

Gu 910 Zhou said in amazement: “Could it be that the corpse Xie Immortal is the zombie king?” ”

“Can’t be sure.”

Ji Chunhua shook his head and continued: “I followed the ancient books to find Dafangbo Town, fortunately Dafangbo Town did not change its name, I found this place smoothly, but before me, a group of tomb thieves have come here, have already entered, and suffered heavy casualties.” ”

“From their mouths, I learned the correct location of the cemetery, and when I went in to explore it, I was almost certain that it was the cave mansion of the corpse Xiexian, and it was also the tomb of the zombie king.”

Gu Zhou spouted, “What kind of tomb thief is so powerful?” So many high-ranking people did not find it, but they found it. ”


Gu Zhou’s clear record, the “Maoshan Record” recorded that at the turn of the Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasties, there was a group of Chimei army, composed of hungry people, defeated the imperial court army in a row, and everyone dyed their eyebrows red, like a snowball, and gradually developed into hundreds of thousands of people, all the way into Chang’an, all the way to Chang’an, all over the city of Chang’an, and burned the palace.

However, with the successive defeats of the Zhi Dynasty, the grain was tight, and the tombs of the Han Emperor were dug upside down.

The rare things buried in the Han family mausoleum were piled up, and these treasures were all plundered by the Chimei army…

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