Chapter 281 Each shows his power!!

Ji Chunhua’s bronzed face was slightly red, and he thought of leaving Maoshan when Gu Zhou wanted to go with him to deal with the thousand-year zombie king, and he couldn’t help but think that he didn’t know the height of the sky.

The people of the Tianshi Mansion all showed their expressions, and from the strength of Gu Zhou they deduced, it was normal to burst the Nine Infant Giant Man.

After the nine-baby giant man was blasted, the nine ghost babies scattered and fled, and they did not escape Gu Zhou’s hands, and they turned into wisps of ghost qi in the miserable screams without resistance, and their souls flew away.

Seeing that the Nine Infant Giant was burst, some evil people quietly moved under their feet, wanting to leave Bottle Mountain or avoid Gu Zhou’s sight.

The people who came to find the corpse solution fairy cave mansion temporarily ignored the difference between good and evil, everyone’s purpose is to find the corpse solution fairy cave mansion, no one wants to divide life and death before there are horned insects and real secrets.

But now there is a Gu Zhou on the bottle mountain who will burst people without saying a word.

Compared with the secret of the corpse immortal, life is still a little more important.

“Good kill.”

Shi Jian’s eyes showed appreciation, and he was slightly proud.


This is our beloved disciple.

He has become a big master in his own right.

Better than apprentices.

It’s not me who said.

Everyone here is rubbish.

What the?

Are you not convinced?

Single-handedly and gang beat, you choose.

Singled out is my apprentice, single out all of you.

The group fight is all of your apprentices besieging my apprentices.

Anyway, our apprentices are not afraid.

“Pi Qi’s mother, this product should be broken into ten thousand pieces, and there is no place to die, but it’s a pity that these junior uncles and disciples of mine dare not make a move.” Brother, well killed! Kill wonderfully! Kill croak! ”

The handsome monk clapped his hands heavily.

This remark made everyone in the Faxiang Temple darken.

We are all Faxiang Temple, is it really good for you to embarrass us like this?

Gu Zhou glanced at everyone in the Faxiang Temple, and saw that their foreheads were covered with black lines, and they knew their helplessness without thinking.

“Brother, what’s your name, we are both extremely beautiful men, I saw you as before, how about we marry the Jinlan brothers, female.”

“Gu Zhou, there is no need to marry the Jinlan brothers, there are many brothers for no reason, I am afraid that my parents will beat me to death when I go back.”

Gu Zhou coughed lightly, not very comfortable with the self-familiarity of this handsome monk.

“I am Fa Xiang Temple Chiba, since you don’t want to, then forget it, it’s a pity that Chiba is extremely sorry.”

And Chen Yulou over there observed the terrain again, and let out a sigh: “This tomb poisonous gas is all poisonous insects spit out of the demon house, poisonous pythons, and centipedes… At this time, it is impossible to determine what it is, but looking at this momentum, I am afraid that there are many poisons that have been latent for a hundred years. If you don’t take drugs such as antidote pills, once you go down, you may die at any time. ”

Hearing this, everyone at the top of the mountain did not look worried.

The corpse solution fairy cave mansion must be dangerous, as long as you come here, drugs such as antidote pills are always available, or there are anti-poison magic weapons and magic weapons.

After everyone in the Ridge Removal Mountain took the antidote pill and was ready to finish, Chen Yulou faced the group of thieves in the Ridge Dumpling, and cheered up loudly: “Brothers, after the group of thieves in the Ridge Removal Mountain belong to the Chimei Rebel Army, gather the crowd to form a party, roar and gather in the green forest, adhering to the legacy of the ancestor, for the Tianxing Road, to cut down the unrighteous. ”

“Yu taste: the hungry are easy to eat, the precious green meat is sleeping pearl jade, it is really the sky without eyes, and the sky is hanging upside down.”

“Today, there is an ancient tomb in Bottle Mountain, which contains countless gold beads, which are condensed by the blood and sweat of the people, and the people who unload the mountain can be seen. Collect the treasures in the tomb and achieve great deeds to help troubled times. ”

Chen Yulou’s eloquence and the grandeur of robbing the tomb seem to represent justice in saving the world and helping the people, which stunned the people on the top of the mountain.

Gu Zhou also admired that this Chen Yulou was a talent, and when he said this, he was awe-inspiring, and his face did not change color, no wonder he could become the emperor of the three Xiangs and four waters.

Chen Yulou’s subordinates are all veterans, and each of them carries a large bamboo basket, which contains the unique secret instrument of the unloading group of thieves.

This thing is a kind of bamboo ladder combined according to knots, and when unloading the mountain group of thieves and fighting backwards, everyone who goes up and down the mountain and encounters difficulties and dangers cannot leave this instrument.

When Wu Song hangs the mountain ladder and disassembles, it is a bamboo tube with the thickness of a small arm, and the materials are the most resilient hairy bamboo, which has been soaked dozens of times in an oil pot, and will not break when bent into the shape of a full bow.

At both ends of each bamboo tube, there are buckles on both sides, and the barrel body has two round holes of bamboo body thickness, and when used, one of them is connected longitudinally, which is a long bamboo pole, and the two sides are inserted horizontally into the bamboo tube for people to step on, and the top is equipped with hanging mountain hundred claws, which looks like a bamboo silkworm from a distance.

Thousands of years of evolution, the group of bandits have long studied, and have made tools to cope with various terrains, whether it is north or south, whether it is plains or mountains, they always have corresponding tools.

And Wu Song hanging mountain ladder can not be climbed on the cliff and dangerous cliff, one person takes turns to use two Yu Yu hanging mountain ladders, hooked in the gap of pine stone, you can speed up the dangerous Xianxiao wall.

Chen Yulou first sent two of his subordinates to explore the road first, wrapped around his body with two ropes the thickness of an ordinary man’s forearm, and tied the other end to a large tree hugged by one person at the top of the mountain, and the two climbed down the ladder of Wu Yuhang.

The descent was slow, and after two minutes, it disappeared into the clouds.

Chen Yulou and others are very patient, after all, it is a kilometer cliff, and it is not possible to go down to the bottom of the cliff in a short time.

After about a quarter of an hour, two thick ropes swayed in a specific rhythm, and Chen Yulou’s spirit lifted, this shaking rhythm indicated that there was no danger below for the time being, and he immediately ordered the group of thieves to go down with him.

Chen Yulou can firmly sit in the position of the leader of the Ling Group of Thieves, in addition to his ability, talking mouth and righteousness and wealth, there is also one of the most important qualities.

That’s all leading the way.

It is normal to send two dead men down to explore the way.

After all, it is impossible for the boss to explore the way.

But if the dead man explores the way without danger, the boss still waits for everyone to go down and go last, greedy for life and afraid of death, and over time, it will inevitably be unpopular.

After Chen Yulou went down with dozens of elites, all kinds of strange masters also began to show their means to go down to the bottom of the cliff.

The group of thieves and various masters and strange people reached an invisible tacit understanding.

Chen Yulou can explore the way, but the masters in the rear must intervene to ensure their safety when necessary.

Some people went down with the help of the Wu Qiao of the unloading group of thieves, some people went down directly with their bare hands, and some people took flying exotic beasts and flew down directly on the exotic beasts, and the most local tyrant is none other than the Tianshi Mansion, directly driving the flying magic weapon…

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