Chapter 292 I said I kill without blinking, you ask me if my eyes are dry?!!

The voice is very childish, like the voice of a two- or three-year-old child.

The most strange thing is that the sound is made by I don’t know whether it is a radish or ginseng, more than a foot tall, stretching the roots like two legs standing on the ground, staring at two dark eyes, looking at Gou Wusheng indignantly.

Gou Wusheng covered his butt and stood up, silent.

Everyone was stunned, looking at this thing that did not know whether it was ginseng or radish, and they were all frozen.

Ginseng into essence? Turnips into essence?

It actually grew feet, jumped out of the ground by himself, and spat out words, blaming Gou Wusheng for pulling out its hair, which was very strange.

“What the hell are you?”

Gu Zhou couldn’t help but ask.

“Something? I’m not a thing. ”

The elf wondered, and then reacted: “I am a thing!” No!

I’m not a thing! Oh, what are you calling me, hey, that stinky Taoist, you haven’t said why you grabbed my hair! ”

“So are you ginseng or turnip?”

The elf glared again: “Don’t talk to me, discuss the matter of pulling my hair first.” ”

Suddenly, four paper figures landed beside it and reached out to hold it firmly.

He Xinzhi saw that he took it, and he couldn’t help but rejoice in his heart: “I’m afraid this thing is much more precious than the tree core the year before last…”

Bang bang bang!

This elf monster suddenly broke 810, and the four paper people were shattered, and he said angrily: “You still dare to do it? Dare to make a move with Lao Tzu here? Don’t inquire and inquire, back then I was the tyrant here, two big knives, cut from east to west, from south to north, I just got up and down, cut back and forth for three days and three nights, and the eyes were not too small. ”

“If you don’t blink for so long, your eyes won’t dry?”

In the room of the elves, the evil glared at Gu Zhou very fiercely, and the evil voice was vicious: “What do I do, what if I don’t do it, does this have anything to do with what I said?” ”

Gu Zhou smiled and continued to tease this second goods: “I’m just curious.” ”

“Don’t you understand the point of my words? Am I talking about things that the eyes don’t do? ”

“I was just thinking, for so long, are your eyes blue?”

“Don’t tell me anything about dry eyes or no more TM, do you understand?!”

The elves only felt that they were playing the piano to the cow, and they couldn’t understand how to say it.

“Calm down, I didn’t mean that.”

“I TM said I kill people without blinking, you TM asked me if my eyes are dry?”

The elves look like they’re just one step away from going crazy.


Before the words fell, it directly burst out, its body shining, and it couldn’t help but rush towards Gu Zhou, and the air exploded, obviously carrying unparalleled power.

Gu Zhou raised his hand to catch its attack, and in his hand, he couldn’t help but be slightly dumb: “The strength of this monster is actually so strong?” ”

In terms of pure strength, this little one probably has the strength of a martial artist who has exchanged blood six times.


The root whiskers of the elves were like hands, and the fists were like rainstorms, only to hear the dull air shaking endlessly, looking at everyone, obviously they did not expect that a one-foot-tall little Budian shot out fiercely, like a meteor constantly hitting Gu Zhou.

Gu Zhou understated and fought hard with it for more than a dozen moves, and after a reaction, this essence retreated and ran wildly, and put down the cruel words: “You wait, wait for me to call my brothers to beat you in a group!” ”

Before running a few steps, it suddenly felt that the ground could not be felt under its feet, and its vision quickly rose, and when it looked up, Gu Zhou was grabbing his head and lifting it up.

This essence did not hesitate at all, bending his legs in the air, crying and begging for mercy: “Great immortal spare your life, don’t eat me, I have a ninety-year-old mother and a three-year-old child, all rely on me to feed them, if I die, they have to be killed by me.” ”

Gu Zhou couldn’t laugh or cry, where did you learn this goods?

Doesn’t it take hundreds of years to become perfect?

I am hundreds of years old, and my mother is still ninety years old…

Gu Zhou was stunned, the elf slammed his palm, broke free and ran wildly, ran out tens of meters with a puff of smoke, and said ruthlessly again: “Hahahahaha… You are so stupid, such words actually… Also…… Also…”

It raised its eyes to look at the hair that was caught, and looked at Gu Zhou: “Ye also… Would you believe me if I said I was joking with you? ”

Gu Zhou smiled: “Do you think I believe it or not?” ”

The elf knelt down in the air again and cried: “Daxian, I have a hundred-year-old mother and a five-year-old child below. ”

“You just said that it was a ninety-year-old mother…”

Gu Zhou reminded.


The elves were stunned, and their eyes came: “Great Immortal, I have a ninety-year-old mother and a five-year-old child below.” ”

“Okay, Rory again, I’ll slaughter you now!”

The elf was silent, and quickly shut up, looking pitiful, weak and helpless.

“Okay, I’ll ask, you answer.”

“Daisen, please.”

“Are you a turnip or ginseng?”

The elf was furious: “Radish, is ginseng worthy of my identity.” ”


The elf quickly lowered his eyebrows: “I am He Shouwu.” ”

“You are a He Shouwu, how come you don’t look like He Shou Wu?”

The elf grunt, “Who knows, this is not something I can control.” ”

“The humanoid He Shou Wu can also speak, this He Shou Wu, I am afraid it is not more than five hundred years.”

Shijian spray channel.

Ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, He Shou Wu this elixir, that is, the more spiritual, the more like a person as you get older.

There are often rumors among the people that where and where the human-shaped ginseng has been dug up.

Then the question is, how could He Shouwu, who was only in human form, have such a big wish.

Someone brought it in from the outside.

Or grew itself in the tomb.

He Xinzhi leaned closer and looked: “I have seen He Shouwu in human form, and I have never seen He Shouwu who can speak, if this thing is refining pills, it can refine a furnace of spiritual pills.” ”

As soon as these words came out, this He Shouwu only felt that the eyes of everyone around him turned green, and it seemed that they all wanted to eat it in one bite.

The Spirit Pill has a great effect on He Xinzhi, Shi Jian and other cultivators of the eighth and ninth layers of the Refining God Cultivator, if Shi Jian has enough Spirit Pill, he can increase the rate of breaking through the Refining God Void a lot.

Gu Zhou was a little hesitant, if this product can’t speak, it’s no problem to train it into a pill, but since he can speak, he still has consciousness and wisdom, and then refine it into a pill, he can’t bear it.

And unlike that dryad, it did not take the initiative to attack Gu Zhou and his group, as it said, he was good to stay, and Gou Wusheng ran to pick its hair…

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