Chapter 298 Mercury Figurine!!

Seeing Gu Zhou and the others, they nodded and said hello.

When it came to the core of the main tomb, everyone understood that the most direct competition followed.

Now in this era of spiritual energy decay and hopelessness in becoming immortals, everyone wants to solve the secrets of immortals.

As soon as they came in on their front feet, a group of monks from the Faxiang Temple also came in, and the manpower losses were similar to those of the Tianshi Mansion.

When Qianye saw Gu Zhou, his eyes lit up and he walked over with a big grin, reaching out to grab Gu Zhou’s shoulder, but was avoided by his absent trace, Qianye stopped in mid-air with one hand, and laughed dryly: “Brother, you make me very embarrassed like this.” ”

Gu Zhou squinted at him: “I like women.” ”


Qianye’s eyes widened: “My sexual orientation is also normal!” ”

“What about normal sexual orientation? Can you still be vulgar? ”

Qianye stammered, and Shanshan returned to the queue of Faxiang Temple, only to feel that he was hit.

Of the major Buddhist sects, except for those who practice joy and joy in tantra, no disciple of any sect can marry.

But the Taoist priest is different, and he can’t help but get married.

Even fewer people came to the main tomb, fewer than a hundred, and some familiar faces were buried in the various dangers of the tomb.

Chen Yulou and Partridge Sentry were still alive, but there were only more than thirty people left in their group of tomb robbers, and the losses were so great that they could not bear it.

The whistle has become a loner.

Gu Zhou looked at everyone without a trace, trying to find Yue Qiluo’s traces, but he looked at everyone but did not see the ground.

There are only four possibilities.

First, Yue Qiluo was already dead when he encountered some danger.

But Gu Zhou felt that this was the least likely.

At least with the danger encountered by Maoshan’s group, with Yue Qiluo’s strength, as long as she is careful, there is no fatal threat to her.

Unless, there is a greater danger arranged by the tomb owner in the tomb, so that Yue Qiluo’s ship will be gone.

Second, Yue Qiluo got what he wanted and left.

There is a certain possibility, but not much.

Third, Yue Qiluo had not yet arrived at the main tomb.

Fourth, Yue Qiluo hid in the crowd in some way that he couldn’t see through.

Gu Zhou believes that the last two reasons are the most likely.

Facing him head-on, he thought that he was no longer afraid of Yue Qiluo, but he was afraid that this old monster would use strange means to deal with him.

What lion fighting rabbit also do its best.

The boat capsized in the gutter.

Walk by the river often without getting your shoes wet.

Behind every saying is the lesson of blood.

Gu Zhou never despised any opponent.

Although the hall is large, it is not empty, and hundreds of people stand upright.

There are several rows on each side, standing face to face, with men on the left and women on the right.

Women are all wearing identical skirts.

The man dressed like a eunuch.

All of them have their heads lowered and their eyes drooping in a respectful manner.

In the circle of the main hall, there are many guards, ring around the entire space, fully armed, wearing heavy armor, wearing helmets, iron armor masks covering the facial features, only revealing two holes for the eyes to show.

Some of the guards were armed with swords and swords at their waist, some carried large bows, and some carried spears and spears.

These people have been dead for an unknown number of years, but they are dead and not rotten, they are lifelike, and their faces are the same as those of living people, but their skin is waxy white.

“Don’t touch! Highly toxic! ”

Some people in the group of thieves couldn’t help but want to touch the horn worm, and the Pure Yang Daoist strictly stopped it, and his eyebrows were cold: “It’s so poisonous!” The surface of the skin of these corpses is waxy white, and there are patches of bluish purple remaining, which are mercury spots. It is because when he was alive, he was poured with a large amount of mercury, directly poisoned, and then made into an incorruptible corpse for the tomb owner to be martyred. ”

“After the tomb owner dies, he still wants to enjoy the treatment before his death, the maid, the internal attendant, and the guard still dresses him in the tomb after he dies.”

Gu Zhou also remembered the records in the “Maoshan Record”, many tombs exist such martyred living people, in addition to oral mercury, in the top of the head, back, feet and other places to dig holes, full of mercury, and then after death with mercury powder all over the body, just like made of specimens, after ten thousand years, the skin and flesh do not rot.

This technology is far more advanced than the mummies of ancient Egypt, but the backgrounds of the two civilizations are different, the value orientation is also very different, and the use of mercury to maintain the appearance of the corpse, must use the living, the blood of the dead does not circulate, can not be poured in.

The Pure Yang Daoist stretched out his hand, and the wind blew, and the clothes on the bodies of several martyred corpses directly turned into flying ash.

Their flesh is made of antiseptic such as mercury, which can last for thousands of years without decay, but the clothes cannot be maintained, and it is good that they do not move, as long as the air flow that flows alive is slightly larger, it will turn into ash.

The Pure Yang Daoist circled around several corpses, and saw that there were cave ridges on the top of the corpses’ heads, backs, and soles of their feet.

However, these caves are sealed by craftsmen with fire paint, and there are many places on the body that have appeared patches of black and purple spots, mercury powder, over time will produce chemical changes, the near will appear brownish red, the age away will become black purple, this plaque is commonly known as mercury spots.

The system of human martyrdom has been passed down for thousands of years, and when emperors, nobles and other high-ranking figures die, their wives, concubines, close attendants, slaves, and captives around them will be martyred.

The ancient ruler class had supreme power, countless servants, and martyrdom was to continue to enjoy everything after death.

Hanging, poisoning, beheading, burying alive and crucifixion are all forms of human martyrdom, extremely cruel, especially poisoning, burying alive and nailing to death.

The most poisonous thing is mercury.

The toxicity of mercury is huge, and once it invades the human body, people will soon die.

In order to make the martyrs die quickly and without struggle, people will pour mercury into the head, back, and soles of the living martyrs’ heads, backs, and feet, so as to speed up the flow of mercury eroding the five organs and six houses of the human body.

Although Gu Zhou believes that the most garbage, the worst, and the most shameless thing in China for five thousand years is to call the Gate Tianzi, the Daming War God Pig rides one by one Zhu Qizhen, even if it is Song Zong Zhao Xin, Song Huan Sect Zhao Huan two emperors are a little better than him.

Let Gu Zhou choose, Zhu Qizhen is definitely the first place of the worst emperor.

And it is a unique gear, and other dry emperors are unmatched.

But Zhu Qizhen abolished the martyrdom system, and Gu Zhou felt that this could add a lot of points to him, and he could be ranked as the worst emperor with Emperor Huizong and Emperor Huizong.

And this extremely barbaric system has actually been practiced for more than two thousand years and ten…

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