As a father, I just want to watch you live forever.

Chapter 212: The first day Xixi didn't come to the restaurant, she missed her, and she was afra

The night was hazy, but a dim candlelight was trying its best to reflect the brilliance in the darkness.

The whole alley was quiet.

It was so quiet that the sound of the spring rain falling on the black tiles was like thunder.

It was so quiet that the sound of the raindrops hitting each other when the cool breeze blew over the spring rain was like a symphony of war.

Li Che's black shirt was stained with rain, and the spring rain seemed to be gradually heavy.

However, the gradually heavy rain curtain that covered the world could not cover the dim light reflected from the restaurant.

The familiar big black dog lay on the ground, with black and shiny hair, obviously eating very well recently.

It was gritting its teeth at Li Che, showing an anthropomorphic smile.

Li Che looked at the big black dog silently.

A chill could not help but rise from under his feet, and instantly spread all over his body, making every inch of his pores open up, as if gushing out cool air.

This big black dog...

How did it appear in Daocheng? !

If he saw this dog in Jinguangfu City, Li Che would not be surprised, but this is Daocheng...

Did the restaurant move here too?

Li Che frowned, and there were too many doubts in his heart, rising like a thick fog, intertwining and entangled.

The other party...

Followed him on purpose?

Li Che couldn't help but have such an idea in his mind.

But thinking about it, he felt a little conceited.

After all, the world is so big, where do people want to go... What does it have to do with him?

It is impossible to say that if he, Li Che, came to Daocheng, the boss and the big black dog would not come to Daocheng, right?

Originally, Li Che had noticed that this restaurant was different.

When he was in Jinguangfu, Li Che thought that the other party appeared because of the strange temple of the Four Imperial Eight-armed Prison Lotus Wrathful Third Prince.

It was guarding and staring at the strange temple.

Now it seems...

The judgment was wrong.

With his mind back to normal and his eyes condensed, Li Che stared at the big black dog. The big black dog grinned at him, but it seemed that it didn't wait for Li Che's reaction, so it rolled its eyes and lay down again.

Boring person.

Li Che seemed to have read this idea from the big black dog's reaction.

He exhaled and tore the spring rain into pieces.

Li Che finally took a step and walked towards the restaurant.

The same layout, the same door and the dog.

Li Che pushed open the door, and the curtain whipped the copper bell hanging at the door, which immediately made a jingling sound.

Li Che walked into the restaurant, and there were some changes inside, which seemed to be a little more spacious.

However, not much bigger.

Li Che's body was rolling like a dragon, as if a furnace was burning in his body, shaking off the spring rain all over his body and evaporating it into water vapor.

He stepped into the restaurant refreshingly and cleanly, and found a chair to sit down.

The boss in white came out of the house, his hair was black and his face was cold and indifferent.

Seeing Li Che, he nodded, as if he was an old customer: "Are you here?"

Li Che looked at the young man in white, and then replied: "I am here."

Outside the restaurant, the spring rain was heavy and fell, washing the bluestone slabs in the alleys shiny and reflecting the lights.

The water vapor accompanied the spring rain, whistling and rolling, and the air was full of the smell of spring.

Inside the restaurant, the curtains fluttered gently and the breeze rippled.

"What do you want to eat?"

The boss in white took off the apron hanging on the wall, put it on, and asked Li Che softly.

"I don't know."

"Boss, you decide."

Sitting on the chair, Li Che leaned against the back of the chair, and the whole person relaxed.

Don't say...

Arriving in the restaurant, it really felt like returning home.

It made Li Che feel a different kind of relaxation, and his tense nerves seemed to be released.

After arriving at Daocheng, Li Che was actually quite nervous, even though he had many trump cards in hand and the instant movement of Flying Thunder Chess Saint.

But the pressure was still great, because Daocheng was still very different from Fucheng.

There were too many strong people, and there were too many people who coveted Xixi with ill intentions.

That Su Huaili must have informed You Liqing and other strong people of Ji Moli's lineage about the bet between Xixi and Ji Haihui.

Ji Moli was You Liqing's master, and You Liqing naturally could not tolerate his master's bloodline being treated as a slave.

So, he would definitely target Xixi.

Of course, this was because Li Che thought the worst.

But being in a strange place, walking on thin ice, naturally can't think of everything in a good way, and can't underestimate the evil and ugliness of human nature.

In addition, there is also the demon child of the Corpse God Cult, who also targeted Xixi, and wanted Xixi to become his future leader's wife.

Targeting his daughter, Li Che, and training his wife since she was a child...


I get angry just thinking about it.

Leaning back on the chair, Li Che let out a breath.

However, in this restaurant, there is an inexplicable sense of peace of mind.

Although the origin of this restaurant is unknown and everything is mysterious, this sense of peace makes Li Che quite enjoyable.

In his chest, the five Dao fruits are as quiet as virgins, without any warning of danger.

It means that the restaurant is safe, which is enough.

Li Che still believes in Dao fruits. As long as there is a little malice, he can sense it.

If the other party can even deceive Dao fruits.

Li Che's resistance should not be able to make much of a splash.

It is better to save his strength and eat a few more bowls of rice in the restaurant. After all...

The boss's cooking skills are really good!

The aroma was curling, as if it had turned into substantial smoke and floated out from the back kitchen. Although it was just a simple noodle aroma, it was refreshing and transformed into many unforgettable flavors.

It seemed to evoke childhood memories, and Li Che couldn't help but recall the scenes of his previous life.

That was a long-ago scene that was sealed in his memory.

High-rise buildings, busy traffic...

The hustle and bustle of the scene was like the moon in the water, the flowers in the mirror, and it was like a dream.

It was much safer than this world.

His eyelids drooped slightly.

Inside the restaurant, the boss came out with a bowl of noodles.

"I made a simple bowl of noodles, you can just eat it."

The boss in white put the noodles in front of Li Che.

The clear soup was crisp, the noodles were like dragon whiskers, a perfectly fried, fragrant poached egg, and a few emerald green onions.

The people who saw it were hungry, and the rising hot air made Li Che unable to look away at once.

The boss in white took off his apron and sat opposite Li Che.

He looked at Li Che, who was eating with great appetite.

The corner of his lips raised a barely perceptible arc.

He took out the rolling paper, pinched some tobacco from the sachet, gently rolled it into a thin and long cigarette, and tapped it gently on the table.

Then, he held it in the corner of his mouth and lit it with a match.



The smoke was intoxicating.

"Xixi didn't come, you can make do with it." The boss said softly.

Li Che paused and suddenly felt that the noodles in the bowl were not fragrant.

When Xixi came, braised pork, sweet and sour fish, and wine trough fish were prepared. When he, Li Che, came, he was sent away with a bowl of clear soup noodles?

How could they be treated differently like this? !

Although Xixi was very cute, she was also his, Li Che's, daughter.

Can't he, Li Che, even get a little bit of his daughter's glory?

"What? Can't make do? Then don't eat it."

The boss narrowed his eyes and exhaled smoke and said.

Li Che did not reply, but ate the noodles faster, and ate all the noodles with a few chopsticks, and drank all the soup.


Li Che put down the bowl, leaned back in the chair, and exhaled a breath of hot air comfortably.


Li Che narrowed his eyes as he watched the boss smoking a cigarette.


Li Che said.

The boss held the cigarette between two fingers, glanced at Li Che, thought about it, and then rolled a cigarette for Li Che delicately and handed it over.

"Just one."

A cigarette after dinner, happy as a god.

Outside the restaurant.

The big black dog looked at the two people puffing smoke, and immediately covered his nose with disgust.

It lay on the ground, looking at the hazy night created by the majestic spring rain.

The first day Xixi didn't come to the restaurant, I missed her.



The next day, dawn.

Leaden clouds rolled above the sky, brewing spring rain.

Individual raindrops fell from the sky, hitting my cheeks, exploding into splashes, letting my skin feel the cool spring breeze.

Willows swayed gently, and catkins fluttered.

After Li Che got up, he used the flying thunder chess piece to move directly to the independent workshop in Tinglei Lane in the outer city.

He checked whether the [Fairy in the Painting] clones were lazy, and then practiced martial arts, circulated qi and blood, and condensed the divine power.

He woke up at 10 o'clock in the morning, and his spirit was full. His internal organs were awakened from slumber and in excellent condition. It was a great time to temper.

After tempering, Li Che's number of divine powers reached seven.

Of course, it was the Wanhua Longxiang divine power that reached seven. Wanlong Fushen and Hunyuan Qitian divine power were naturally less than the earliest Wanhua Longxiang.

If we talk about the three divine powers twisted into one divine power, Li Che now barely has only one Sanyuan divine power.

The scorching heat wave was like a dragon, winding endlessly, impacting and raging in the yard.

Li Che's skin was flushed, and every pore was bulging, raging with heat waves.

His eyes were like lightning, and his five fingers struck the void.

Li Che stood in the courtyard, and the black gold eight treasures thunder dragon stick in his hand fell out, and the air was rippling with waves.

The mud ball between his eyebrows was shining, and the soul opened his eyes. The divine light flowed and quickly wandered in the tendons of his flesh. He felt that his muscles and bones were becoming stronger and stronger, and his bones seemed to be emitting brilliant golden light!

The peristalsis and strengthening of the five internal organs appeared in his mind little by little.

Among them, the transformation of the heart, lungs, and kidneys was extremely intense!

Refining a magnificent essence, rolling like a river tide!

Feeling the unparalleled growth and prosperity, Li Che couldn't help but let out a long roar!

High-pitched like a dragon!

Domineering like a tiger!

Li Che seemed to have a feeling, his eyes were bright like golden light, he took a step forward, his whole body was full of vigor, the void seemed to be pierced.

His figure instantly flew into the air, flashing a distance of three or four feet, and changing direction continuously, until four times!

And the fifth time, it was almost formed, countless afterimages kept overlapping, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Li Che stood in the yard.

Standing with his hands behind his back, his black shirt fluttering.

Looking up, he exhaled a turbid breath: "It's almost there, Lingxu Baqi Bu, I'm about to step into the realm of the master."

"Because I have mastered the three martial arts of the master level, Wanhua Longxiang, Wanlong Fushen and Hunyuan Qitian Stick, and then practicing the martial arts will have fewer difficulties, and there is a feeling of unstoppable momentum."

"This is the commonality between martial arts."

Li Che was in a good mood.

Because he knew that it was only a matter of time before he could master the remaining two martial arts skills and reach the master level, condense the true meaning of martial arts, and refine the divine power.

After putting on clean clothes, Li Che left the yard, locked the door, and walked along the alley.

When we arrived at the restaurant, the boss was making dumplings.

"Hey, boss, did you make the dumplings yourself?"

"For Xixi."

The boss glanced at Li Che and said calmly.


Then the boss in white got up, went into the kitchen, and started cooking dumplings.

After a while, he packed the cooked dumplings and handed them to Li Che.

Li Che smiled, thanked the boss, left a gold leaf familiarly, turned around and left, walked out of the alley, directly used the flying thunder chess piece, and returned to the courtyard of Liuxiang Lane.

Xixi was squatting under the eaves, brushing her teeth with Lao Chen.

That was the toothbrush Li Che made for them.

As soon as Li Che came back, Xixi's nose immediately started to twitch, and the corners of her mouth were still stained with foam. She raised her head and her eyes brightened: "Daddy, it smells so familiar!"

“Are the dogs here too?!”

Xixi immediately guessed where this dish came from.

However, her focus was on the big, lazy black dog.

None of the dumplings carefully prepared by the boss can resist the temptation of the dog.

"Practice hard, and when you become the disciple of the sect master, daddy will take you to the boss's shop to eat and meet Gouzi."

Li Che put down his dumpling breakfast, rubbed Xixi's head and said.

When Xixi heard this, her eyes suddenly burst out with extremely strong fighting spirit!

In order to see Gouzi, you must become a direct disciple of the sect master!

The fighting spirit of children comes from such an inexplicable source.

After breakfast, Li Che instructed Xixi, Zhang Ya and Lao Chen to practice martial arts in the yard.

After giving instructions for a while, Li Qingshan woke up. After stretching, he was captured by Li Che to help him.

Li Che was not polite either, but Li Qingshan was very angry.

Looking at Li Che waving his hands and leaving, Li Qingshan understood that Li Che wanted to play by himself again, without the cat face!

Li Qingshan has already inquired.

Recently, many murders have occurred in the outer city of Qianyuan Daocheng.

Many second- and third-rate gangs were slaughtered, and those gang members who were massacred were actually evildoers from the Corpse God Cult!

Li Qingshan guessed who did it almost immediately.

He is worthy of being a bull demon, as always, he hates evil as much as he hates it.

Li Qingshan smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"I should work harder. If I step into the Grand Master... I will be able to keep up with the pace of the large army!"

Li Qingshan's fighting spirit also burned up.

His Eight Flowing Dragons will soon reach the master level. Once he condenses the true meaning of the master, he can attack the grand master.

At that time, you can exchange it with Shenzong for the top-notch martial arts secret "Eight-Part Heavenly Dragon Powering Hammer"!

His cat face...

It will no longer be the tail end of the underworld!

Li Che put on the robe of the second-class guest of the Qin Tian Jian.

We came to the Qintian Prison Tower with eight treasures and double eaves under the white jade arch bridge across the river in the city.

Shangguan Qinghong had already become familiar with the business of Qintianjian under Sang Yu's leadership, so Sang Yu immediately became the boss and left everything to Shangguan Qinghong.

The hall on the first floor is extremely wide. Shangguan Qinghong is holding the cleaning talisman and using his divine power to clean the dust in the hall so that the goods placed there are not stained with dust.

Along with Shangguan Qinghong, there were several other deacons who had just entered Qintian Prison.

Qin Tianjian is divided according to the level of their positions, namely, supervisor, deputy supervisor, junior supervisor, Qin Tiancheng and deacon.

Shangguan Qinghong has sneaked into the position of Qin Tiancheng in the Qin Tian Prison of Jinguang Mansion.

But when he arrived in Daocheng, he had no choice but to be classified as a deacon again.

However, Li Che's status as a second-class guest minister in Daocheng Qintian Prison is comparable to that of a young prisoner.

"Brother Che!"

When Shangguan Qinghong saw Li Che, he waved excitedly.

The deacons who were doing hygiene with her all looked over curiously, and were surprised when they saw the robe of a second-class guest on Li Che.

Li Che waved to Guan Qinghong, and the two chatted with each other for a while.

"Go and call Deputy Supervisor Lu Yao for me."

Li Che said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Qinghong went there immediately and went upstairs.

After a while, Lu Yao and Shangguan Qinghong went downstairs, followed by Tang Ren, whose aura was much more swollen.


Li Che glanced at Tang Ren, slightly surprised.

"That's right, what are you doing if you don't break through? The resonance with the temple gods of Jinguang Mansion is over, and it's time for him to break through. He's just ready to see if he can be lucky enough to be accepted by the master of the clan as his direct descendant."

Lu Yao sneered and said.

Obviously, Lu Yao was very resentful about Tang Ren's failure to gain anything at the Temple God Resonance Conference.

Li Che smiled and said nothing more.

I was interested in trying to get Xixi to find a chance to break through.

Moreover, if Xixi can create a divine foundation, she will be more competitive in the subsequent assessment of the sect master's personal inheritance.

Although Jiao Shaoqiu said that the assessment of the sect leader's personal successor does not focus too much on cultivation and combat power, but more on fate.

But who believes it?

The stronger you are, the more confident you will be.

Li Che did not hesitate and informed Lu Yao of his purpose.

"Do you want to go to the Weird Temple to see the gods?"

"That's true. I heard that you want to compete in the elder examination of Shendiao Ridge? You really need to watch more temple gods to improve your wood carving skills."

Lu Yao nodded.

"Daocheng is different from Jinguang Fucheng. There are also a large number of guests. They often visit the temple gods to watch the temple gods."

"If you want to go, I will arrange it for you."

"You are a second-class guest official, and you can enter the Six Divisions Weird Temple at most, but considering that your cultivation is really low, you can only go to the Seven Yuan Weird Temple..."

Lu Yao said with a smile.

In Daocheng, there are a total of ten Six Divisions Weird Temples, and there are even more Seven Yuan and Eight Extremes Weird Temples.

However, they are all under the jurisdiction of the Temple Town Division, and ordinary people can't easily get involved in the Weird Temple.

Even Jianghu people with successful cultivation can't easily set foot in, and need to apply.

Li Che's eyes flickered. The Fire Eye Xuan Jingling Yuan Temple God in his Jingzhi Shenji was a temple god of the Eight Extremes level.

The Seven Yuan Weird Temple is enough.

Li Che didn't dare to use the Six Divisions Weird Temple easily...

Moreover, the danger of the Six Divisions Weird Temple is far greater than others. For example, Jiao Shaoqiu, the great elder of the outer sect of the Divine Sect, was seriously injured when he broke into a Six Divisions Weird Temple.

The shattered Yuanshen Jinshen, from the Shenyuan Jinshen, fell to the Yuanshen Transformation realm.

So, for the sake of stability, Li Che can even apply for the Baji Weird Temple.

But after thinking about it, forget it, and try the Qiyuan Weird Temple first.

"Qiyuan Weird Temple..."

Lu Yao thought for a moment.

Then he listed several Qiyuan Weird Temples in Daocheng for Li Che.

"Let's take this one... [Bai Zhuan You Meng Gui Ling Rabbit] Weird Temple."


"This Weird Temple is under the jurisdiction of the Yun Family. The Yun Family is a thousand-year-old family in Daocheng, and Yun'e came from this behemoth."

Lu Yao nodded.

Then Lu Yao took Li Che to the top of the Qintianjian Pavilion.

After waiting for less than half an hour, five guest officials of the Qintianjian were gathered, including one second-class guest official, four third-class guest officials, and Li Che, a total of six people.

"There are enough people, let's set off."

Sang Yu was pulled over again.

Lu Yao had something to do, so he asked Sang Yu to help.

Sang Yu also had another identity, that is, the younger brother of Sang Guanyin. Sang Guanyin followed Nan Lihuo from Daocheng to Jinguangfucheng to practice.

In terms of talent, Sang Guanyin was really not as good as her younger brother.

However, Sang Yu was a brother who listened to his sister, so he was still very polite to Li Che, the father of his own sister and beloved junior sister.

"The strange temple of Baizhuan Youmeng Guilingtu actually has a six-level temple of the same divinity, which is also under the jurisdiction and suppression of the Yun family."

"It seems to be called... [Yukong Qionglou Guanghanxian] strange temple. The Yun family has been studying this strange temple for thousands of years."

"The rise of the Yun family... is related to the fact that their Yun family had a temple god who resonated with the strange temple [Yukong Qionglou Guanghanxian] at a high degree of 99%."

"It was this ancestor who gave rise to the Yun family, a thousand-year-old family in Qianyuan Daocheng, and the divine fetus ancestor of the Yun family."

Sang Yu and Li Che rode in the same carriage and introduced with a smile.

Li Che's eyes slightly fluctuated, thinking of the terrifying temple god hidden in Yun'e's body...

He then remained silent.

The spring rain was heavy, and the carriage broke through the wind.

The wheel hub rotated at high speed, splashing water everywhere.

Soon, the carriage stopped, and the group came to a strange temple.

The masters of the Temple Guarding Department and the Yun family were stationed outside, and they opened the cordon and blocked any path into the strange temple.

This strange temple is located in the city, surrounded by the rolling strange fog. From time to time, you can sense that there are faces looming in the strange fog.

Howling, ghost crying, hissing...

All kinds of sounds, surrounding endlessly, captivating.

Just approaching, it makes people feel dizzy, as if they are about to fall into a deep sleep.

"Special envoy of the Imperial Observatory, bring the guests of the Imperial Observatory to see the temple god."

After Sang Yu got off the car, the gods of the Temple Guarding Department stopped him.

In the pavilion in the distance.

Two figures sat opposite each other.

One figure was wearing the robe of the Grand Supervisor of the Temple Department, and his aura was extremely powerful, as if he was blended with the heaven and earth, and his soul was gorgeous and extremely terrifying.

Sang Yu clasped his fists and bowed, and spoke loudly.

This person was Wu Gang, the Grand Supervisor of the Daocheng Town Temple Department. He had a strong cultivation and was an innate great master who had achieved the unity of man and nature.

He not only sat in charge of this [Bai Zhuan You Meng Gui Ling Rabbit] Seven Yuan Weird Temple, but also sat in charge of the [Yu Kong Qiong Lou Guang Han Xian] Six Department Weird Temple.

In fact, each of the Six Department Weird Temples had a great master-level strongman who had achieved the unity of man and nature.

There was no way. Once such a Six Department Weird Temple rioted, it would be too dangerous.

As for the stronger ones, they had to sit in charge of the Five Elders and Four Imperial Weird Temples.

Next to Wu Gang was an old man with flying robes. His soul was extremely powerful. Just a glance at him made Li Che feel depressed.

On the way, Sang Yu introduced Li Che that this old man was the elder of the Yun family who was in charge of the Weird Temple, and he was the Golden Body Immortal, Yun Taishan.

The powerful Yuanshen scanned the carriage and was investigating the six guests of the Imperial Observatory.

After scanning three or four times in a row, he agreed to let them go.

The inspection was very strict, but it was okay to have a strict inspection when it came to the Weird Temple.

"Go in, you only have three hours to visit the temple gods. When the time is up... you will be expelled."

Sang Yu said.

The six guests of the Imperial Observatory took steps and passed through the torn Weird Palace and Weird Fog. Along the way, they seemed to be able to hear the roars of the weird things and monsters transmitted from the Weird Palace!

A small temple was located, quite dilapidated, and one could even see spider webs woven in the corners, with dead spiders hanging on them.

Li Che swept his eyes and landed on the temple god on the altar.

It was a temple god with a rabbit head and a human body.

With a white rabbit head, the body was a woman wearing a simple dress.

It was quite strange.

The eyes of the rabbit temple god were extremely red. Although it was a sculpture, it was extremely spiritual. Everyone who looked into the rabbit eyes felt their hearts sinking.

One after another, big fat rabbits jumped out of the body of the rabbit temple god, densely filling the entire weird temple.

Then, it seemed to swallow their bodies, and those big fat rabbits kept wriggling their mouths, gnawing everything, whether it was the ground, the pillars, or their flesh and blood...

Li Che raised his hand and touched his eyebrows.

Picking Star Pupils!

The golden light spread out in ripples.

Everything returned to Qingming, and seeing the void returned to the truth!

Illusion, dream...

The divinity of the temple god is extremely strong, filling every corner of the strange temple.

Looking at the other colleagues, the second-class guest official has already broken free from the dream, and also looked at Li Che who had escaped from the dream with some surprise.

This second-class guest official is a cultivator in the Yuanxiang realm. He sacrificed his own divine appearance to get rid of it with difficulty. It seems that he did not expect that Li Che, a small cultivator in the Shenji realm, was actually on the same level as him.

Li Che smiled and nodded, and found a corner to sit cross-legged.

He began to observe the rabbit temple god, and through the [Xiangong] Dao fruit, all the carving techniques of this temple god sculpture were stripped out, and then simulated and reproduced the carving in his mind.

Three hours passed quickly.


A sound like thunder came from outside the strange temple.

Let the cultivator who was still trapped in the dream wake up.

There was a third-class guest official who had been dreaming since he entered the temple. He dreamed that he was eaten by rabbits over and over again. He was sweating coldly and his face was pale.

Li Che stood up, stretched his waist, and then took a deep look at the temple god rabbit on the altar.

With a flick of his finger, a flying thunder chess piece suddenly bounced and fell silently under the altar.

Li Che did not stay for long and left this strange temple with others.

The spring rain was still drizzling.

In the pavilion.

Si Wugang, the chief supervisor of the Temple Guarding Department, sat opposite Yun Taishan, the elder of the Yun family, and drank tea.

"Nothing unusual, right?"

"Probably not."

The two nodded and smiled at each other, but their smiles were full of vigilance and alertness.



It was late at night.

The heavy rain hit the black tiles, and the water mist that exploded blurred the vision.

The leaden clouds rolled, and the spring thunder suddenly sounded.

The reflected lightning made Li Che in the courtyard of the independent workshop in Tinglei Lane slowly open his eyes.

The water drops splashed from the edge of the black tile eaves were connected into curtains.

Li Che sat cross-legged, bathing in the wind caused by the raindrops falling at high speed and the impact after the explosion.

Li Che's eyes were clear.

The mud pill between his eyebrows was slightly glowing.

On the pure heart and soul base integrated by the divine law "Fa Tian Xiang Di Ling Ming Zhen Yuan Fa", there was a golden divinity, which was constantly integrated into the divine base from the [Qi Tian Zhi Xiang] in the chessboard of heaven and earth.

The shape of a real ape was outlined.

Now, the progress has been completed by about 90%.


Li Che exhaled.

He couldn't help but look forward to the divine appearance condensed by the Sanqing method. How domineering is it?

"It's a pity that it didn't condense successfully in one go. Otherwise, I can find a little rabbit to try the real ape stick method tonight."

Li Che raised his five fingers.

The next moment, he clenched it fiercely.

The surging air seemed to be torn apart by the five fingers that suddenly retracted.

When he completely grasped the flying thunder chess piece.

Li Che's black shirt fluttered, and his black hair rolled wildly.

He had already appeared in the strange temple of [Bai Zhuan You Meng Gui Ling Rabbit].

Li Che smiled at the temple god, and his eyes could not help but flash a faint light.

Even, Li Che couldn't help but hum a little tune in a happy mood.

"Little rabbit, open the door..."

On the altar.

The rabbit temple god suddenly trembled in fear.

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