As a father, I just want to watch you live forever.

Chapter 217 The boss gave me a jar of dragon blood wine, Xixi will break through the divine foundati

The night was chilly, and the heavy spring rain began to gradually weaken.

The falling raindrops gently sprinkled on every corner of the world, soaking the earth that had endured a cold winter.

Huang Jianjiu held the wine gourd, his toes touching the ground, his whole body tensed like a longbow, ready to shoot and escape at any time.

The crisis, the extremely strong crisis, filled his whole body, making every inch of his hair stand up, and the alcohol in his body almost evaporated in an instant.

His eyes were clearer than ever before, as if a drop of sweat oozed from his forehead, passed across his cheek, and finally mixed in the rain.

With a snap, it fell to the ground and exploded into pieces!

The spring breeze wrapped in the spring rain gently blew over.

It soaked the skin, and it was refreshing.

But Huang Jianjiu did not feel comfortable, only cold and... the extremely terrifying pressure of the divine rank!

He followed the Bull Demon from the underworld...

Is this restaurant the base of the underworld in Qianyuan Daocheng?

Huang Jianjiu thought that with his strength, he should be able to go anywhere in this Daocheng, but now he found out that he was wrong.

The lazy big black dog just lay there, and with a slight raise of his eyelids, it seemed to be dropping a terrifying sense of oppression like a mountain.

As if...

The dog could become bigger than the world, making Huang Jianjiu as small as a grain of dust in front of the dog.

The sword box opened and closed, and the sword energy in the box gushed out.

Huang Jianjiu's face was more solemn than ever before, and the three flowers on his head slowly burned up.

It seemed that in an instant, he would burst out with the strongest fighting power he had never seen before!

He was extremely surprised. This restaurant, this dog... was so eye-catching, so terrifying, and before appearing in Daocheng, if he hadn't discovered it...

Could it be that none of the gods in Daocheng discovered the existence of this dog? !

"Such an aura..."

Overbearing and fierce, but very restrained!

The strength of the realm cannot be seen at all, but the oppression of the rank makes this supreme grandmaster with three flowers on his head feel terrified!


Huang Jianjiu narrowed his eyes, stared at the black dog, and used his sword fingers to pick up the sword formula.

His sight drifted towards the restaurant emitting dim lights, his nose moved, and his eyes fluctuated violently in an instant.

He seemed to...

smell super !

Good wine!

First-class good wine!

This too fragrant!

I can't bear it at all!

Huang Jianjiu's face fluctuated violently, and his face trembled like waves.

He took a deep breath, did not retreat but advanced, took a deep step, and walked towards the direction of the restaurant!

Hearing the Tao in the morning, dying in the evening is fine!

His Tao is in the wine!

No one can stop him from missing a jar of good wine, not even a super scary big black dog!

The dog in the underworld can't do it!

Huang Jianjiu took one step at a time, extremely serious and cautious, with the courage to move forward and face death.

When he walked to the front of the restaurant, the dim light projected the figure of a person drinking behind the curtain.


The black dog lying on the ground exhaled hot air from its nose.

Huang Jianjiu paused.

He turned his head and looked at the big black dog.


"Look! Flying sword!"

He suddenly threw a flying sword, the sword light galloped, tearing the sky, and also split the spring rain in two. Wherever it passed, the air was gently torn apart!

Then, Huang Jianjiu took a step forward and rushed towards the restaurant.


Huang Jianjiu had just run two steps when he felt that the back of his head was hit silently. The powerful supreme master's physical body did not play any defensive role at all.

His eyes went black, his legs softened, and even his powerful golden body transformed perfect soul, his eyes went black directly.

After he fell down.

The black dog stood up lazily at some point, and slowly put away his paws.

A hot breath snorted from the dog's nose.

Then he walked to Huang Jianjiu's side, clenched his paws, and carried Huang Jianjiu, who looked like a dead dog, out of the alley, rubbing against the bluestone ground full of water.

After the dog dragged a person away and disappeared.

The curtain of the restaurant was lifted, and the dingling doorbell was knocked.

Li Che and the boss in white came out.

They squatted under the eaves together, each with a cigarette, and started puffing.

"If he wants to drink, just come directly. The dog doesn't want to pay attention to him, so you have to tease the dog."

The boss said lightly.

A puff of smoke came out, blurring the picture.

Li Che also took a puff of cigarette comfortably. After taking a puff of cigarette, he suddenly felt that the injury on his shoulder was completely relieved. The domineering fist of the supreme grandmaster seemed to be suppressed and could not make any waves.

The two of them finished smoking a cigarette each and stood up. The boss turned and went into the restaurant, then took out a green jade wine pot and poured a glass of wine for Li Che.

"Drink it."

The white-clothed boss plugged the green jade wine pot and handed the poured wine to Li Che, saying.

Li Che took the wine cup, glanced at the boss, and did not hesitate too much. He drank the wine suddenly.

The wine went into his throat, and there was a sense of rushing in the spiciness, as if a low dragon roar exploded in his ears.

"What kind of wine is this?"

Li Che smacked his lips, and the aftertaste was endless.

"Dragon blood wine."

The boss said something, took the wine cup away, and turned to go into the restaurant kitchen.

Li Che wanted to take another sip, but...

Obviously, the boss didn't want to give him another cup.

It was scorching hot, like the blazing flames from a volcano, burning everything. Li Che felt that his limbs and every pore were gushing out blazing heat waves!

And after this heat wave surged up, it seemed to have intelligence, and it rushed towards the wound on his shoulder at a rapid speed!

The power of You Liqing's fist was completely consumed with a hissing sound!

Good wine!

Li Che's eyes lit up!

Compared with his own use of the divine power of Wanlong Fushen to slowly consume it, it was really much faster!

Even the dragon blood wine still had some power left in the body, burning and magnificent, more violent than knocking off a six-seat dragon blood martial pill!

Li Che rubbed his hands and turned to go into the restaurant.

The boss walked out of the kitchen.

"This is the breakfast prepared for Xixi... You can take it back with you."

The boss said.

"Boss, how much is the dragon blood wine? Can you give me a pot?"

Li Che put away the breakfast prepared by the boss for Xixi and asked with a smile.

The boss saw through Li Che's thoughts at a glance: "Dragon blood is limited, I only made three pots, one pot for me to drink, and the other two pots, it's not a bad idea to give you a pot... You can bring Xixi to the restaurant for three meals every month."

The boss's words seemed to become much softer.

Li Che's eyebrows relaxed when he heard it, that's it?

"However, Xixi is about to enter the main mountain gate of Qianyuan Shenzong to practice..."

"This is your problem, not my problem."

"Okay, I promise."

"You can do it, I believe you."

The boss and Li Che spoke one sentence each, and the two spoke very concisely.


The boss threw the green jade wine pot directly to Li Che.

After Li Che took it, he put it away.

This pot of real dragon blood wine has a very good effect. Although it is similar to the top-grade martial pills of the six divisions, the key point is that this wine is easier to absorb than pills!

"Let's go."

The spring rain was drizzling.

Li Che drank the wine, healed his wounds, and got the meal. He did not stay in the restaurant for long. He leaned forward, crashed into the wind and rain, and waved his hand.

Gradually disappeared into the dark Tinglei Lane.

The big black dog walked back from the spring rain, slanting his eyes and glancing at Li Che.

Li Che stretched out his hand to touch the dog's head, but the big black dog suddenly raised his paws, and the pads on the dog's paws seemed to swell up suddenly, full of murderous spirit.

Thinking of the miserable state of the yellow sword wine, Li Che withdrew his hand with a smile.

But he had already secretly remembered it in his heart.

This dog's head.

He Li Che was determined to touch it!



The cold rain slapped his face randomly.

Huang Jianjiu's body twitched violently, and then he suddenly woke up from his coma. He widened his eyes, and powerful blood and qi burst out. The sword energy raged around, cutting the ground with sword marks.

Rubbing the back of his head, Huang Jianjiu felt pain, and even his soul that cast the golden body was in great pain at the back of his head.

"What happened?"

"That master plotted against me?"

Huang Jianjiu took a deep breath, and his memory... seemed to have been bitten off, and he couldn't remember many scenes.

However, his nose moved, even though the spring rain washed the air clear, but he still smelled the smell of wine in his nasal cavity.

"What a nice smell of wine... so nice... but why can't I remember which tavern it is?"

"I'll find it... I'll definitely find it..."

"I'm Huang Jianjiu, I'll never forget wine, only wine will keep me company!"

Huang Jianjiu staggered to his feet, looking sloppy, rubbing his swollen back of the head, and walked towards the gate of the Shenzong Mountain.



Tinglei Lane, independent workshop courtyard.

Li Che withdrew his consciousness.

After watching Huang Jianjiu's figure disappear in the rain, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Did you forget where the restaurant is?"

"Did you forget what you saw last night?"

Li Che's eyes narrowed slightly.

This big black dog...

Is it so weird?

It's not difficult to make ordinary people lose some of their memories.

Even Li Che can do it now, but to make the supreme grandmaster with three flowers on his head and the golden body real person who has completed the golden body transformation lose their memories...

This is definitely not an easy task.

"What is the origin of the boss and the dog?"

Li Che felt a cloud of fog lingering in front of his eyes, lingering and lingering.

However, he did not think about it for too long.

Because if the boss and the dog really had bad intentions, Li Che would have sensed it long ago.

The dog just disliked him, and his attitude towards Xixi was completely different...

It was enough for them to be nice to Xixi.

As for how he, Li Che, was treated, he did not care.

The spring rain always fell continuously, and Li Che sat under the eaves of the yard.

Closed his eyes and felt the harvest of this battle.

The harvest of this night was really huge. First of all, it was a breakthrough at the level of divinity, integrating the ape god into the god base, and completing the carving of the god's appearance.

Although it was just completed, it would take a lot of time to continue carving the details until every monkey hair connected to the god could be seen in detail.

It was considered to be perfect.

Another big harvest was the magical art of [Law of Heaven and Earth]!

Shenwu can be understood as the divine martial arts that have been practiced before, but it cannot be simply considered as such.

Shenwu is a difficult version of divine martial arts, with higher difficulty and greater power. It is a product of the near-perfect fusion of divinity and martial arts!

"There are nine changes in total, and now I can only complete one change."

"The divine martial arts of [Law of Heaven and Earth] is extremely powerful. The more variables there are, the more terrible it is!"

Li Che's eyes sparkled.

"This divine martial arts should be at the level of Sanqing. To achieve the improvement of variables, it requires a dual improvement of divine power and physical power to reach the level of being able to carry variables!"

"For example, the second change, with my current physical body, I can still bear it, but... the divine power is not enough, so I can't transform!"

The [Dragon Elephant Vajra] Dao fruit in Li Che's chest trembled, as if an electric current shot out, allowing Li Che to quickly understand.

The mind moved slightly.

In front of him, a stream of light flashed.

[Tao Fruit: Dragon Elephant King Kong (LV4, 65%)]

Li Che was slightly startled. The improvement was not much, because the only person killed in this battle was Su Huaili, which basically did not provide any maturity?

The will of the corpse god that was killed and exploded... is it not included?

Li Che thought about it and understood...

The will of the corpse god... that thing is the same as the will of the previous martial saint. It is just a will incarnation, not a real corpse god. It can only be regarded as the maturity transformed by the experience of fighting.

However, it is enough.

Su Huaili's death made Li Che feel a little relieved, and he could relax for a while.

Although there is still a threat from a demon boy, like a sword hanging over his head, the mushroom cloud fireworks were bombarded by the main battle tank before, which gave the opponent some deterrence. The opponent should not dare to take action in a short time.

"In fact, killing Su Huaili tonight can only be regarded as the smallest gain, and there is another big gain..."

Li Che's face was covered with a heartfelt and brilliant smile from the bottom of his heart.

Raising his hand, a piece of top-grade Qiankun jade appeared in his hand.

"The Qiankun Jade of that Xiantian Grandmaster!"

Li Che smiled from ear to ear.

I asked you to protect Su Huaili, so he, Li Che, will not be polite!

Long Tai is a Xiantian Grandmaster who has reached the state of unity between man and nature.

The martial arts will is extremely powerful, and it is also attached to this Qiankun Jade.

So, if Li Che uses overbearing means to directly destroy the Qiankun Jade, it is afraid that the Qiankun Jade will be directly destroyed, and the good things inside will also be destroyed.

So, Li Che chose the safest way, letting the Wuque Heart Dao Fruit directly devour this top-grade Qiankun Jade.

In an instant, Long Tai's extremely powerful martial arts will, before it burst out, seemed to have lost its sustenance, and slowly disappeared between heaven and earth.

Li Che smiled and began to count the treasures of a Xiantian Grandmaster!

This is always the happiest time for Li Che.

Whether to get rich or not, it's just a matter of thought!

"As expected of a congenital grandmaster! He is indeed wealthy!"

"Is this the Five Elders' Divine Crystal?!"

Li Che's breathing suddenly became intense!

He clenched his five fingers, and a divine crystal with a much darker luster suddenly appeared in his hand.

Zhaixingtong gave a prompt feedback!

Five Elders' lower-level divine crystal!

The crystal was only the size of a pebble, covered with prismatic lines, and milky white smoke was rolling inside.

There were only about 40% left, which meant that this divine crystal had been absorbed by Long Tai for more than half!

But, there was still 40% of flawless divinity left!

Buzz buzz buzz——

In the chest, the Immaculate Heart Dao Fruit was beating!

Li Che's face moved slightly. The Immaculate Heart Dao Fruit was notoriously picky. When there was only the first divine crystal of each grade, the Immaculate Heart Dao Fruit was the most enjoyable.

When the amount absorbed exceeded the total amount of one, the Immaculate Heart Dao Fruit would get tired of it.

The speed of absorbing and refining the divine nature of the divine crystal will become extremely slow.

Li Che now, even if he holds the Six-Divine Crystal, the speed and efficiency of absorption are greatly reduced.

Sitting cross-legged.

Li Che's mind moved, holding this 40% new Five Elders Divine Crystal, and operating the absorption!

Instantly, the Immaculate Heart Dao Fruit beat, and the powerful absorption power burst out.

However, the speed of absorption and refining is still a little different from what I imagined, just like the first time I refined the Six-Divine Crystal, the speed is relatively slow.

Sure enough, the previous refining feeling of flying is gone forever.

Suddenly, Li Che's heart moved slightly, but he found that in the inner scene of the mud pill.

The True Ape God of Law Heaven and Earth was also absorbing and pulling the divinity in the divine crystal, turning into smoke and lingering around, slowly penetrating into it, making the True Ape God slowly grow stronger!

"The True Ape God can also absorb the divinity in the divine crystal?"

Li Che's mind moved.

He took out another Six-Divine Crystal.


The True Ape God's eyes opened and closed, and the majestic power of absorbing and swallowing burst out instantly, and the divinity in the entire Six-Divine Crystal was swallowed up crazily!

And the True Ape God was like a bottomless pit.

Li Che exhaled, and the corners of his lips couldn't help but raise a curve.

It would be good to be able to swallow the Divine Crystal to improve, so that Li Che would have more motivation to obtain the enemy's gifts!

In the future, I can touch the corpse more hard and happily!


After losing the target, touching the corpse will become boring!

"A Pure Heart Dao Fruit, a True Ape Divine Form... they are both gold-swallowing beasts waiting to be fed!"

"Even compared to Xixi, he is a gold-swallowing beast..."

"Being a father...has a long way to go."

Li Che shook his head.

After swallowing the Wugou Heart Dao Fruit for a while, he felt full. After he could no longer swallow it, Li Che put away the Five Elders Divine Crystal.

After some perception, about 10% of the divinity is missing.

The efficiency is much better than Li Che imagined.

"It's a pity... there is only one divine crystal among the lower five elders."

"Huh? It seems that the divine crystals in the past rarely had different levels, but now even the divine crystals have levels?"

Li Che was suddenly startled.

The higher the quality of the divine crystal, the more detailed the classification. After all, the divine power contained within is very different.

Continue counting.

"The magic weapon, a set of magic armor of the Governor of the Divine Guard Army, low grade of the Sixth Division, acceptable, and a sword issued by the Governor of the Divine Guard Army, low grade of the Sixth Division... There are no other magic weapons."

"It's a pity that the long-handled crocodile-head ax in Long Tai's hand seems to be a five-old magic weapon that has never been obtained."

Li Che felt a little regretful, but if he sold two low-grade magic weapons from the Sixth Division to the Temple Town Division, he should be able to sell them for a lot.

"Huh? This is...a fifth-level elixir?!"


Li Che's eyes fluctuated violently again.

Breathing a little faster.

He suddenly took out the black porcelain bottle and poured out a wisp of brown-black Wudan the size of a thumbnail!

The strong Qi and blood are rolling majestically!

Just one sniff, and you can feel the energy and blood in your body churning uncontrollably!

Star-catching eyes, endless analysis!

"Fifth level low-grade three-clawed true dragon blood martial pill!"

"nice one!"

Li Che laughed and put it away politely.

Now that he has just made a breakthrough in cultivation, this is not the time to take it.

Continuing to count, there are also a lot of six-level elixirs, which is enough for Li Che to practice for a long time!

As for martial arts, there aren't many surprises.

Because Li Che had practiced five martial arts secrets, so even though he obtained one martial arts secret from Long Tai's Qiankun Jade, it could only be regarded as ordinary.

However, a piece of ordinary blood-colored jade made the [Dragon Elephant Vajra] Tao Fruit tremble slightly.

Li Che almost missed this thing.

As a result, because the Dao Fruit was trembling, Li Che glanced at it again and took it out.

Holding the jade in his hand, Li Che scanned it with his consciousness and didn't notice anything unusual.

The next moment, with a thought in Li Che's mind, his heart pounded, and the Ten Thousand Transformations Dragon Elephant Divine Gang spurted out and poured into the jade.

Suddenly, the blood-colored jade seemed to burn instantly, and it was actually covered with dense blood-colored lines, just like the meridians of the human body!'s a little incomplete!

"This is……"

Li Che was slightly shocked.

Star-catching pupil is activated.

[Divine Seed (Martial Arts): Blood Crocodile Splitting Heavenly Palm (Incomplete)]

[Craftsmanship: Pure martial arts derived from the unique skills of martial sages and integrated with the divine arts of temple gods. The martial arts of incomplete divine species can condense the innate true power, and the perfect divine species can bloom three flowers]

Li Che's eyes suddenly lit up!

Martial arts beyond the martial arts of the Martial Saint? !

God's seed...

It's for martial arts!

According to Li Che's understanding of martial arts, if the Shengang Grand Master wanted to break through to the Xiantian Grand Master.

It is necessary to have three hundred and sixty orifices opened, to connect the orifices, to unite with the heaven and earth, to realize the unity of heaven and man, in order to give birth to the innate Qi and condense the innate heavenly energy!

But now, practicing the incomplete martial arts of the divine species... can directly condense the innate power!

Moreover, divine martial arts... can give birth to a unique method similar to a small magical power!

"Moreover, a complete divine seed can even bloom the innate flower on top..."

Li Che let out a breath and felt very good. He finally had a glimpse of the road behind Grandmaster Shengang.

Slowly closing his eyes, he thought of You Liqing's terrifying punch. It was just a punch, but it left him injured and bleeding. This was the first time Li Che had been so seriously injured!

Li Che will remember this grudge!

Take out the long-lost notebook and write it down.

Sooner or later, I have to call back!

Li Che glanced at the next few sundries and stopped counting them.

Then he took out the Qiankun Jade from Su Huai...

After Su Huaili arrived in Daocheng, he spent all his resources on various things. He even had a lot of stuff about the Corpse God Cult, and Li Che wasn't even interested in looking at it.

After completing the inventory, Li Che was in a good mood.

He stood up, his muscles and bones crackling all over his body.

He glanced at the sky and stopped practicing martial arts in the yard.

Instruct the clones of [Immortal in the Painting] to work hard to refine the divine crystals, practice hard, and not be lazy.

Li Che clenched his fingers.

Returned to the courtyard of Liuxiang Lane.

The courtyard door opens.

The sky was dark and the spring rain was falling lightly.

What he met was a pair of eyes that were extremely resentful.

Dressed in Tsing Yi and holding a cat-face mask in his hand, Li Qingshan looked at him sadly.

"Ache, you won't take me with you?"

Li Che: "..."

"I have heard the wanted voice issued by the Divine Guards..."

"All my colleagues in the underworld are wanted, including the Bull Demon, Horse Face, Monkey God, and even Black and White Wuchang..."

Li Qingshan leaned against the eaves and looked at the sky.

The spring rain and wind blowing tonight are all filled with sadness.

"But there is no cat face..."

Li Che felt sad for Li Qingshan.

He was speechless and choked.

Li Qingshan shook his head and got up in despair: "I understand."

"I understand."

"I want to become stronger..."

"When I enter the Shenzong Mountain Gate, I will attack the Grand Master..."

Li Qingshan shook his head and floated back into the house as if he had lost his soul.

Li Che felt bad for Li Qingshan.

It wasn't that he didn't call Li Qingshan on purpose, it was mainly because... he forgot.

It happened suddenly. After all, the ape god suddenly activated and broke through to the divine form...


"My pot, I forgot to call you in the underworld god's cross mirror."

Li Che sighed.

Definitely next time.

After bidding farewell to Li Qingshan, Li Che returned to the house.

Xixi had just fallen asleep, and Zhang Ya was covering her with a quilt, although Xixi's current master's physique didn't need a quilt at all.

However, as parents, Li Che and Zhang Ya still subconsciously cover Xixi with a quilt.

It doesn't matter if you catch a cold or not.

This is the subconscious concern of parents.


Li Che smiled gently.

Zhang Ya nodded lightly, took two steps, and hugged Li Che.

Li Che drank the dragon blood wine...and suddenly felt a little restless.

Directly mobilizing the chessboard of heaven and earth, he isolated the room and also isolated Xiaoxi, who was sleeping soundly on the bed.

Then, with blazing eyes, Li Che picked up his wife by the waist.

Zhang Ya suddenly blushed, feeling the burning heat from her husband's breath, and pursed her lips.

Then he wrapped his arms around Li Che's neck.

When pieces of clothing are taken off.

Zhang Ya suddenly saw the wound on Li Che's shoulder that had not yet fully healed. Although the fist was offset by the dragon's blood, the recovery speed of the wound was slower than before.

Zhang Ya's eyes revealed a hint of distress and panic: "Mr. sir... are you injured?"

Li Che smiled softly: "It's a small matter."

"It's a big deal now to transfuse my wife's blood."

The spring rain rolled outside the window, and the figures inside the house were rolling.

The night was like a dream, and the sweat was like spring rain.

The next day.

Li Che got up refreshed.

By the way, Xixi, who was about to sleep in, also woke up.

"The boss made the dumplings specially for you, do you want to eat them?"

Li Che leaned into Xixi's ear and shouted.

Xixi immediately jumped up from the bed. If Li Che hadn't grabbed her ankle, this girl might have smashed through the roof.

"Dumplings, where are the dumplings?"

"Dad, Xixi wants to eat dumplings!"

Xixi had already started to swallow her saliva.

Li Che was a little surprised, how could this little girl's strength increase so much all of a sudden, and her energy and blood were constantly boiling.

And the majestic divinity emanating from Xixi...

Almost impossible to contain and control.

Li Che's eyes narrowed slightly, becoming more solemn than ever before.


Are you going to condense the divine base? !

Seven thousand words. Lao Li went to the hospital today to take a X-ray. His lungs were really nodular... and he also had emphysema... he was numb and his mind was a little confused when he came back. Now that he has thought about it, go ahead! I will continue to work hard to make money to recuperate from illness. It’s a new month soon. Please support me with monthly votes! Everyone, don’t stop reading, it’s about the recommended pk for the shelves, everyone helps Lao Li, Lao Li, thank you!

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